Import Cruise Again! To Bwcp! - Rebel Sport Car Park (Near Garden City) Saturday Night 26th May!&a  

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Post #106

QUOTE(4000W GTIR @ May 26 2007, 10:40 AM) [snapback]1281095672[/snapback]

sorry guys i cant make tonight. other things have came up. jus dave or anyone should take some piks and post it on here. to let eyeryone there was some nice imports out. well have a good nite guys. no street racing tongue.gif

Thats alright man,
Yeah really good idea hopefully heaps of people take pictures and post them up.
Sounds good wink.gif
QUOTE(Ports86 @ May 26 2007, 10:43 AM) [snapback]1281095678[/snapback]

Yeah if you do another one let us know cos i might be able to post it up on GTi-R forums


No worries mate i will be making another one so yea i will do that
Cheers thumbsup.gif

Post #107

This is looking huge!
Should be a fun night.

Post #108

QUOTE(G-Ready10 @ May 26 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]1281096094[/snapback]

This is looking huge!
Should be a fun night.

Looks to be a good night! I've posted this up on in the Queensland Events Section hoping for a big night Tony!

Other Forum members, maybe post it on other forums if you're a member too!

Jusdrifn 86
Post #109

cya there, im bringing some of JEALOUSY car club..

Post #110

I would like to come, might be able to get there. But have a VW. Is that ok?

Post #111

I made a call and asked a friend if he would take a mate and myself on this cruise in his car, its gonna be a first for all of us.. We're excited.. two 15 yr old car nuts going on first cruise biggrin.gif

Post #112

sorry could'nt make it this stage ive got a family issue to resolve

4000W GTIR
Post #113

looking like its goin to be a great nite. wish i could come. have fun guys

Post #114

Not long now..

See you all there!


Post #115

sorry tony i'm pulling out this weekend, still tweaking it, let us know wen u're having the next one. cheers mate.

Post #116

Be there soon couple of hours then home.

4000W GTIR
Post #117

how was it guys??? many cars turnd up??? and who got photos??? smile.gif

Post #118

yer it was good smile.gif saw some nice cars out

Post #119

yeah was a good night out
I went out in stealth mode last night tongue.gif

4000W GTIR
Post #120

so any of use take any piks

Post #121

there was a coupple of young guys in a rex taking pics of everyones car, dont know if he will post em up

Post #122

There weren't that many cars there last night. I was expecting double what actually turned up. I think I almost hit the photographers? They were ready to take a photo and I just drove between them and a car, they jumped back.

Someone post some pics!

Post #123

So anyone no actually how many cars turned up??
I had a look at about 8:50 and it only seemed to be about 20!

Post #124

well considering it was 8:00pm meet and depart at 8:30 thats probably why u only saw 20 cars..... maybe next time we can ALL leave at 8:30?

Post #125

Oh yea tru, i thought it was 9:00 depart!
All togethere would of been better i agree!
how many were there at 8:30???

Post #126

My mate was there from about 8, and there was only about 25 in total. Some people just came round and left straight away. I was there at about 8:45 and people came up to us and asked when we were leaving. There was not much organisation or communication between the groups that had formed. So when a big group left, so did most of the little groups.

Post #127

the ones who left on time....about 10 to 15 max, i agree snoopz no offence to anyone there was a good turn out but no organisation once everyone met, lol i dont think anyone was in charge there anyways

Post #128

Yeah was very dodgy.
too many little groups!
Next time will Defently be more orginised!

Not sure wat happen was a little messed up!!
I will have to show the cars which is taken lead so then everyone knows!

Post #129

what car where u in skyline 1?

Post #130

The stock 180 which left at 8:30!
Meant to turn up in skyline with blue decals or 04 wrx!
Had to change my organisation of going down as well.

mines r34
Post #131

QUOTE(Skyline1 @ May 27 2007, 11:33 AM) [snapback]1281097891[/snapback]

The stock 180 which left at 8:30!
Meant to turn up in skyline with blue decals or 04 wrx!
Had to change my organisation of going down as well.

Yeah sorry bro,
People probaly didnt no u were there!
This cruise is very popular if we can get the organisation right, It will be awesome!
I will defently be there next time.

Post #132

QUOTE(Skyline1 @ May 27 2007, 11:33 AM) [snapback]1281097891[/snapback]

The stock 180 which left at 8:30!
Meant to turn up in skyline with blue decals or 04 wrx!
Had to change my organisation of going down as well.

o i think i remember that 180 hsdance.gif tongue.gif

Post #133

QUOTE(mines r34 @ May 27 2007, 11:47 AM) [snapback]1281097913[/snapback]

Yeah sorry bro,
People probaly didnt no u were there!
This cruise is very popular if we can get the organisation right, It will be awesome!
I will defently be there next time.

Yeah defently will be organised better on the next one!
will c u there;)

QUOTE(Excelix @ May 27 2007, 11:57 AM) [snapback]1281097944[/snapback]

o i think i remember that 180 hsdance.gif tongue.gif

Yeah its crap laugh.gif

Did anyone take any pics of any cars at Rebel carpark???

Post #134

yer the two young guys in the blue wrx were taking pictures...hope they post em up

Post #135

I'd be interested in it as long as it would be organised better. When i got there, people were just standing around. If Skyline1 had gotten on a mega-phone and said, listen here import people, we are leaving in 5, follow then stock 180sx. Things would of been better tongue.gif

Did everyone see my crazy driving, trying to find my mates? i was in the jzx100 chaser.

Post #136

i didnt even notice u were there snoopz tongue.gif seriously. yer the mega phone sounds kewl, and can u bring cocktail franks and party drinks for us all as well?

Post #137

The megaphone wasn't meant to be literal. If someone simply states on this site exact details and who will be leading, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Where were you parked? I was parked pretty far away, from office works. My car isn't loud enough to draw attention.

Post #138

i was parked directly across from dsm sonata and a skyline basically outside of officeworks

Post #139

Yes i was there from 8 - 9, and there were only bout 20 - 25 cars that came and left in that time, snoopz n i weren't planning to go to BWCP last nite either, so we were jus wanting to check it out for next time smile.gif

Post #140

I went, met a few people , snoopz, Boredstiff and your other mate in the maroon 33 (i was the loner in the Golf haha), and followed old mate in the Eunos through surfers. was good, but ended up leaving not long after we got down the coast. next time ill try and let some of my other mates know about it, as they are locals to the area.

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