Johno's Photography  

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  • r33skyliner
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  • From: Brisbane, QLD
Post #1 post 7th September 2006 - 09:01 AM
I've only recently just brought this camera, so still in the process of learning how to use it.
However, I've taken a few shoots already.

I've already posted some of the pics, so I wont new them.
R33 wedding cars
Brisbane River Fire & Around the city

Photo's I took yesterday.
The last 3 which are night photo's are taken from Mt Cootha Lookout.

QUOTE('JayRad @ Oct 28 2008, 03:40 PM) [snapback]1283064106[/snapback]
holy fucking shit im retarded.
QUOTE(younis @ Jan 20 2009, 06:18 PM) [snapback]1283452117[/snapback]
basicly drove from sunnybank hills to repco on compton road and back. Dont think it wud get THAT hot wud it?

Post #2

Great photo's man. Gee I miss Brisbane more after seeing those pics. The ones from Mount Cootha look really good! thumbsup.gif

Post #3

I'll be in and around the city over the next few weeks still learnin how to use the camera and taking photo's. There are a few good spots I can think of takin photo's from, specially of a night time.

Ghetto Panda
Post #4

Good photo's i like the second and fourth one. The only thing i would change is in the second one i would have cropped the bottom a bit just to remove the poles i think they are just looks a bit busy too me. And the fourth one i would have taken more of the water down the bottom so you could see more of the reflacetions in the water would look really cool.

Post #5

the 4th one is up at mt cootha. the camera was sittin on the roof of the car, hence thats where the reflection came from.

Ghetto Panda
Post #6

Fair enough my bad.

Post #7

Some nice shots mate. What camera did u get??
A couple of things u may look at doing with ur shots.
As Ghetto said, crop the reflection out of the 4th
Crop the railing out of the 2nd
Straighten the last
Brighten the 1st
And in terms of ur composition etc.
The paddle steamer one is too busy. The houses in the background are the same color as it so they get lost in it and it is hard to define the boat from the houses.
The 4th is better than the 5th because the 4th is even, whereas the 5th is a bit one-sided.

They are just minor things that u will always get when u start out, but the earlier u recognise them the quicker u get better. Dont take it as abuse (as some people do) it is just help.

Keep it up and keep posting, U'll get better every time.


Post #8

the 4th one is good, the trees on eahc side are good.
you sohuld crop the bottom so theres only a little bit of the black

Post #9

Thanks for the feedback guys.
As I said, I only recently brought the camera, so still learning and any feedback and/or tips are always listen to and taken on board.

Camera I got is the - Sony DSC H5.

Post #10

Nice camera u BOUGHT there.
Grab urself a nice tripod and u'll be able to get some nice night stuff with that.


Post #11

Got the tripod last wk. Forgot to take it with me to the fireworks, etc.
Learnt the hardware by layin on the ground for the still shoots.

Post #12

Try to take more unique shots, experiment with different angles, try to make a different point and vision of the picture rather then just *Click Tink*

Post #13

Few of my car I took Saturday night when I got home from cruising.
Taken at 12.30 in the carpark of my unit block.

Post #14

A few new ones I took last night at Riverside while it was quiet for a Thursday.

Ghetto Panda
Post #15

I really like the first one i would just crop the sky out the top of the photo just to draw more attention to the buildings and water just a bit too much black up top imo.

Post #16

Havent installed photoshop yet. Just used Microsoft Office Pitchure Manager to resize them and auto correct the colour on the images.

Post #17

QUOTE(r33skyliner @ Sep 15 2006, 09:50 AM) [snapback]1280252204[/snapback]

Havent installed photoshop yet. Just used Microsoft Office Pitchure Manager to resize them and auto correct the colour on the images.

oooohh noooo!
Don't use that program! it fucks with the colors so much when ou save them.
Use ifanview (freebie), it leaves the colors alone, except for what you want to change. It has all the same functions as Picture Manager though.

To see what I mean, try this...
Open an unedited, full-res pic (straight from the camera)
Re-size it,
Press save.

I cant remember if it is when u press save or re-size, you will suddenly see ALL the colors change, as well as the basic appearance of the shot. It is crappy program. I used to use it, but I stopped when I realised it.

I think you need to use a smaller aperture and a longer shutter for the 1st one.
The next ones lack compostion a bit. Just looks like a normal street to me. Go to the freeway or somewhere like that so u can get some nice solid flowing lines in your shot.


Post #18

QUOTE(vp_s_wagon @ Sep 15 2006, 02:37 PM) [snapback]1280252726[/snapback]

oooohh noooo!
I think you need to use a smaller aperture and a longer shutter for the 1st one.
The next ones lack compostion a bit. Just looks like a normal street to me. Go to the freeway or somewhere like that so u can get some nice solid flowing lines in your shot.


Yeah, that was sorta the point of the pic. I was walkin to the car and with little people around, little lighting within the street, sorta gave that "dead" feeling which is wat gave me the idea of taking the pic.

Post #19

Just a few from yesterday's spit run.

Post #20

Post #21

Not bad mate. Composition is bit ordinary though. Make sure u really plan the composition of ur shots before u take them. That way they are nicer to look at because they are more orderley and clear. Just look in some of the guides in the Digital Dark Room and News, Reviews etc Threads, there are some great ones in there.

Post #22

A few pics I took last night while I went for a run up to Australia Zoo to check out the front area of where the flowers and all have been laid.

Post #23

Kinda blurry in some cases. Long exposure, avoiding the big spotlight would have been good.
Very nice Tribute to Steve though.

Post #25

Some recent photo's I took yesterday (15-10-2006) of a skyline photo shoot I organised.
Just 10 I selected from the range of photo's I took.

Post #26

awesome pics... love the 2nd last one... great job

Post #27

dude... no.
U had the perfect opportunity to get some great shots and u ruined it with stupid mistakes like; using auto mode! Having shitloads of distracting shit in the backdrop, taking pics on grass....
Look at this thread and u'll know where i am coming from:

Post #28

for the ones of when there is a few cars side by side u should crop the top and bottom so there less back ground distractions

Post #29

QUOTE(vp_s_wagon @ Oct 16 2006, 08:43 PM) [snapback]1280363880[/snapback]

dude... no.
U had the perfect opportunity to get some great shots and u ruined it with stupid mistakes like; using auto mode! Having shitloads of distracting shit in the backdrop, taking pics on grass....
Look at this thread and u'll know where i am coming from:

I couldnt exactly walk up to people and tell them to move cause we wanted to take photos there without people in the pics.
as much as i wanted to chop down the tree's, i just couldn't do that sad.gif

we tried to set the story bridge as the backdrop for them but unfortantly we didnt have enough grass space to move further out.

I wasnt using any auto mode, i was usin the 'Apature' mode on the camera along with at times, ISO mode. I'm still in the process of learnin how to use the camera and what each mode means and does, but time will give me that chance to learn it all.

Post #30

Just a few indy pics from sunday.
havent yet uploaded anythin from saturday yet.

feedback and comments are welcome.

Post #31

Some random car related (brisbane autosalon, indy, skyline photoshoot, etc) photo's i've taken this year....

Post #32

Some photo's I took while up in the chopper during Indy weekend....

Post #33

A couple of Miss 14TZN's little mirrage from Brisbane Autosalon 2006.

Post #34

i really like shot 9... makes u try n see wats in the car.

good shots smile.gif

Post #35

Needs a faster shutter speed (or u need a steadier hand).
Turn the ISO up or get a tripod and use a smaller aperture with a much longer exposure.
It Lacks sharpness because of the large aperture.

Might be worth going through ur shots and zooming on them (in-camera) and checking if u have motion blur.


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