Reeve's Toyota - MR2 AW11  

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Post #1 post 24th April 2007 - 02:01 PM
Engine: 1.6L 4-AGE 16v

Exhaust: stock-o-standard (as far as I can tell....)

Suspension: stocko also

Wheels: *ahem* again....stock....tongue.gif

Modifications: Ram air pod intake (I though it was just a pod, but the mechanic is calling it a "ram air pod" dunno.gif )

Stereo Audio / Visual: Yup, you guessed it. Stock. tongue.gif

Estimated Power: car is listed at 80kw. I'm guessing the pod maybe adds another 1 or 2? maybe not....

So here it is! my 1988 Toyota MR2 AW11. Picked it up this morning, took it to my bro for a detail and then went for a quick spin through the suburbs. Love this car to absolute peices. Its so amazingly fun to drive!

Current plans involve rims (badly needs rims. I'm thinking either some white enkei rims, or some 5 spoke bronze). Paint will at some point need redoing (lots and lots of chips). Interior I'm going to replace all the cloth with an "angry" orange vinyl. Needs a cd player too. Thinking of naming her "Black Betty" tongue.gif. if I can get 6 digit plates, maybe BLKBTY would be a good choice, if I ever go personal! tongue.gif

Let me know what you think!!!!

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Ooooh, there it is! sneaky little engine, hiding in my boot! tongue.gif


  • Boost Network 51
  • morro33
    Post #2

    looks alright

    Post #3

    Looks good! gl with it smile.gif

    Post #4

    Looks pretty zippy

    Post #5

    nice dude go the white rims i love white rims and all though i know the are mid mount engines still had to look twice to see the spare i under the bonnett post up some picks when you get the new rims

    Post #6

    Yeah I love white rims too biggrin.gif. gotta be careful though, they don't look awesome on every car smile.gif. thanks for the comments smile.gif

    Post #7

    nice pick up bro... looks like its in great condition! enjoy!

    Post #8

    looks like its in pretty good nick for an 88 model

    pity its not ZGE'd, those ones are hella fun to drive...

    Post #9

    Wanted a SC but there's a chance I may not pass my drivers test, which would mean selling the car!

    If I pass I can always do a quick conversion if I really feel the need. for the moment, 80-something kw is more than enough for me! Gotta learn how to drive first tongue.gif don't want the next pics of my car to it wrapped round a tree tongue.gif

    Post #10

    Looks good, suprised there was one out there so original

    Post #11

    4AGE power yo biggrin.gif awesome!!


    Post #12

    QUOTE(70XIN @ Apr 24 2007, 02:27 PM) [snapback]1280996099[/snapback]

    4AGE power yo

    Hehehe, butterfly valve just kicked in yo! facesjump.gif tongue.gif hehehe

    thanks again for comments. Yeah I was v. surprised to find one so stock. I really like it, leaves it a blank canvas for my brush! smile.gif

    Rookie ROX
    Post #13

    Damn that's one big mother of a siren (I'll assume that's what it is).

    Looks like it'll be a good car, the sharp lines take a while to grow on me though...


    Post #14

    Nice nice.

    BLK BTY is actually taken by a Black Mercedes (i think) down here on the Coast!

    Post #15

    QUOTE(Rookie ROX @ Apr 24 2007, 02:38 PM) [snapback]1280996139[/snapback]

    Damn that's one big mother of a siren (I'll assume that's what it is).

    Looks like it'll be a good car, the sharp lines take a while to grow on me though...

    Yah, its slightly large tongue.gif. As for the sharp lines, the first time I saw this car I thought it looks"interesting" is a nice way to put it tongue.gif. It grew on me though smile.gif.

    QUOTE(RetardedMonkey @ Apr 24 2007, 02:49 PM) [snapback]1280996172[/snapback]

    BLK BTY is actually taken by a Black Mercedes (i think) down here on the Coast!

    *goes to the shed and grabs a 25kg sledge*

    Not for long..... tongue.gif

    Post #16

    it looks awesome mate have fun with it.

    a pair of 15/16" white enkei would suit it awesome but up to you. post up some progress pics when you start to change it around.


    Post #17

    How much did u pick this up for if u don't mind me asking ?

    I have been looking at mr2's recently, but I think the next shape is far more modern looking

    Post #18

    Tidy mr2, looks in good nic.

    Post #19

    yeah looks like its in good nick.

    looks like ur an L plater, good luck with ur p's test!

    Post #20

    QUOTE(i_is_raf @ Apr 24 2007, 03:59 PM) [snapback]1280996444[/snapback]

    looks like ur an L plater, good luck with ur p's test!

    Hehehe yeah, I'm having the L plates ripped out in about 2 months, if I get in before the new regulations I'm going to leave the car without plates, but if I'm late, I'm going to replace the L plates with some pimpin green P plates. Should look pretty hot tongue.gif.

    Post #21

    nice MR2, rims should look great

    Post #22

    nice always wanted one of these.

    Post #23

    Thinking of these rims maybe....

    I really like these two, not sure about the blue though....

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    Not such a huge fan of this one, but I still don't mind it....

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    Post #24

    I would personally get rid of the spoiler and chuck diablo's on it.
    Not as big as these though.


    Post #25

    QUOTE(Reeve @ Apr 24 2007, 04:33 PM) [snapback]1280996580[/snapback]

    Thinking of these rims maybe....

    I really like these two, not sure about the blue though....

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    i reckon these would be the best, besides the blue on them.. hopefully its a sticker you can just take off tongue.gif haha..

    nice and tidy car! good luck and have fun with it!

    Post #26

    go the rims in the 2nd pic. it looks very clean and good in black. wen u get the rims u should lower the car aswell. good luk for ur test. i look forward to seeing pics of it wen the new rims are on. smile.gif

    Post #27

    Good choice man.

    And it's good to see an intelligent new driver on the road.

    Good luck with those plans... And get the rims with the blue...

    Post #28

    Nice car, looks clean.

    Usually I don't like wheels with centre caps or assembly bolts that much, but I think they would look pretty good on that sort of car.

    Post #29

    hehe, I'm not sure if I qualify as intelligent, but I try to at least think twice about everything do first! tongue.gif

    Yeah I'm really liking the idea of white rims. Going to be a bitch to keep clean, but thats why my brother is a car detailer tongue.gif. Pity he still charges me tongue.gif

    Thanks again! smile.gif

    Post #30

    nice mr2 looks tidy

    Post #31

    Some engine and suspension mods would be all I need to keep me satisfied, how much do these beasts way?

    Post #32

    Never the biggest fan, but the 'gearshift above the shoulder' (not quite literally but you get the idea) seating position always intrigued me! They look fun for sure!

    Post #33

    Neat mr2 you got there mate, even better as a first car (except for the boot space of course rolleyes.gif )

    These would look mean on it.

    Post #34

    Nice car mate. GL

    Post #35

    awesome aw11 man biggrin.gif..
    how much u pick her up for shes mint as!
    NA ftw! smile.gif

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