Bwcp Police Busts Suck  

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Post #141

QUOTE(MAN RACER @ Jan 15 2008, 06:26 PM) [snapback]1281816707[/snapback]

I got a speeding ticket on the 1-1-08 driving home from the coast .The coppa shoed me the radar whilest recording my comments !!! The radar gun shoed 127 in a 110 zone i denied speeding ans his reply was the reason he picked me out was i was going passed other cars ,i said i was overtaking as you do when the cars are under the speed limmit .Anuway comes back tells me he will lower the fin to 120 1 point $100 bucks .Then with a cheeky grin i say thanks u sure u didnt pull me ova cause im DFECTV Wich are our custom plates on a near stock Mazda 2 mags and tint then he chuckles and tells me he loves the plates atleast he had a sense of humour Maybe i was still tired from the nights cellerbrations

nah, once he got up to your window he probably realised the size of you and shit himself and lowered the fine tongue.gif

Post #142

QUOTE(GTR120WHY @ Jan 15 2008, 10:48 AM) [snapback]1281814830[/snapback]

Because it drastically changes the way a car handles and if you crash up a gutter then the risk of flipping the car as it bottoms out on the gutter is higher, then you die instead of just fuking yourself up dunno.gif Oh and if you run over someone then they get dragged along under the car because they can't come out the back because of not enough clearance.
I think

It is easier for a car with standard suspension to rotate further if it bottoms out or hits a gutter, as the suspension is designed to move further. on the other hand suspension that has been modified therefore has a lower centre of gravity making it more difficult to roll a vehicle with modified or lowered suspension.
It would be easier for a person to be dragged under a car that is at a standard height then a lowered vehicle as physics will show that the higher you hit someone the more chance they have to be propelled downwards, Where if you hit someone with a car that has modified suspension ( lowered) the person will be propelled upwards not under the vehicle. In addition to this the lower the vehicle the less room there is to fit a person under it.

My 2c

joe blo
Post #143

i dont think its because of people going under the car. i think it may be if you bottomout and hit your sump or something going 50 or 100 ks youl crash.

Post #144

QUOTE(joe blo @ Jan 15 2008, 08:02 PM) [snapback]1281817100[/snapback]

i dont think its because of people going under the car. i think it may be if you bottomout and hit your sump or something going 50 or 100 ks youl crash.

The bump stops in your vehicle will not allow it to bottom out.

I guess it doesnt help that australian roads are crap and not very well maintained, Maybe they should be focussing on this a bit more

joe blo
Post #145

i dont mean the suspension bottoms out. i meant if your sump or bottom of the car hits the road if you hit a bump you will slide on the sump and crash. i was watching some cars on a bit of road and noticed how close the underneath of the car was to the road going over this slope in the road sorta thing. if it was a mega low car it would hit. im probably totally wrong but it seems like a reasonable idea about suspension height

Post #146

it also has alot to do with bumpsteer, which is unsafe.


"Bumpsteer is one of the most misunderstood suspension terms out there. It's often blamed for other suspension problems, yet ignored when it IS the problem.

Basically, bumpsteer is defined as "unwanted toe changes occurring during vertical suspension travel". It most often shows up when one tire hits a bump (while the other doesn't), causing a toe change that makes the car steer in that direction. Bumpsteer happens when the arc of the control arm and the arc of the tie rod assembly differ - in either angle or radius length. Most cars have some degree of bumpsteer from the factory. The bumpsteer worsens when we change ride height, suspension components, and/or suspension geometry".

810 OUT
Post #147

well said^

Post #148

it's also possible to get bumpsteer with air bag suspension, it happens to me all the time when i drop one side of the car when cruisin along, lol, the car just pulls off to oneside

Post #149

nice to see we are on topic here tongue.gif

on that note:
Its BWCP what more would you expect?

Post #150

QUOTE(MissMX5 @ Jan 15 2008, 07:49 PM) [snapback]1281817047[/snapback]

It is easier for a car with standard suspension to rotate further if it bottoms out or hits a gutter, as the suspension is designed to move further. on the other hand suspension that has been modified therefore has a lower centre of gravity making it more difficult to roll a vehicle with modified or lowered suspension.
It would be easier for a person to be dragged under a car that is at a standard height then a lowered vehicle as physics will show that the higher you hit someone the more chance they have to be propelled downwards, Where if you hit someone with a car that has modified suspension ( lowered) the person will be propelled upwards not under the vehicle. In addition to this the lower the vehicle the less room there is to fit a person under it.

My 2c


Most cars with "modified" suspension are generally just a set of springs thrown in. Things like commodores etc where they dont replace the shocks can cause the springs to fall out in a large enough bump. Because a lowered vehicle HAS generally stiffer suspension, it will often more likely roll than a standard car, due to the standard cars suspension travel. Sort of works the same principle as 4wd suspension travel.

Whilst a lowered vehicle might not fit someone under it, chances are they are going to go OVER it, this is the issue, not someone going under. They only time that someone might go under a car under realistic circumstances, is when the vehicle is a 4wd or has a decent ride height. Having seen someone go over the bonnet, into the windscreen and up into the air before returning to earth head first, I can clearly say it would hurt like a motherfucker.

The rules are there for a reason, they just didnt get a heap of old people, do a survey, sip some tea and dip some cookies and make it law...........

Post #151

sorry im way behind the times here....BWCP??/ whats that stand for?

Post #152

QUOTE(51KRX @ Jan 16 2008, 09:57 AM) [snapback]1281818563[/snapback]

sorry im way behind the times here....BWCP??/ whats that stand for?

BroadWater Car Park

Post #153

QUOTE(HSV @ Jan 16 2008, 10:36 AM) [snapback]1281818667[/snapback]

BroadWater Car Park

thanks dude

Post #154

7 pages n this shit still going lol

Post #155

i think it wouldn't be such a problem if the police had proper Public relations. instead of doing everything the sneaky hidden way, maybe make it an open thing, let people know the laws (because a lot of people don't even know their car is illegal or defectable) and only book the people who are countless offenders, i think if you have been caught 3 times for a BOV you can't complain any more about the piggers bending you over! i can't say that my car is legal or not because i have no clue what laws they could pull out on me! as people have said they have a large book full of laws that they can choose anything from!

instead of spoiling the fun, they could go at it from a happy medium then they're actually teaching people wats wrong instead of making everyone angry, acusing them of revenue raising and hating the cops!

no matter what you can't stop people hating the cops, but you can create that happy medium

Post #156

QUOTE(hampton @ Jan 16 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1281819159[/snapback]

i think it wouldn't be such a problem if the police had proper Public relations. instead of doing everything the sneaky hidden way, maybe make it an open thing, let people know the laws (because a lot of people don't even know their car is illegal or defectable) and only book the people who are countless offenders, i think if you have been caught 3 times for a BOV you can't complain any more about the piggers bending you over! i can't say that my car is legal or not because i have no clue what laws they could pull out on me! as people have said they have a large book full of laws that they can choose anything from!

instead of spoiling the fun, they could go at it from a happy medium then they're actually teaching people wats wrong instead of making everyone angry, acusing them of revenue raising and hating the cops!

no matter what you can't stop people hating the cops, but you can create that happy medium

Mate that is the best thing said in this thread.

Why dont the police have a day where they can tell us what is right and wrong. Have a day where we can take our cars and ask them to inspect your car without issuing tickets but giving people a guide on what is legal.
Im sure the responsible people would be all for it. Yes i know there is legislation and the traffic act. But there seems to be some coppers that just pull out there ticket book and start writing it up as they stereotype a young guy driving a modified vehicle.

Post #157

QUOTE(hampton @ Jan 16 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1281819159[/snapback]

i think it wouldn't be such a problem if the police had proper Public relations. instead of doing everything the sneaky hidden way, maybe make it an open thing, let people know the laws (because a lot of people don't even know their car is illegal or defectable) and only book the people who are countless offenders, i think if you have been caught 3 times for a BOV you can't complain any more about the piggers bending you over! i can't say that my car is legal or not because i have no clue what laws they could pull out on me! as people have said they have a large book full of laws that they can choose anything from!

instead of spoiling the fun, they could go at it from a happy medium then they're actually teaching people wats wrong instead of making everyone angry, acusing them of revenue raising and hating the cops!

no matter what you can't stop people hating the cops, but you can create that happy medium

mate i do agree to some extent but when you go about modifying your car isn't it your responsibilty to make sure it's legal? you're changing something certified as legal to suit your tastes so wouldn't it be your job to make sure it stays legal? just saying

edit: i agree it is hard to get concrete info from QT at times though

Post #158

but what if you buy a car with mods, or you dont actually know that certain law exists and your car is illegal? rwc and safety certificates don't guarantee your car isn't defectable.. i just think iti would be a good thing for them to do to create a bit of peace...

Post #159

QUOTE(hampton @ Jan 16 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1281819159[/snapback]

i think it wouldn't be such a problem if the police had proper Public relations. instead of doing everything the sneaky hidden way, maybe make it an open thing, let people know the laws (because a lot of people don't even know their car is illegal or defectable) and only book the people who are countless offenders, i think if you have been caught 3 times for a BOV you can't complain any more about the piggers bending you over! i can't say that my car is legal or not because i have no clue what laws they could pull out on me! as people have said they have a large book full of laws that they can choose anything from!

instead of spoiling the fun, they could go at it from a happy medium then they're actually teaching people wats wrong instead of making everyone angry, acusing them of revenue raising and hating the cops!

no matter what you can't stop people hating the cops, but you can create that happy medium

Too busy making money.

What's so dangerous about a BOV etc..

I would love a police officer to spill the beans on what goes on behind the doors in the traffic policing department.

I give NO respect to a cop who is an arse when you're polite and courteous towards them.

Rookie ROX
Post #160

QUOTE(hampton @ Jan 16 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1281819159[/snapback]

i think it wouldn't be such a problem if the police had proper Public relations. instead of doing everything the sneaky hidden way, maybe make it an open thing, let people know the laws (because a lot of people don't even know their car is illegal or defectable) and only book the people who are countless offenders, i think if you have been caught 3 times for a BOV you can't complain any more about the piggers bending you over! i can't say that my car is legal or not because i have no clue what laws they could pull out on me! as people have said they have a large book full of laws that they can choose anything from!

instead of spoiling the fun, they could go at it from a happy medium then they're actually teaching people wats wrong instead of making everyone angry, acusing them of revenue raising and hating the cops!

QUOTE(hampton @ Jan 16 2008, 12:46 PM) [snapback]1281819297[/snapback]

but what if you buy a car with mods, or you dont actually know that certain law exists and your car is illegal? rwc and safety certificates don't guarantee your car isn't defectable.. i just think iti would be a good thing for them to do to create a bit of peace...

That's not their problem though. Ignorance is no excuse. It's your responsibility to make sure what you do, or what you buy, meets the standards. Pretty much everything you need to know if available online as a PDF. If you're unsure, ask before doing it. That's where the problem lays in that people just think they can do anything then whinge when they get caught. Or alternatively a lot of them know the laws and ignore them.

But there has been times where you can take your car and have police inspect it, Cameron who has been attending CB cruises has been doing that being a police officer.

QUOTE(mr_tx3T @ Jan 16 2008, 12:54 PM) [snapback]1281819326[/snapback]

What's so dangerous about a BOV etc..

Nothing. But neither is not having a catalytic converter. It's a defect for failing to comply with EPA regulations. It should be passing through the cat, and an atmospheric BOV fails to do that. Get a plumbback and you don't have an issue.


Post #161

this all happens because dickheads in stock vn s skid every were tha go our street looks like a burnout pad cos of dickheads and if i was a cop i would pull every fuk head up with skiders on tha bak another problem is yong people cant handle power as much as thay think thay can thay carnt thumbsup.gif

B Unit
Post #162

QUOTE(slo202 @ Jan 16 2008, 07:17 PM) [snapback]1281820878[/snapback]

this all happens because dickheads in stock vn s skid every were tha go our street looks like a burnout pad cos of dickheads and if i was a cop i would pull every fuk head up with skiders on tha bak another problem is yong people cant handle power as much as thay think thay can thay carnt thumbsup.gif

And this coming from a P plater, I'm impressed.

Post #163

[quote name='B Unit' date='Jan 16 2008, 07:34 PM' post='1281820944']
And this coming from a P plater, I'm impressed.
[/quo its true my dad is real if ya wana drag go 2 a track as he dose nd i will be doin tha same when i get a car were its safe

Post #164

People still go there? What's wrong with you people?

Post #165

QUOTE(boozt @ Jan 16 2008, 07:54 PM) [snapback]1281821013[/snapback]

People still go there? What's wrong with you people?

the police are tryin to get all moded cars of the road end of story

Rookie ROX
Post #166

QUOTE(slo202 @ Jan 16 2008, 08:01 PM) [snapback]1281821049[/snapback]

the police are tryin to get all moded cars of the road end of story

You just went from sounding that someone with reasonable maturity and intelligence (despite the terrible spelling), to a typical idiot.


Post #167

QUOTE(Rookie ROX @ Jan 16 2008, 08:03 PM) [snapback]1281821057[/snapback]

You just went from sounding that someone with reasonable maturity and intelligence (despite the terrible spelling), to a typical idiot.


man my thero is right if its moded its not leagle

QUOTE(slo202 @ Jan 16 2008, 08:06 PM) [snapback]1281821065[/snapback]

man my thero is right if its moded its not leagle

i hate it but its true you cant beat them there word is final sorry man but yer it aint bad for me as i got p plate rulz but i feel sorry for a you people that love modded cars thumbsup.gif

Post #168

you quoted yourself?

Post #169

^^^ HAHA this thread is gay.

Post #170

QUOTE(slo202 @ Jan 16 2008, 08:01 PM) [snapback]1281821049[/snapback]

the police are tryin to get all moded cars of the road end of story

QUOTE(slo202 @ Jan 16 2008, 08:08 PM) [snapback]1281821065[/snapback]

man my thero is right if its moded its not leagle
i hate it but its true you cant beat them there word is final sorry man but yer it aint bad for me as i got p plate rulz but i feel sorry for a you people that love modded cars thumbsup.gif

All modded cars are illegal?
yeah right.
And if you feel so sorry for those of us that are car enthusiasts, maybe you should go join a knitting forum or something more to your liking.

Post #171

I can admit, In my younger day I was no angel on the roads... I lost my licence for it. I have had it back for a few months now and i have come to realise its not a right to have a licence and drive a modded up car, its a privilage. I agree with the comments with 90% of the comments made through this topic. All I want to do is go for a drive, with my slightly modified car and not be done for it. its the likes of some people through this topic that spoil it for the rest of us and in a sence get all our arses reamed 13". However, its your choice to do your car up the way you wish and you must accept the consequences if you have modded your ride outside the laws. Yes some police are out for revenue raising but the majority are trying to clean up the streets to make our roads a safer place. As for driving to Willowbank Raceway and having a defect station on the entrace to champions way, Its wrong. They want us young drivers who have the need for speed and want to go drifting and racing in a safe enviroment, however they want to give us a nice fine on the way in as well. But like i said its your choice to how you mod your car.

As for having a day to explain what we can and can not do to our cars is a good idea however for some its justa waste of time because they wont make the effort to help all of us fellow car enthusitests out and keep us all happy and most important safe.

Post #172

They don't want us off the roads and they don't want to fix anything or make tracks, that would stop the money flow. They blitz it every month or so, if its was every week no one would go out which would = zero dollars.

Rookie ROX
Post #173

QUOTE(SACK @ Jan 16 2008, 10:20 PM) [snapback]1281821657[/snapback]

They don't want us off the roads and they don't want to fix anything or make tracks, that would stop the money flow. They blitz it every month or so, if its was every week no one would go out which would = zero dollars.

Yep because that $75 for a defect goes a long way to paying the cost of the employment of the officer to issue it and process it later and the administration costs of putting it through the system and ensuring it's all right. They may have enough to buy a Chupa Chup! To share between 10,000 employees. rolleyes.gif

If the Government wanted to make serious money, there's certainly easier ways to do that, put magically, unlike popular belief, that's not their point!


Post #174

QUOTE(Ryanator @ Jan 16 2008, 09:48 PM) [snapback]1281821538[/snapback]

I can admit, In my younger day I was no angel on the roads... I lost my licence for it. I have had it back for a few months now and i have come to realise its not a right to have a licence and drive a modded up car, its a privilage. I agree with the comments with 90% of the comments made through this topic. All I want to do is go for a drive, with my slightly modified car and not be done for it. its the likes of some people through this topic that spoil it for the rest of us and in a sence get all our arses reamed 13". However, its your choice to do your car up the way you wish and you must accept the consequences if you have modded your ride outside the laws. Yes some police are out for revenue raising but the majority are trying to clean up the streets to make our roads a safer place. As for driving to Willowbank Raceway and having a defect station on the entrace to champions way, Its wrong. They want us young drivers who have the need for speed and want to go drifting and racing in a safe enviroment, however they want to give us a nice fine on the way in as well. But like i said its your choice to how you mod your car.

As for having a day to explain what we can and can not do to our cars is a good idea however for some its justa waste of time because they wont make the effort to help all of us fellow car enthusitests out and keep us all happy and most important safe.

if you drive your ILLEGALLY modified vehicle on a PUBLIC road, doesnt matter where your going or what your going there for, how is that wrong??
most petty stations have trailers for hire, which i'm sure would be much cheaper than paying for the defects i've seen most imports get.

I personally drive a legally modified car, I have 3 mod plates under my bonnet with paperwork to match in the glove box, it did cost me a bit more but its saved me quite a few times. i also have the guidelines to 'roadworthiness' in there as well, which puts cops off when its sitting on the passenger seat when i get pulled over.

Post #175

No i mean the Police taking it to the next step and trying to fault for little things. I dont condone illegally moddified cars cause if they hit me my insurance wont pay for a longer period of time.

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