Natturboq's Nissan - N16 Pulsar  

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Post #36


That would have to be the most modified N16 I've ever seen! Nice!! I bet it goes off it's brain. I like how you've kept it stock looking.

What mods had you done to the 1.8 Before the transplant?? and what power gains did you get if so??

sweet as

Post #37

The 1.8lt had a T28 turbo with T4 front and T3 rear housing MY01 WRX fuel injectors and a EMS Stinger.
I did have some problems which could have came down to a number of problems..

The No 2 coil pack kept melting.. It was not decompressed , had some probs getting the tune right with the EMS and could of change the coil packs to leads...

Power was.. 122.64KW (164.4HP) ATW @ 8 PSI...

Pic of the engine LOOKED like:

Post #38

Nice!! did you experiment with any n/a mods like chipping or flash tuning before you decided to go turbo? or did you just go straight to boost? Yeah i thought compression might be an issue when turbo charging. did you get it sorted, or did you just decide to go straight to the SR20?

Post #39

I went stright to Boost. This was back in 2002 so there was nothing in terms of performance parts for the N16 (not that there is a great deal off the shelf now).... I didn't bother playing around with the 1.8 to sort any problems, I went stright to the SR20...

There were a few mods.. to make it happen , and still sorting a few issue out now with the rebuild.. But with a lot of R&D and DIY mods I'll get there biggrin.gif

Post #40

loving your plates man thumbsup.gif clean pulsar as well.

Post #41

very nice, awesome photos too

Post #42

goood work! keep us posted

Post #43

Update on progress :

Had a small problem to fix this week. As I have changed the rear housing on the turbo I have had to mod the manifold and the dump pipe. The turbo sits a little lower so the the oil return line didn't sit right. A quick cut, re angle and re welded soon fix this ( I hope ).

The driveshafts are in and the car is back on soild ground.

Next is the fuel pump , wiring , battery and top of oils and water. Then should be ready to start up and take for a quick run.. biggrin.gif

Here are some pix of the mods I have done so far..

Post #44

Fuel pump done and just fired it up late last night for the first turn of the key :-)

Car sounds awesome , few minor leaks to fix next and once the temp gauge is working will be taking it for the first test drive.

I'm hoping within the next week or so to have the Dyno reading. will update then.. :-)

Post #45

Still a few minor things to finish off but here is the dyno reading for those that are intrested..

Post #46

I know this is a long shot

if you could please get back to me or give me a message

regarding your old N16 pulsar it would be very much appreciated

Thank you

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