Rolla83's Toyota - 1983 KE 70 XX  

  • rolla83
  • rolla83
  • Contributing Member!
  • Member No.: 51,567
  • Joined: 27-August 06
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  • From: katherine
Post #1 post 28th August 2006 - 11:06 AM
[b]Engine: 5L V8 Holden

[b]Exhaust: 2.5" Performance Mufflers, none in rear

[b]Suspension: Stock

[b]Wheels: 16" Statesman

[b]Stereo Audio / Visual: Panasonic, Fusion 300W 6x9, Fusion Tweeters, Fusion 6" in front doors, 2 x fusion amps, Fusion 12" sub in Fusion Box

[b]Estimated Power: Factory - cruzer not racer!

This post has been edited by rolla83: Sep 26 2007, 03:02 PM

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee

A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times
The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets
Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older


  • Boost Network 15
  • HOON69
    Post #2

    good start
    keep us posted.

    Post #3

    haha I love corolla station wagons
    they drift awesome with the right springs in them smile.gif

    you dont need to modify the head of any motor that was produced in japan for unleaded fuels, they've run it since the early 70's

    Post #4

    sweet as KE,

    I'm sellin my KE26 wagon today.

    they are rad little cars

    Post #5

    good start

    TR customs
    Post #6

    yer not to bad gl with it

    Post #7

    tidy car man, keep us posted on it.

    Post #8

    good luck with it

    Post #9

    Thanks for the posts guys. Yeh, I like all the KE range. I have: 1x KE10!2x KE20 coups, KE35 Coup, KE36 Wag with 1.1L 3K, KE55 Auto Sedan, 2x KE70 Sedans, and the KE70 Wag. Only 5 run out of all of them. The 20's are great to do up, but the KE10 is awesome with MPH dash, its so primative. Unfortunatley it isnt drivable. I also like the G100 Charade range.

    Post #10

    Looks like a nice car, any other future plans for it?

    Post #11

    Yeh, the factory metallic paint is startin to fade on the front left gard, and there are some spots that ive touched up, all this is starting to make the car loose its looks over time. And scratches, man where do they come from, every time there seems to be new ones!!!

    BSIDE did u sell the ke36 ! ?

    Post #12

    I got ahold of some Silvia 15"s. What do u think?

    This is the boot install, not too flash but is better that what was there before, and my AE93 that I'm after some parts for.

    Post #13

    BTW I am using my Seca as a member car now, not the wagon. Its off the road, I registered the seca to do fast trips to Darwin, but everyones friend Martin put an end to that!

    Post #14

    But now the seca is unregoed!!!! NO!!!!! oh well im driving my KE55 now!

    Post #15

    Bought a Statesman, so im driving that now!

    Post #16

    been a while since Ive posted on here!

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