Haunted Places In Brisbane  

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Post #71

QUOTE(marc0-polo @ Jan 13 2008, 07:15 PM) [snapback]1281809066[/snapback]

who is your sister? my mates went out there one night and they all got a real scare apparently. then they were gunna go there again and they were in a car crashon the way...

post is almost 2 years old

has anyone ever been into the old buildings opposite the highway entrance to the wolston jail? think its an old military base.

not haunted or anything but near one of our old houses in the bush there was this half built house, was really weird because all the foundations were laid but there was trees growing inside the walls, and was in the middle of the bush

Post #72

His username was -ben-.

Picture after it was enhanced in photoshop, can't find the original anymore.
IPB Image

Original post here:


Post #73

If you find it then post up the link and the thread

Beat me to it

Post #74

ghost cruise sounds like a buzz!!

ive been to toowong cemetary at night 6/7 yrs ago when i was on my P's and was hoping to get spooked but absolutly nothing!

ive only been spooked once and my eyes are watering right now and ive got goose bumps thinking about it.

about 1 and a bit years ago me and my gf booked a small cabin at a place called GORDEN COUNTRY, out near warick. we were planing to stay there for 4 nights. its a place out in the sticks with some 4x4 tracks which i heard were ok so i thought it'd be nice to stay in a cabin for once instead of a tent and it was only $100 for 2 nights.

we rocked up in the morning and unpacked our car and everything in this cabin was like 70/80 yrs old. there is no electricity here also. there was a little working kerosene fridge and an old coal stove thing that i didnt know how to work. outside was a little deck and a bill-can fire place. and also no locks on the doors. there were 6 cabins in total spread out over the area. the day was about 0 degrese and light rain all day.

all is fine throught the day. we go exploring the tracks and our friend drives up from brisbane to play on the tracks with us. we had lunch on the fire place and they left. we were the only ones on the property now.

night time comes...

my gf starts to get scared and wants to leave. i like it here and i want to stay so we go inside and sit on the bed so i can talk her into staying. then i hear really faint music coming from outside in the distance. oh good i think as there is another group staying in another cabin and we arnt alone. i go outside to see and the music stops. wtf? i cant see anything coz its pitch black, no lights anywhere. i go back in to her.

when i get inside and start talking to her again i hear the faint music again and she hears nothing so again i go outside on the deck to see or listen to where the music is coming from but as soon as i get outside the music stops. fuck, now i start to get scared and go back inside.

i sit on the bed and think what should we do as its just the begining of the night and we are both scared in the middle of the bush with no one around and someone could easy kill us and no one would know but we have paid $100 already and am i just being paranoid. then i start to hear the music a little louder, its clearly playing but she cant hear it and then all of a sudden, shivering now, we hear distinct footsteps walking just ouside on our deck as i someone is walking there! oh fuck! so shitting myself i go over to the doorway and peer slowly around the corner ready for something and nothing there. i have a strong torch so i shine it around everywhere and walk around the cabin and check under it and nothing! fuck this we're leaving so as quick as possible we pack the car. she packed while i walked next to her with the torch and a stick incase of anything.

when the car was packed we were off, through the gate and down the dirt rd out of there. the next day we booked a place at mt tamborine for 3 nights, much better, and rang the gorden country owner and told them to cancel the other nights we were booked in for and what happened. she said that people arnt usually spooked. never again...

Post #75

Ok what are we looking at? the real easy spotted person standing up or that little shadowey thing which i think appears to be a black dog with white paws beside the person?

Post #76

Put me down for this one. im keen

Post #77

hey all i have a few places that i kno of but me n my mate only like small numbers they are all on the northside. if anyone is interested on comin out on a night with me n my mate PM me and we can take u out

also my own house has a few spirits in it but they are all nice so no1 gets freaked out unless its their first time seeing one LOL they dont kno what to do

Post #78

im scared jus reading all these hahaha na id be keen as!

Post #79

QUOTE(chappy1 @ Jan 14 2008, 01:32 AM) [snapback]1281810278[/snapback]

ghost cruise sounds like a buzz!!

ive been to toowong cemetary at night 6/7 yrs ago when i was on my P's and was hoping to get spooked but absolutly nothing!
ive only been spooked once and my eyes are watering right now and ive got goose bumps thinking about it.
about 1 and a bit years ago me and my gf booked a small cabin at a place called GORDEN COUNTRY, out near warick. we were planing to stay there for 4 nights. its a place out in the sticks with some 4x4 tracks which i heard were ok so i thought it'd be nice to stay in a cabin for once instead of a tent and it was only $100 for 2 nights.

we rocked up in the morning and unpacked our car and everything in this cabin was like 70/80 yrs old. there is no electricity here also. there was a little working kerosene fridge and an old coal stove thing that i didnt know how to work. outside was a little deck and a bill-can fire place. and also no locks on the doors. there were 6 cabins in total spread out over the area. the day was about 0 degrese and light rain all day.

all is fine throught the day. we go exploring the tracks and our friend drives up from brisbane to play on the tracks with us. we had lunch on the fire place and they left. we were the only ones on the property now.

night time comes...

my gf starts to get scared and wants to leave. i like it here and i want to stay so we go inside and sit on the bed so i can talk her into staying. then i hear really faint music coming from outside in the distance. oh good i think as there is another group staying in another cabin and we arnt alone. i go outside to see and the music stops. wtf? i cant see anything coz its pitch black, no lights anywhere. i go back in to her.

when i get inside and start talking to her again i hear the faint music again and she hears nothing so again i go outside on the deck to see or listen to where the music is coming from but as soon as i get outside the music stops. fuck, now i start to get scared and go back inside.

i sit on the bed and think what should we do as its just the begining of the night and we are both scared in the middle of the bush with no one around and someone could easy kill us and no one would know but we have paid $100 already and am i just being paranoid. then i start to hear the music a little louder, its clearly playing but she cant hear it and then all of a sudden, shivering now, we hear distinct footsteps walking just ouside on our deck as i someone is walking there! oh fuck! so shitting myself i go over to the doorway and peer slowly around the corner ready for something and nothing there. i have a strong torch so i shine it around everywhere and walk around the cabin and check under it and nothing! fuck this we're leaving so as quick as possible we pack the car. she packed while i walked next to her with the torch and a stick incase of anything.

when the car was packed we were off, through the gate and down the dirt rd out of there. the next day we booked a place at mt tamborine for 3 nights, much better, and rang the gorden country owner and told them to cancel the other nights we were booked in for and what happened. she said that people arnt usually spooked. never again...

Damnnn im shieting me self just reading that =\

Post #80

Has anyone been to the place called "Dead Horse Paddock"?

It's in Pallara. Like, across the road from the old Animal Testing Center which is now the dump.

There is a whole story ebhind it about some farmer who woke up one day and saw a heap of crows hovering over the corner of his property.

He went there and found his horses, three or four of them I think, all mutilated and decapitated.

Story goes about the Pallara Yowie.

The police came to the conclusion that the mutilation was too savage to be done by a person, and the marks, supposedly claws, were not made of any known animal.

Then comes into the story about the Animal Testing Center having a breakout, which supposedly caused the "Yowie".

It's a freaky place, chills run up your spine and cars are known to refuse to start once you pull over.

Not haunted per say, but worth a look.

Post #81

QUOTE(INTGRAD @ Jan 14 2008, 11:50 AM) [snapback]1281811095[/snapback]

Has anyone been to the place called "Dead Horse Paddock"?

It's in Pallara. Like, across the road from the old Animal Testing Center which is now the dump.

There is a whole story ebhind it about some farmer who woke up one day and saw a heap of crows hovering over the corner of his property.

He went there and found his horses, three or four of them I think, all mutilated and decapitated.

Story goes about the Pallara Yowie.

The police came to the conclusion that the mutilation was too savage to be done by a person, and the marks, supposedly claws, were not made of any known animal.

Then comes into the story about the Animal Testing Center having a breakout, which supposedly caused the "Yowie".

It's a freaky place, chills run up your spine and cars are known to refuse to start once you pull over.

Not haunted per say, but worth a look.


Post #82

QUOTE(INTGRAD @ Jan 14 2008, 11:50 AM) [snapback]1281811095[/snapback]

Has anyone been to the place called "Dead Horse Paddock"?

It's in Pallara. Like, across the road from the old Animal Testing Center which is now the dump.

There is a whole story ebhind it about some farmer who woke up one day and saw a heap of crows hovering over the corner of his property.

He went there and found his horses, three or four of them I think, all mutilated and decapitated.

Story goes about the Pallara Yowie.

The police came to the conclusion that the mutilation was too savage to be done by a person, and the marks, supposedly claws, were not made of any known animal.

Then comes into the story about the Animal Testing Center having a breakout, which supposedly caused the "Yowie".

It's a freaky place, chills run up your spine and cars are known to refuse to start once you pull over.

Not haunted per say, but worth a look.

Isn't that a Steve Spielberg movie?

Post #83

you want a really fucked up night?

go to wacol mental institution, not the current one, but the abandoned one behind it smile.gif

Post #84

QUOTE(INTGRAD @ Jan 14 2008, 11:50 AM) [snapback]1281811095[/snapback]

Has anyone been to the place called "Dead Horse Paddock"?

It's in Pallara. Like, across the road from the old Animal Testing Center which is now the dump.

There is a whole story ebhind it about some farmer who woke up one day and saw a heap of crows hovering over the corner of his property.

He went there and found his horses, three or four of them I think, all mutilated and decapitated.

Story goes about the Pallara Yowie.

The police came to the conclusion that the mutilation was too savage to be done by a person, and the marks, supposedly claws, were not made of any known animal.

Then comes into the story about the Animal Testing Center having a breakout, which supposedly caused the "Yowie".

It's a freaky place, chills run up your spine and cars are known to refuse to start once you pull over.

Not haunted per say, but worth a look.

One of my uncles and some of his friends wen place similar to this, my uncles friend ended up signing himself into a mental hospital after the incident. They said something picked up the rear of the car while they were driving.. dunno.gif

Still ohnoes.gif

QUOTE(57IKS @ Jan 14 2008, 01:38 PM) [snapback]1281811429[/snapback]

you want a really fucked up night?

go to wacol mental institution, not the current one, but the abandoned one behind it smile.gif

A few of my friend's have been hitting me up to go out there, but they're all wankers and try their hardest just to scare you so it aint worth going with them.

Post #85

QUOTE(57IKS @ Jan 14 2008, 01:38 PM) [snapback]1281811429[/snapback]

you want a really fucked up night?

go to wacol mental institution, not the current one, but the abandoned one behind it smile.gif

yea...keen as on that....driving to ippy the other night and went into the car park at Wacol prison...haha freaked my gf jus that!

Post #86

QUOTE(harlzkant @ Jan 14 2008, 02:08 AM) [snapback]1281810294[/snapback]

Ok what are we looking at? the real easy spotted person standing up or that little shadowey thing which i think appears to be a black dog with white paws beside the person?

what are we meant to be seeing in the photo?

Post #87

pallara lol.. its just a dump and some houses in paddocks.

Post #88

QUOTE(numbnuts38au @ Jan 14 2008, 02:49 PM) [snapback]1281811677[/snapback]

what are we meant to be seeing in the photo?

See the black figure standing up? Looks like a guy with a black jacket on and really skinny legs...Well it's not supposed to be there.

Post #89

QUOTE(ZippidyDooDah @ Jan 14 2008, 03:59 PM) [snapback]1281811935[/snapback]

See the black figure standing up? Looks like a guy with a black jacket on and really skinny legs...Well it's not supposed to be there.

But do you see the black like dog figure with white paws sitting beside him to the left or is it just a shadow?

Post #90

just recently, my girlfriend went to the toowong cemetry ghost tour. she said it wasn't that scary, and that there were more theatrics than anything else, like one of the hosts being a woman dressed up, and kind of sounds like morticia or something like that. Also there are meant to be like vampires in the 13th avenue in the cemetery (the host wouldn't take them down there)... dunno.gif

Also, she used to work in the Supreme Court, and the filing room there is like really old, and looks like a dungeon and stuff, meant to be haunted, but was generally just a really spooky and creepy place (according to my girlfriend).

I used to live in Tassie, and done the whole Port Arthur ghost tour. Sorry but was very disappointed... it is a really spooky place, but I was expecting to see a ghost and did not.

Back in Tassie when I was in yr2 or 3, there was always an excursion to a place called hagley farm, which was a farm for school excursions (alot of schools used it), and one night most of my class saw a ghost. I can't remember what I was doing, but I walked into the main living space, and all the kids were hiding under the tables and stuff crying. Me oblivious to what was going on, didn't understand what was happening, and wasn't until I asked someone what was happening, that i found out about their sighting.... to this day I have been disappointed with spooky stuff, but I still believe!!!

Post #91

Man this stuff freaks me out. just reading the thread, and the older thread, then phone rang and no one was there for like 20 seconds. probably nothing lol, but still freaky shit

Forced Fed Datto
Post #92

QUOTE(blunt @ Jan 5 2006, 07:17 PM) [snapback]5784300[/snapback]

IPB Image

Ba hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Thats GOLD!!!!!!!

Post #93

QUOTE(Mr-RX @ Jan 13 2008, 05:36 PM)

There is a small cemetery off mt cotton road.

Many have claimed to see a women trying to get a ride, Those who stopped said she vanished after awhile, Those who did not stop said she appeared in there back seat in many many pieces.

Yeah i have heard that too. And i belive its the old dirt German Church road off Mt cotton road. We went and checked it out at 2.00am in the morning..such deep bush..such narrow road..so quiet. We didnt go far before we hung a U-turn lol

Also there is a hill near my street, and when your half way up it and release the handbrake, the car all of a sudden rolls down the hill and just goes faster and faster!.. FREAKY SHIT! ohnoes.gif

Post #94

QUOTE(Jusdrifn 86 @ Jan 5 2006, 07:05 PM) [snapback]5784269[/snapback]

JC Slaughter falls around the back of Mt Cootha,
Some mental hostpital out along the centenary highway
and the toowong cemetry are the places the halloween cruise visited, i didnt get scared once...

the security gaurds that told us to get fucked at the mental hostpital were scarier

yeah i heard of that mental hospital my friend got attacked there by something every1 ran except one of his mates, who took a pictue of the thing in the back ground, now that picture dont want to lode on his fone when u habe a look at it. i wasnt there personaly but my friend swears on his mothers life that he is not bullshiting and he will neva go there again.

Post #95

QUOTE(PyrotiX @ Jan 14 2008, 01:18 PM) [snapback]1281811360[/snapback]

Isn't that a Steve Spielberg movie?


If you look up in the old newspaper records, this whole incident went for a few weeks...

Police investigations etc.

Scary shite.

One of my uncles and some of his friends wen place similar to this, my uncles friend ended up signing himself into a mental hospital after the incident. They said something picked up the rear of the car while they were driving.. dunno.gif


Got out of the car, just kept thinking something was watching us, then it got the best of us and we got back in the car.

Took about 5 goes for the car to start...

Scariest shit ever when you're car doesn't start while sitting there...

And you can see holes all over the opposite fence to the paddock...

Post #96

so whens another ghost cruise gonna be organised? biggrin.gif.....

Post #97

Iam starting to shit myself reading all these ghost stories !! ohnoes.gif

Post #98

QUOTE(james_1986 @ Jan 15 2008, 10:03 PM) [snapback]1281817604[/snapback]

so whens another ghost cruise gonna be organised? biggrin.gif.....

Most likely April smile.gif more details are coming shortly..

Post #99

QUOTE(PyrotiX @ Jan 15 2008, 10:13 PM) [snapback]1281817641[/snapback]

Most likely April smile.gif more details are coming shortly..

YAY keep us posted! give us early notice as ill have to buy some spare undies smile.gif

Post #100

anyone heard of the haunted street in forest lake? i think the name of the street is woogaroo or some shit similiar. just by the bus stop

a few years ago my bf, his twin brother and two other guys were driving down there at 3am and saw some girl in a white dress floating in the middle of the street, she disappeared when they got closer and they were full shitting themselves hahaha they felt something touch the back of their heads one after the other. my bf said it felt like really dry fingers across the back of his neck and one of the guys in the back seat had his hair pulled. i'm too scared to believe him even though he's a straight up no bullshitting type of guy. he told me he screamed like a girl.

it must be true cos what kind of man admits to screaming like a girl lol

Post #101

QUOTE(RiceEatinEuroLover @ Jan 16 2008, 08:00 PM) [snapback]1281821042[/snapback]
it must be true cos what kind of man admits to screaming like a girl lol


Post #102

does anyone know of any haunted places between ipswich and toowoomba???

Post #103

Ive heard of relatvies go to maitland gaol on a tour thing and they have wnated to go home half way through said it scared the shit out of them anyone else got info on it?

Post #104

been to slaughter falls a few times, weird shit happens dont no if its just unlucky tho,

all of our cars with central locking wuldnt work with the button n had to use the key,

we hav had a branch thrown at us,

wen we where there we were talkin about insurance jobs on our cars n just joking sayin wish we crash so we get insurance,
on the way home friends crashed in to each other at the vulture street exit coming out of the city the marks r still there into the barrier at a high speed, both cars gone


Post #105

either way guys i am sure everyone's gonna turn up lol

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