Christmas Cruise 2007 - kickin it ol schooool  

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Post #141

QUOTE(RetardedMonkey @ Dec 21 2007, 02:21 PM) [snapback]1281741036[/snapback]

Don't whinge here. You're the kind of people we don't want on this forum.

laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Post #142

Its always difficult organising a cruise of this nature
I myself was at the first Cannon Hill meet
Looked like a well organsised, thought out cruise from there

Its obvious this bitching is going no where lockd.gif


Post #143

ok guys. Opinions have been said. Lets leave it at that.


Post #144

whingeing and bitching? is that all it is?

i think you should all harden and shut the fuck up biggrin.gif.

was good to hear that it was a good cruise dru.... any pics?

Post #145

QUOTE(james_1986 @ Dec 21 2007, 04:49 PM) [snapback]1281741340[/snapback]

whingeing and bitching? is that all it is?
i think you should all harden and shut the fuck up biggrin.gif.
was good to hear that it was a good cruise dru.... any pics?

dale was getting around with a i geuss tonight there will be some up

Post #146

i went last night it was good at first at aspley good location. met up with ppl then everyone left as my mate (cruzwithme07) was pissin at Maccas lol so he legged it back then we left. C1VI3 or whoever said she went up robinson rd and got on the Gateway well the group we were following went along gympie rd and then through the windsor area and over the story bridge and followed shafston av to manly. not saying that it was their fault just no one knew who was doin what and then at manly ppl were drivin around to find the spot the group we followed went to the carpark at the boat club marina place it was big heaps of empty car spaces, dunno.gif
we were there for about 25 min talkin, waitin, ringin ppl then we left and a group drove by us so we tagged along one of the cars was AVENGE a blue VX ute there were some nice cars in it but they drove way too fast for ppl to keep up especially back streets and then now who looks stupid when everyone pulls up at the shittest display with like 2 strings of lights and some tinsel on a front porch hung up by drunk bogan dole bludgers. then everyone went to cleaveland and then the screw you guys i'm goin home pills kicked in.

Post #147

Obviously the lack of civility has gone out the window and we are forced to close this thread ...

I suggest people should pull their heads in on both sides and grow the F$%K up, it's a cruise and it's suppose to be fun ... if something goes wrong make a constructive criticism about it instead of being the e-warrior and bagging it out.

It's a thankless job being a cruise organiser if you try your best and something goes wrong, which might have been unforeseeable.

People take a laxative and go have a dump in the toilet cause some of you are just speaking shit

Thread closed

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