Christmas Cruise 2007 - kickin it ol schooool  

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Post #106

QUOTE(XPN53 @ Dec 21 2007, 09:56 AM) [snapback]1281740186[/snapback]

pull your head in.

we provided FULL directions and details. We're not responsible if you cant follow them.

who had the directions at the aspley meet? dunno.gif

Post #107

there was 2 cruise leaders. All you had to do is follow them to Manly where we had full directions and candy kanes.

Even provided a GPS image of "where" in manly we were meeting.

There is always one....

Post #108

There was no cruise leader at Aspley.

How do you get from Aspley to manly in half an hour again?

Post #109

LOL you guys are insane! If you read the instructions that I handed out to you all you would have known where to go.. It was clear that they were going to be given out at Manly..

If you left when I did on Northside (Aspley) you would have gotten there fine! I told you all we were going and you stood there looking around going HUH.. Maybe if ya listen next time you'll know where to go biggrin.gif It's rather easy, go over the gateway biggrin.gif It took me half an hour fine!

You guys constantly whinge about how our cruises suck, so why keep coming out to them?

Post #110

So you were the leader then CIV13?

So why didnt you wait for everyone then?

Spoolin D
Post #111

When i was there one group got in their cars and everyone followed suit, which included 57ING and Kyal and everyone else, or did you leave before that CIV13?

Post #112

QUOTE(CIV13 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:08 AM) [snapback]1281740225[/snapback]
t's rather easy, go over the gateway biggrin.gif It took me half an hour fine!

What if I didn't have $2.60 on me?

Post #113

QUOTE(CIV13 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:08 AM) [snapback]1281740225[/snapback]

biggrin.gif It's rather easy, go over the gateway biggrin.gif It took me half an hour fine!

Well you wouldnt have had any drama's, you were driving by yourself with no one following...................

Post #114

Hahaha pipe up why don't ya's.. I had ten cars behind me thanks very much.. Not my fault if you guys don't listen when I walk around to EVERYONE and tell you that we are going.. You would think that when you hear a car start you would follow suit? No.. ? Obviously not..

And as a matter of fact, I did wait, I got through the lights at Robinson Road and pulled over for a while, saw no one was coming so continued on..

If you didn't have 2.60 on you then you could have gone another way.. Either way you all knew the next meet was at Manly if you read the instructions, its not too hard to find your way there biggrin.gif

Post #115

QUOTE(CIV13 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:18 AM) [snapback]1281740258[/snapback]
If you didn't have 2.60 on you then you could have gone another way.. Either way you all knew the next meet was at Manly if you read the instructions, its not too hard to find your way there biggrin.gif

You're failing to see my point, if you expect people to find their own way there, then your cruise has already failed because it's not much of an organised cruise. You didn't tell people they had to pay a toll or anything?

Post #116

QUOTE(57ING @ Dec 21 2007, 09:39 AM) [snapback]1281740129[/snapback]

Was a shithouse "organised" cruise.

Should have just kept it to CB and not bought in anyone else from BC to suffer......



Post #117

So the cruise locations where given but the pack wasn't kept together ?

What happened ?

Post #118

i got lost a few times by following cars in the group that split up from the pack, like the red 200sx at the cannon hill meetup, what was the random u-turn for?

Post #119

As mentioned, the instructions for the "christmas lights cruise" were going to be given out at Manly.. I waited for everyone, after telling everyone at Aspley that we were leaving.. I shouldn't have to wait for twenty minutes while you all get yourselves together and get in your cars.. When a car leaves one would think you would all be smart enough to go OH WE ARE LEAVING better get in my car.. You knew the leaving time if you read the instructions you would have found your way there.. If you thought about it you would have realised that I might need $2.60 for something along the way.. You CANT expect Dru to baby you all and tell you every little nit picky thing.. Common sense would do it for you.. I am sure if you didn't have that anyway someone would be nice enough to give you that money, I know I would have if anyone was stuck.. In these days and times it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep every car together due to traffic lights etc.. I drove under the speed limit the entire time..

People didn't stay together cos once again they didn't read the directions which were written out step by step.. Don't blame Dru (XPN53) he had a WELL ORGANISED cruise.. People who read the directions and left when others did all got their fine smile.gif Quit whinging.. Don't come out anymore.. SImple!

Post #120

everyone ended up at the correct locations, just a diff times because some skipped the xmas lights etc.

Next time; will just stick to main roads - less (smaller) destinations.

Post #121

QUOTE(XPN53 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:48 AM) [snapback]1281740366[/snapback]

everyone ended up at the correct locations, just a diff times because some skipped the xmas lights etc.

Next time; will just stick to main roads - less (smaller) destinations.

Ahh ... thats what I thought

Just be careful when organising large cruises, taking to many backroads will get people lost generally.

Personally I think its commendable that you took up the challenge of organising a cruise for this event, but there are obviously some areas of fine tuning to be made smile.gif

Hopefully there have been lessons learnt and a hassle free cruise can be organised next time. thumbsup.gif

Post #122

On last year's ones organised on boost some cars got separated (I remember having to lead about 7 cars through the back streets round my area while we tried to track down where the other cars had gone laugh.gif) and there were a few delays. I think on a cruise like this some of that is just plain unavoidable. But maybe waiting for people to get to Manly before giving them directions wasn't such a flash idea.

Would have liked to go but I had other commitments on, sorry kids!

Post #123

never been on one but keen to check it out...does that matter?

Post #124

QUOTE(GTRVspec95 @ Dec 21 2007, 11:08 AM) [snapback]1281740447[/snapback]

Ahh ... thats what I thought

Just be careful when organising large cruises, taking to many backroads will get people lost generally.

Personally I think its commendable that you took up the challenge of organising a cruise for this event, but there are obviously some areas of fine tuning to be made smile.gif

Hopefully there have been lessons learnt and a hassle free cruise can be organised next time. thumbsup.gif

i used to organise big cruises 3 years ago. Bit too old to bring them back tho sad.gif

speed racer
Post #125

QUOTE(XPN53 @ Dec 21 2007, 11:29 AM) [snapback]1281740538[/snapback]

i used to organise big cruises 3 years ago. Bit too old to bring them back tho sad.gif

They were awesome!

Manic 180
Post #126

QUOTE(CIV13 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:08 AM) [snapback]1281740225[/snapback]

LOL you guys are insane! If you read the instructions that I handed out to you all you would have known where to go.. It was clear that they were going to be given out at Manly..

If you left when I did on Northside (Aspley) you would have gotten there fine! I told you all we were going and you stood there looking around going HUH.. Maybe if ya listen next time you'll know where to go biggrin.gif It's rather easy, go over the gateway biggrin.gif It took me half an hour fine!

You guys constantly whinge about how our cruises suck, so why keep coming out to them?

so where meant to guess who the cruise leader is and listen to them?

we had 5 or 6 people standing next to the white 200 and not a single person told us we were leaving.

not blaming you drew just a shame in the communication breakdown at our meet where about 15 cars were left behind.

Post #127

no worries man, have to catch up again one day.

Post #128

QUOTE(CIV13 @ Dec 21 2007, 10:08 AM) [snapback]1281740225[/snapback]

If you left when I did on Northside (Aspley) you would have gotten there fine! I told you all we were going and you stood there looking around going HUH.. Maybe if ya listen next time you'll know where to go biggrin.gif It's rather easy, go over the gateway biggrin.gif It took me half an hour fine!

we did leave with you, but the first set of lights sperated everyone up, and instead of stopping/slowing down for every one you just left.

Not having a dig at the cruise, im sure the people who made it had a awesome time, if it was anything like last years one it would have been sweet smile.gif

Post #129

QUOTE(57ING @ Dec 21 2007, 09:39 AM) [snapback]1281740129[/snapback]

Was a shithouse "organised" cruise.

Should have just kept it to CB and not bought in anyone else from BC to suffer......

How about harden the fuck up? If you didnt want to go on a CB cruise then you shouldnt of turned up. If you failed to misread the instructions... because your cant read english then tough luck bitches!!

was a WELL organized cruise props to you Dru! Had a blast smile.gif

Post #130

aww damnn
was looking forward to this cruise
ended up go-karting instead - hope you all had fun lol


Post #131

QUOTE(MSF70 @ Dec 21 2007, 01:20 PM) [snapback]1281740819[/snapback]

How about harden the fuck up? If you didnt want to go on a CB cruise then you shouldnt of turned up. If you failed to misread the instructions... because your cant read english then tough luck bitches!!

Excuse me? Have you read what happened? Do you follow?

Post #132

To put it simply, the cruise was well organised with some communication break down. The meeting spots were posted on the internet so everyone should have known where they were heading and if you were not diligent enough to look into what the quickest route would have been (obviously preparing yourself for a possible toll charge) then that is no one's fault but your own.

As CIV13 said, she did let everyone know at the Aspley meet when they were leaving. At any cruise, I expect to be lost from the main group due to other slow cars, traffic lights etc. so I at least figure out how I would most quickly get to the next destination before going on the cruise or at least have a refidex with me.

The cruise from Aspley left on time so you should have guaged from that who was the cruise leader if they were instructing to leave at the given time. Additionally, we weren't leaving from Manly until 30 minutes after the expected arrive time, so if you took longer than 30 minutes you had plenty of time to get there before we left. If you are saying that you took longer than an hour to get to the destination, then please explain??

Secondly, from Manly, some idiots decided to guide the cruise off course from word go without reading the directions. Again, not our fault that the directions were not read and followed. They were very detailed and many people made their way to the spots without being guided by us as cruise leaders. We managed to guide a decent sized group to both Christmas lights destinations and also met up with others at the second Christmas lights destination that had found their own way there by the obviously easy to read and follow directions.

We were running a bit late because we were having a lot of fun looking at the lights (the houses were amazing and fully decked out!!), so by the time we left, some decided to head home and others followed us to Cleveland Point where the cruise ended.

All in all, it was a very good night and we thank everyone for attending and behaving themselves.

We hope you enjoyed the candy canes and enjoyed the night as best you could.

Merry Christmas!!

Post #133

^^ well said smile.gif

QUOTE(57ING @ Dec 21 2007, 01:38 PM) [snapback]1281740885[/snapback]

Excuse me? Have you read what happened? Do you follow?

Excuse you? yes i have read what happened hence the reason to my post. And i obviously do follow because i dont get lost on cruises smile.gif but if i did i wouldnt be blaming everyone else

Post #134

QUOTE(MSF70 @ Dec 21 2007, 01:57 PM) [snapback]1281740959[/snapback]
^^ well said smile.gif
Excuse you? yes i have read what happened hence the reason to my post. And i obviously do follow because i dont get lost on cruises smile.gif but if i did i wouldnt be blaming everyone else

Then you obviously didn't read smile.gif

No-one said anything about getting lost? 57ING is saying that the cruise leader just upped and left and didn't wait for any cars that may have been caught at lights or were slow to leave. I'd be quite sure that he's more than capable of guiding himself to Manly, without the aid of instructions or a map.

So, if you would, please, go and read over what has been said, then reply with something more grown up? Thanks

Post #135

.......or just go back to CB and have a whinge on your own forum.

Post #136

rofl grown up? thats rich....
He obviously needs to pay more attention smile.gif

& if he was more than "capable" of going to manly by himself why sook about not following the cruise leader. I know jamie and i know she would of announced to EVERYONE that she was leaving.

I want to whinge here though biggrin.gif

Post #137

QUOTE(MSF70 @ Dec 21 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]1281741011[/snapback]

rofl grown up? thats rich....
He obviously needs to pay more attention smile.gif

& if he was more than "capable" of going to manly by himself why sook about not following the cruise leader. I know jamie and i know she would of announced to EVERYONE that she was leaving.

I want to whinge here though biggrin.gif

All Im saying is that she didnt. And she knows she didnt come up to me.

Post #138

haha this is a choice read. i agree with sting a few cb cruises ive been on they dont tell ppl when they are leavin so when ppl start drivin off your not sure if that the cruise leaving or if thats jus randoms goin sum where else.

Post #139

QUOTE(MSF70 @ Dec 21 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]1281741011[/snapback]
rofl grown up? thats rich....
He obviously needs to pay more attention smile.gif

& if he was more than "capable" of going to manly by himself why sook about not following the cruise leader. I know jamie and i know she would of announced to EVERYONE that she was leaving.

I want to whinge here though biggrin.gif

What's rich about me saying that? You obviously need to grow up and stop telling someone to 'harden the fuck up' (saying that is laughable in itself).

Why is it a sook? I see it as constructive criticism on how to better or improve a future cruise. What's the point in thinking you're doing everything perfect when really, people aren't pleased or happy with what has happened? If you're going to take up peoples time and organise it for them, they expect it to be 'well-organised' and they'll add input where input is needed.

Not to mention what's the point of a cruise, if all the cars are split up and in different places at different times? That's not a cruise, you might as well just go driving on your own, to wherever you please.

Don't whinge here. You're the kind of people we don't want on this forum.

Post #140

I'm not whinging.. I didn't go up to each individual person and say we were leaving.. But I yelled out twice we were leaving.. And went around to a few big groups to tell them that we were leaving.. From what I saw alot of you got to your cars.. Communication is the key to these things and its a shame that some of that was left behind at the meet.. Sorry for those who got left behind at lights, but I stuck under the speed limit the entire time.. Hopefully next time people can read all the instructions before they go on the cruise so that they know where to go and a bit more communication could be done..

I think it was a brillian cruise.. Merry Christmas smile.gif

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