Beware Of Bogans  

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Post #106

I had a run-in a few years ago, not with bogans, but some really dark dark African looking guys (I'm not being racist, thats what they were). My mates and I had just been to a bottleshop and were heading back through North Hobart. My mate was driving an old 80s Corolla that he had just put a new sound system into. He kept fiddling with it whilst he was driving and I said to him 'mate you concentrate on the road and i'll fiddle with the stereo'. But he kept on fiddling with it, and as we went round the roundabout on the corner of Murray St and Burnett St, we very mildly touched the side of this little old laser. We stopped at the red light to exchange details and whathaveyou, but these 2 rather large looking black dudes got out of the car and were swearing their heads off. They both came over to the car as we were all in it, and one belted the top of the Corolla sending shivers down our backs. The other guy then opened the passenger door (d'oh, I should have locked it!) and scruffed my mate who was driving. Another mate told the driver to go go go! (Murray Walker style) and we bolted through a red light. The black guys got back into their car and started chasing us all around Hobart. It lasted about 15 minutes with my mate taking a dead end turn up round Mt Stuart. The black dudes tried to block us into a cul-de-sac, and we ended up driving over the sidewalk to get past them. It was about then that we thought we better call the cops, and we were told to meet a unit in town. The chase continued down Elizabeth St, and I vividly remember fearing for my life as my mate (who was in a panicky state) tried and succeeded in squeezing between a parked car and a garbage truck ON THE LEFT SIDE! in a 1 lane road just sorta near McCanns music shop. There musta been about 1mm on either side! Anyways, when we stopped when we saw the cops, the black guys still got out of their car and started coming towards us (not giving a shit about the cops). It was eventually all sorted, but these guys said that back in their country they would have shot us for doing what we did!
Scary stuff!

Post #107

lol ask moe about black guys

Post #108

back in there country:S did u tell em it was australia!

Post #109

Heh... I wasn't saying much at all. It's easy to say 'I should have done that, or said that...' but I think I was a bit stunned by the moment to say anything. They were much bigger than us anyway.
Nice eagles jumper btw!
Go the EAGLES! ;-)

Post #110

that is some scary stuff..

u get shot for bumping into another car? damn...i don't ever want to go wherever they are from.

glad to know police were of some assistance.

Post #111

haha carn the eagles:P yeah apparently over there if u stick ur finger up at someone it means they want to kill u! haha thats wat i got told neways:P

Post #112

haha theres this black refugee lookin guy workin for fairbrother @ work as a labourer or something, he looks so out of place amongst tough footy playing looking white guys, he even wears like a leather jacket instead of a uniform laugh.gif

Post #113

who do u work for pie?

and fairy boys aint tough lookin footy blokes hahaahahah!

Post #114


Post #115

hey pie, when the new store opens is there going to be a massive sale to get rid of all the old stock???

Post #116

Africa would be where they are from... Car theft there is unreal... I'm not shitting you here people get flame throwers installed on the side of their cars so when someone comes to open their door to steal their car they burn the shit out of them lol... My uncle is African and no I'm not black but damn he has some mad stories to tell... Skitzo's...

Post #117

he is from "suth efrika" ? lol

Post #118

yea thats a regular things in south africa.....hijacking is a big thing over there!!

Post #119

Yeah mate South Africa haha

Post #120

I was born in Kenya and have some rellies there now, it is a hell violent place. Most of these folk are genuine and good natured but cannot erase their experiences or reactions, don't be suspicious or provoke them ESPECIALLY if they are drinking. Otherwise smile and make them feel welcome 'cos while they are here in most cases their relatives are being murdered in horrible ways back at home, hakuna matata means "no worries" and is well worth remembering..... thumbsup.gif

Post #121

QUOTE(Ricecutter @ Oct 23 2006, 08:49 PM) [snapback]1280389417[/snapback]

hakuna matata means "no worries" and is well worth remembering..... thumbsup.gif

Hahaha are you for real or have you watched The Lion King a few too many times!? laugh.gif

Post #122

yes he is for real, its Swahili

Post #123

hey pie, when the new store opens is there going to be a massive sale to get rid of all the old stock???

Nope, it's basically going to be a brand new store, all current lines were sent to offsite and we've now restocked most of it but there won't be massive clearances or anything...we've been clearing all that since the start of the year.

Post #124

yeah, it must be crazy in some spots over there
mum taught some chick to drive a few months back, she was missing an arm and a leg
a gang went around the place, killing all the men, raping the women and cutting one of their legs off and one of their arms,

Post #125

QUOTE(harolto @ Oct 23 2006, 10:00 PM) [snapback]1280390021[/snapback]

yeah, it must be crazy in some spots over there
mum taught some chick to drive a few months back, she was missing an arm and a leg
a gang went around the place, killing all the men, raping the women and cutting one of their legs off and one of their arms,

That's ghastly. Sounds like a victim of the Rwandan Genocide, quite possibly one of the biggest crimes against humanity. Was it?

I admire your mum for her amnesty, and am glad to know the physically handicapped lady still perserveres on.

Post #126

watch out for a white VN and 2 bogans carrying an axe around in the hobart block/water front of us had a run in with them on last friday night

Post #127

an axe?! sounds medieval

Post #128

QUOTE(badkarma85 @ Oct 24 2006, 12:07 AM) [snapback]1280390333[/snapback]

an axe?! sounds medieval

nah just full on bogan

Post #129

get the mullet onto them!
i once had a run in with a guy with an axe, down @ a certain beach carpark some of my friends were doing some *ahem*...circlework and i got stuck with being a lookout or something about 200 metres along the access road. this bloke came out with an axe from a house behind me "get the F**k off my driveway now you f**king c**t", i panicked, couldnt start because of the alarm, turned that off, started and got the fook outta there. Fair enough i guess because i didnt realise i was on his driveway...and it was like 1 am

Post #130

there are 2 bogans in a white VL turbo that look like they want to kill you if you do anything near them.... like drive or breath.

fucking bogans

Post #131

is it the same VL that dad was working on? white with stockies?

Post #132

nar.....its got rims....

i know that one cuz its lives just up the rd from dad

Post #133

QUOTE(badkarma85 @ Oct 23 2006, 11:07 PM) [snapback]1280390054[/snapback]

That's ghastly. Sounds like a victim of the Rwandan Genocide, quite possibly one of the biggest crimes against humanity. Was it?

I admire your mum for her amnesty, and am glad to know the physically handicapped lady still perserveres on.

The war/conflict/genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo did/has killed 3 million more people than the Rwandan genocide.
Africa is a great place, especially Namibia, a peaceful place cool.gif .

And bogans, a little while ago a vl decidecd to follow me doing blockies in town, and the passenger had what looked like a solid object in the shape of a coke can, and he put his arm out the window a few times in a fashion that made me think he was going to lob it at me, and tailgating me i assumed he would. So i picked up a full can of tyre black and held it near the steering wheel so they could see. Not that im sure what a can of coke or a can of tyre black would do.

Post #134

QUOTE(Pie @ Oct 24 2006, 05:11 AM) [snapback]1280390787[/snapback]

get the mullet onto them!
i once had a run in with a guy with an axe, down @ a certain beach carpark some of my friends were doing some *ahem*...circlework and i got stuck with being a lookout or something about 200 metres along the access road. this bloke came out with an axe from a house behind me "get the F**k off my driveway now you f**king c**t", i panicked, couldnt start because of the alarm, turned that off, started and got the fook outta there. Fair enough i guess because i didnt realise i was on his driveway...and it was like 1 am

hahaha pat...thats funny. Same thing happen to us, if its the carpark with Yacht Club!

Post #135

QUOTE(CAMEL @ Oct 24 2006, 11:52 AM) [snapback]1280391375[/snapback]

Not that im sure what a can of coke or a can of tyre black would do.

Probably improve the look of their car.. or tires at least? dunno.gif

Post #136

QUOTE(CAMEL @ Oct 24 2006, 11:52 AM) [snapback]1280391375[/snapback]

And bogans, a little while ago a vl decidecd to follow me doing blockies in town, and the passenger had what looked like a solid object in the shape of a coke can, and he put his arm out the window a few times in a fashion that made me think he was going to lob it at me, and tailgating me i assumed he would. So i picked up a full can of tyre black and held it near the steering wheel so they could see. Not that im sure what a can of coke or a can of tyre black would do.

What colour was the VL? It was probably me being drunk trying to wave with a beer in my hand lol

Post #137

Classic last night was following a bluebird station wagon from rosny over to lindisfarne on gordons hill road, i wasn't tailgating but they were going rather slow.. came to the lights to get onto the highway i went in the opposite lane, took off normally and they couldn't keep up :/ came up my ass with high beams on so I was going to play and just as I was about to the kents swang violently left off the highway... was rather random but they were heaps bogan... black beanies and all looked like they were about to knock over a joint haha.

Post #138

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 24 2006, 12:01 PM) [snapback]1280391407[/snapback]

What colour was the VL? It was probably me being drunk trying to wave with a beer in my hand lol

It was off white with some shitter silver wheels.

Post #139

I have a few bogan magna stories, but the scariest one was this:

I'd just got kicked out of an under age rage with a mate after some fat hoe decided I looked at her friend funny and deserved a beating for it, so I was pretty shaken up, split lip, blood nose, etc etc. Anyways we didnt have a car or a licence so we started walking home when my mates friend saw us, and picked us up in his white excel. We're in the backseat, my mates friend and girlfriend in the front of the car.

We came up to the round a bout near what used to be Mali Grill in Devonport, and kinda pulled out in front of this white magna. Now when I say pull out, I mean, the dude went when really he should of stopped, but no so much of a pull out that the magna guy had to apply the brakes or anything like that.

Anyway magna guy decided that he didn't like being pulled out in front of, and chased us all over Devonport - we tried to get rid of him, but hey, it was an excel with a car load of people and this guy was about 3cm off our butt.

We ended up accidently pulling into a dead end street and the dude blocked us in, jumped out of his magna, and started full on lacing into the excel driver! So it ended with two of us with split lips, blood noses and generally feeling crappy - we reported it to the cops, but the plates on the magna were supposed to be on a black falcon in St Helens so we never really found out what happened.

It was pretty scary though, not something I'd like to repeat.

I also have another story of a girl in an old magna causing me grief in town but she's well known in Launceston and I dont really want to catch her 'attention' again any time soon - but be warned - if a bogan chick in a POS car starts lining up against you at the lights and wanting to race, even though you know you'll kick their arse, sometimes its just not worth it...

Post #140

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 23 2006, 08:23 PM) [snapback]1280389624[/snapback]

Hahaha are you for real or have you watched The Lion King a few too many times!? laugh.gif

I was born during the Mao-mao uprising, some of us haven't enjoyed a sheltered life such as yours, nugu dry.gif

Let karma introduce the VL folk to the Africans.... tongue.gif

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