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Post #36

How would you feel, being the reason for the death of your boyfriend.

Post #37

fuken stupid dumb bitch. wasnt even licenced. makes me angry

BTW was the guy that passed away a member off boost?

Post #38

shit...lucky im not on anzac anymore cause from now on police will be pulling up everyone...MASSIVE CRACKDOWN

sad to hear RIP

Post #39

I am so sorry for the families that were involved with the crash. tears.gif I am also VERY glad you got out of that car and decided to walk home. The families of the victims need to have all the respect under the sun and we can only pray that the girl in hospital is ok and can go home to loved ones. Alcohol SUCKS!!!

Rookie ROX
Post #40

QUOTE(EDU57 @ Feb 16 2007, 03:52 PM) [snapback]1280772789[/snapback]

the reason the driver usually gets out of it better than the passenger is because the driver will instinctively try to protect themselves first.

Actually it usually has to do with the effects of alcohol. It relaxes the body and therefore makes them more likely to survive the impact. That's why you hardly ever hear of a drunk driver dying, always seems like it should be the other way around.

Sad thing to hear though


Post #41

Kudos to the news report and not using the usual "HIGH POWERED TURBO VEHICLE" shit they usually put.

Sorry to hear about that its always terrible. Having killing your boyfriend stuck on your concience for the rest of your life is punishment enough as well as whatever charges she will get handed. Some people dont learn until its too late. I dont know what id do if i killed my gf in the car.

Post #42

Condolences for your your loss...........


Deserves themselves right. Stupid speeds, drink driving, 120km/h over the limit on a surburban road and they dont expect something to go wrong? His fault for letting her drive the car, I hardly think he was telling her to slow down, her fault for driving it unlicensed, drunk and speeding. Sad as it is, they got what they deserve, apologies in advance if my bluntness puts you off.

Post #43

Hate to say it but I actually agree with HSV on this.... I do feel for the guys parents and family though.


Post #44

QUOTE(j o s h @ Feb 18 2007, 03:39 PM) [snapback]1280776905[/snapback]
Kudos to the news report and not using the usual "HIGH POWERED TURBO VEHICLE" shit they usually put.

Sorry to hear about that its always terrible. Having killing your boyfriend stuck on your concience for the rest of your life is punishment enough as well as whatever charges she will get handed. Some people dont learn until its too late. I dont know what id do if i killed my gf in the car.

I heard channel nine yesterday say.

"High Powered Nissan Skyline"


Sad to hear sad.gif

Post #45

QUOTE(idriveacamry:( @ Feb 16 2007, 10:09 AM) [snapback]1280771872[/snapback]

He = dead

She = probably charged with dangerous driving causing death ( with a circumstance of aggrevation if she was over the limit) so possibly jail
What a waste,
I just dont understand why those who decide to drink drive, dont drive cautiously, they go 180kph I guess their inhibitions etc are lowered by alcohol.

I remember driving home drunk 2 streets from home, i was sketching out going 30 k's the whole way home, when i got home and sober i kicked myself for being such a fucking retard. Will never do it again head_wall.gif

Post #46

sorry to hear that

Post #47

QUOTE(Daz_V6si @ Feb 18 2007, 05:33 PM) [snapback]1280777141[/snapback]

Hate to say it but I actually agree with HSV on this.... I do feel for the guys parents and family though.


I'm with you guys.

Although still sad to hear.

Post #48

yea i seen the crash on my way home from my mates.

was a very big mess, as i have drink drive and got caught, thats why i have no license, and i have been kicking myself for 6 months over it, but that girl is goin to live with that for life, but doin 160km/h + that is just asking for trouble,

R.I.P RYAN , and does anybody no if he was a member on boost ?

Post #49

Sad, I lost a friend about a week and a half ago, but not to drink driving. sad.gif People will never learn, they always think they can make it home and stuff. I think there needs to be something else apart from DD commercials??

Post #50

sorry bout the loss but i think its really really really wrong to post the crash.im sorry but thats my opinion. especially on utube. im sure the family are pretty ticked about it if they knew.

my 2cents

Rookie ROX
Post #51

QUOTE(BoostedDave @ Feb 20 2007, 10:54 AM) [snapback]1280782954[/snapback]

I think there needs to be something else apart from DD commercials??

Without trying to take this too far off topic - what do you suggest?


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