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Post #36

QUOTE(vp_s_wagon @ Oct 31 2006, 08:30 PM) [snapback]1280420339[/snapback]

Needs a faster shutter speed (or u need a steadier hand).
Turn the ISO up or get a tripod and use a smaller aperture with a much longer exposure.
It Lacks sharpness because of the large aperture.

Might be worth going through ur shots and zooming on them (in-camera) and checking if u have motion blur.


Harry - the light in there is absolute shithouse and doesnt help with alot people walking around either. I thought about taking my tripod but didnt want to lug it around all day

Post #37

Yeah.... i was considerin takin the tripod in but left it in the boot as i didnt want to lug it around. I'm still tryin to figure out how to use the camera in terms of longer and shorter shutter speeds, etc.

Post #38

Photo's taken from the viewing decks down at Q1 on the Goldcoast yesterday.....

the 3rd one with the reflection was done on purpose.

the 5th one with the boat was also taken to get the ripples of the water.
turned out better then I thought it would and what I saw on the LCD screen of the camera.

Post #39

which ones yours

or dont you live in an apartment?

Post #40

which ones mine?
i dont live at Q1.... just went to the viewing deck up on level 77 and 78 for an hour yesterday afternoon.

Post #41

i now that you were up in Q1 but i meant do you live in on of the buildings in the photo
in sam by the way a friend of v.p wagons

dont worry about the speelin errors i type too fast for my co-ordinaton somtimes hehe!

Post #42

QUOTE(stempleton1991 @ Nov 6 2006, 10:38 AM) [snapback]1280439631[/snapback]

in sam by the way a friend of v.p wagons

We go to school together, Sam is 3 yrs younger though.

Sam, Q1 is like Burswood only 10 times more expensive. It is a Hotel.
He doesn't live there.


Post #43

Ahh, that made more sense VP.

Post #44

Just some photo's I took while staying down at the Q1 this wknd.
Organised a wknd at Q1 for my girlfriend's birthday.

View's of inside and outside the Q1, from the viewing deck of the goldcoast and as you can see, schoolies all over the beach.

Tried my best to keep the camera still while taking a photo of the Q1 itself at night.
The one taken is the best I found.

And of course... a couple of pics of inside the viewing platform at night as well as inside the apartment we stayed in.

Post #45

wooooooooooooooow - pretty!

how nice does that look! sheesh!

shit! look at all the schoolies on the beach!


Post #46

i <3 q1.

Post #47

umm, huh??

Post #48

woooooooooooooo Schoolies!!!
That's me!! Only in Perth

you need to use some less Auto and more Manual settings on ur camera... Damn ISO noise.
Get a tripod... Now!

Post #49

was flicking through the ISO settings. Never used the auto feature while down there.

Got a tripod, but didnt take it with me.
The time wasnt dedicated to taking photos but was playin with the camera at times so i thought i'd take some pics while im down there.
however, i aint taking no tripod up to the viewing platform.

Post #50

Photo of the christmas tree myself and my girlfriend just put up.
Thought I'd take a photo an see how well it came out.

Post #51

New photos I took of my liner from yesterday... found a new area just been developed which I found to be pretty good as a backdrop lite up at night.

Up at Mt Tamborine yesterday afternoon.

Post #52

a few pics of my mates gtr
same location as to where i took pics of my r33

Post #53

Really nice work. I think your landscape photography has come a long way since the photos posted on the first page. Just one tip search google or something for some lessons on using "Emphasis" in your photos which should help with you car photos. There is a couple of different types of emphasis and just a few that come to mind is Emphasis through relative size, emphasis through parrell lines (I sort of see that sort of emphasis in the last picture of the black R32 GTR), Emphasis through framing and Emphasis through repeatation (works well with adding a refelection of your image).

If you want me to explain how to do each of those let me know or just use google and search them up. There is more types of emphasis but I am drawing a mind blank at the moment.

Post #54

Just some of the pic's I took while away camping out past Warrick on the wknd.

Post #55

shots are awsome, but im not a fan of the reddish effect

Post #56

thats actually sepia
i perfer that one rather then just black & white.
however, i do have black & white ones which i can upload.

but my opinion is sepia adds more of a older look to the photo then black and white ones do.

Post #57

Yeah, it is sepia, but it is a really bad sepia (sorry, it's not ur fault, it's the program you use). The original sepia tones from film had a yellowish effect, you might want to try using a different program so that they look more like this:
IPB Image
Not bad shots, could perhaps do with a little bit of contrast, just to give them a bit more 'oompf' but on the whole, pretty decent.


Post #58

QUOTE(vp_s_wagon @ Apr 14 2007, 04:33 PM) [snapback]1280965234[/snapback]

Not bad shots, could perhaps do with a little bit of contrast, just to give them a bit more 'oompf' but on the whole, pretty decent.


Cheers for the comment dude.
Tomorrow should be a pretty good day with the ANZAC parade in the city.
Hoping to get up for the dawn service as well.

4000W GTIR
Post #59

some nice photos there ay. keep up the great work

Post #60

havent posted anything for a while...
2x photo's i've recently taken with my new camera i brought a few months back.

these are photos that i've not editted in photoshop.
straight from the camera and have only been resized.

IPB Image

IPB Image

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