Import Cruise Again! To Bwcp! - Rebel Sport Car Park (Near Garden City) Saturday Night 26th May!&a  

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Post #141

I will definately have to turn up earlier and check out everyones pride and joy. Good thing there will be another one thumbsup.gif

Post #142

Poorly organised.

Post #143

QUOTE(mr_tx3T @ May 27 2007, 02:58 PM) [snapback]1281098370[/snapback]

Poorly organised.

i think we have already stated that

Post #144

I just want to join the bandwagon.

Post #145

When is the next one ?

Post #146

[quote name='snoopz' date='May 27 2007, 01:04 PM' post='1281098132']
I'd be interested in it as long as it would be organised better. When i got there, people were just standing around. If Skyline1 had gotten on a mega-phone and said, listen here import people, we are leaving in 5, follow then stock 180sx. Things would of been better tongue.gif

Mega-phone, good one. It would defently work laugh.gif

[quote name='snoopz' date='May 27 2007, 01:29 PM' post='1281098176']
The megaphone wasn't meant to be literal. If someone simply states on this site exact details and who will be leading, then it shouldn't be a problem.

As i said b4 thats wat will be happening for the next one.
details r fine everybody just needs to follow the.
But i will be showing wat cars are leading so all will no.

[quote name='Boredstiff' date='May 27 2007, 02:03 PM' post='1281098255']
Yes i was there from 8 - 9, and there were only bout 20 - 25 cars that came and left in that time, snoopz n i weren't planning to go to BWCP last nite either, so we were jus wanting to check it out for next time smile.gif

Yea fair enough, next won will be huge!
[quote name='M.A.D' date='May 27 2007, 02:18 PM' post='1281098282']
I went, met a few people , snoopz, Boredstiff and your other mate in the maroon 33 (i was the loner in the Golf haha), and followed old mate in the Eunos through surfers. was good, but ended up leaving not long after we got down the coast. next time ill try and let some of my other mates know about it, as they are locals to the area.
Sounds good mate,
Hope 2 c u there on next one!

[quote name='snoopz' date='May 27 2007, 02:47 PM' post='1281098347']
I will definately have to turn up earlier and check out everyones pride and joy. Good thing there will be another one thumbsup.gif

Yeah mate, will be creating them every now and then. Hoping they get bigger and bigger! they should.

[quote name='mr_tx3T' date='May 27 2007, 02:58 PM' post='1281098370']
Poorly organised.

Yep we no Bro.

QUOTE(MrVlt @ May 27 2007, 03:21 PM) [snapback]1281098420[/snapback]

When is the next one ?

Yeah not 100% sure when, but i will defently let u no.

Post #147

If anyone has any pics let me no

Post #148

I was at the bwcp... cruise meet was a bit late for my liking cause of having to be up early for work this morning so headed down with a mate

was the only GTO there so someone should have seen me tongue.gif

Post #149

I took some pics of mine n m8's 33 but they turned out useless, a cruise to GC autosalon on Sat perhaps (2.6.07)? We meet up n head down ?

Post #150

QUOTE(Boredstiff @ May 27 2007, 10:25 PM) [snapback]1281099883[/snapback]

I took some pics of mine n m8's 33 but they turned out useless, a cruise to GC autosalon on Sat perhaps (2.6.07)? We meet up n head down ?

mmmm sounds like not bad idea!
We'll see wat happens ay!

Post #151

have we got any pics yet?

I don't think I'll make it for the 2nd.. Sort of busy with a mates car and getting my gurads rolled (hopefully)

Post #152

QUOTE(IRN82 @ May 27 2007, 08:56 PM) [snapback]1281099576[/snapback]

I was at the bwcp... cruise meet was a bit late for my liking cause of having to be up early for work this morning so headed down with a mate

was the only GTO there so someone should have seen me tongue.gif

i saw you. didnt go to the meet due to me already being at the coast so wld have been kinda stupid for me to drive up here just to turn around and drive back down

Post #153

QUOTE(SXGIRL @ May 29 2007, 09:52 AM) [snapback]1281104310[/snapback]

i saw you. didnt go to the meet due to me already being at the coast so wld have been kinda stupid for me to drive up here just to turn around and drive back down


4000W GTIR
Post #154

yea so who has any piks from the cruise i wanna see them drool.gif

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