Dd Ftl - if your ever going to read something read this and take it on board  

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  • eighty-eight
  • anti-ricer
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Post #1 post 16th February 2007 - 05:24 AM
hey guys and girls.

I have a little story about last night and the death of a acquaintance.
I knew this guy His name was ryan and he had a GF, ive met him a few times and talked a bit about cars top dude... anyway last night we were at a friends place drinking (no i didnt drive) and he was driving his fairly stock r33 gtst.

I left at about 12am-1am and i thought he was staying there the night with our other friends cause he had been drinking.. About 20mins into walking home i see his car FLYING down the road parallel to the one im walking on (150+). As im walking into a servo about 10 mins after that, I see a firetruck go past and thought nothing of it.

Anyway about a hour later i get a phone call when im a street away from my house saying ryans car is next to totaled in the back of kippa ring service station.

So my good mate who saw it while driving past came and picked me up to take me there.. i made a statement and told them what had been happening. The officer on the scene told me that his GF was driving and had lost control of the car at around 180-kph heading up anzac avenue(60 zone). The servo was completely blocked off but they let me in and CH10 news was there and it might be aired tomorrow on the 5pm news.

Shes now in critical condition at the royal brisbane and hes in the redcliffe hospital morgue.

So if your going to take anything out of reading this take the lesson to not drink and drive or do not get in a car with a drunk driver. I am unbelievably lucky because i was considering to get a lift with them.

VIDEOS on the cars aftermath:


This post has been edited by eighty-eight: Feb 16 2007, 11:27 AM
Post #2

Man sad story.

But to be honest, this is just like all the other DD commercials.
If they are going to drink and drive nothing is going to stop them.
Its not like when they are drinking they suddenly remember some commercial where some person dies and then goes "uh no, i won't drive"
Nice effort trying to spread the word tho.

Maybe get in contact with QT or Something and see if they can halp out.

Post #3

you were considering getting a lift from them but you thought they weren't driving home?

sad loss though, i personally have never been in this situation and don't want to be...

Post #4

Sad to hear

I still dont think the message will ever get across about drink driving imo, no matter how many times they've tried it never seems to work but lets hope with this new one of the guy in the wheel chair that it does

Dirty Luke
Post #5

thats sad...

more and more lives are being lost to drink driving, and yet people still dont get the message...

you made the right choice to walk home though, buddy

Post #6

what a waste

Post #7

Sorry to hear about your friend sad.gif

Manic 180
Post #8

very sad story, but i dont think people will ever learn

Post #9

sad to hear..
but 180kmph is ridiculous,

Post #10

He = dead

She = probably charged with dangerous driving causing death ( with a circumstance of aggrevation if she was over the limit) so possibly jail

What a waste,

I just dont understand why those who decide to drink drive, dont drive cautiously, they go 180kph I guess their inhibitions etc are lowered by alcohol.

Post #11

That sucks, its sad that it sometimes takes someone to die for people to learn.

Post #12

QUOTE(BozzA @ Feb 16 2007, 10:43 AM) [snapback]1280771944[/snapback]

That sucks, its sad that it sometimes takes someone to die for people to learn.
looking at it that way, not everyone out there in society has this experience, and there are still a lot of people out there who don't know what its like first hand. I don't know what its like to loose someone close in this kind of situation, all I can do is hear stories like this and keep it in mind.


Post #13

videos are in the first post now

Post #14

Rough Man. Hope your alright!

Post #15

dude that suks. by looking at the videos on youtube they were going fast. its a shit way to lose a life. RIP

Post #16

QUOTE(eighty-eight @ Feb 16 2007, 11:30 AM) [snapback]1280772061[/snapback]
videos are in the first post now
Shit, that's messed up sad.gif

Post #17

wow.. theres not much left of the car sad.gif

i feel really quite ill after reading/seeing that.

Thats terrible.

Hope you're ok, I know seeing something like that must have made you extremely uneasy :S

If she survives.. and shes not a vegetable.. she'll definitely be jailed..

and I reckon if she is "normal" when she recovers she'll have some severe guilt/mental problems for the rest of her life.

Post #18

dam..thats sad man..sh*t:(

Cheeky Devil
Post #19

sorry to hear sad.gif

Post #20

I didn't hear about this on the news dunno.gif

Sorry to hear, thats pretty messed up.

Post #21

my mates saw the after math of this last night. said it wasnt a pretty sight. sorry to here rowan.



Post #22

Just saw it on a news update on ch 10.

Post #23


Down the bottom of that link is a short write up on it

Passenger dies, driver hurt in crash

A MAN has been killed and a woman seriously injured in a crash at Redcliffe, north of Brisbane, early today.

Their vehicle left the road at the intersection of Elizabeth and Anzac Streets and crashed into a tree, police said.

The 24-year-old male passenger died at the scene.

The female driver was taken to Royal Brisbane Hospital in a serious condition.

Post #24

Saw it on the news today, could hardly recognize the car...

They said the girl was seriously injured but in a stable condition.

Post #25

i wonder how she'll live with herself now?

Post #26

sad.gif i hate when stuff like this happens...
they have just recently put a new ad on about dd the guy on the ad lives here (rockhampton) his in a wheelchair and is not able too walk un aided again... people make the wrong choice and sometimes other ppl suffer more then them...
its not really true that it takes something like this too make ppl think cause its still happening...

R.I.P ...RYAN...

Post #27

RIP brotha ay, sad hearing this shit i only just saw that add on tv about that fella that is paralized just under his chest ay,

Post #28

QUOTE(GRLY N15M0 @ Feb 16 2007, 02:19 PM) [snapback]1280772545[/snapback]

sad.gif i hate when stuff like this happens...
they have just recently put a new ad on about dd the guy on the ad lives here (rockhampton) his in a wheelchair and is not able too walk un aided again... people make the wrong choice and sometimes other ppl suffer more then them...
its not really true that it takes something like this too make ppl think cause its still happening...

R.I.P ...RYAN...

I was talking about the people it affects directly, there'd be very few people who actually change the way they drive after seeing the dd/speeding ads/news reports on tv, i know when i speed (we all do it...) the stuff on tv about it is the last thing going through my mind.

Post #29

QUOTE(BozzA @ Feb 16 2007, 02:38 PM) [snapback]1280772588[/snapback]

I was talking about the people it affects directly, there'd be very few people who actually change the way they drive after seeing the dd/speeding ads/news reports on tv, i know when i speed (we all do it...) the stuff on tv about it is the last thing going through my mind.

yeah i understand where your comin from but im talkin about people still doin it after they see/hear something like this happening... sad.gif

Post #30

that is so sad, what a waste. the reason the driver usually gets out of it better than the passenger is because the driver will instinctively try to protect themselves first.

why dont people learn. this why the police crack down on everyone because some of us make silly decisions.

how old were they?

Post #31

The Chinese think its a not good to be too sad about someone when they die, for it means that you think that what they have accomplished up to now doesn't mean much.

Very sad story.

Post #32

Oh man sorry to hear about your freinds. it makes me sad to hear things like this!

Post #33


sorry to hear this bad news

suburban area speeding ftl

Post #34

Sorry for your loss, but what the fuck

That poor guy's family, losing their sun because of a stupid drunk driver behind the wheel! When will people learn

Post #35

Thats sad man. When will people learn? When there friend/friends are lying next to them dieing after they've just wrapped themselves around a pole..

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