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Post #106 yet to try that.

and i work there!!!

what was eddy doin there? im pretty sure he dosn't drive

Post #107

Are you the dude with the short dark mo hawk kinda hair?

Post #108

that be me:)

Post #109

Haha your that dude!! Mr Ed is a freind of mine.

Post #110

QUOTE(Q-SHIP @ Jun 20 2006, 11:15 PM) [snapback]1279987339[/snapback]

Are you the dude with the short dark mo hawk kinda hair?

yes nich is a pimp

Post #111

we go way back....priamry school......damm he has changed

used to be such a geek......Great guy though

Post #112

Harry Potter!! Hes a gangstar now!! And he stole my bling!!

Post #113

yer but he is funny for taking the piss out off- Nys tell ED he owes me $10 bucks for not finshing his burger.

Post #114

No i cant tell him that, cause he will wanna borrow $10 from me cool.gif Yeah ill pass on the message. Oh but dont forget he also ate some pizza!! As he keeps remindin me and Benny, he couldnt eat the whole bruger cause of the pizza and he need more water laugh.gif

Post #115

well a bets a bet- he had to finshes the burger!!! I am not concerned, wouldn't take his cash- just want to see what he does.

Think we should let this topic get back on track!

Post #116

well he should of asked me for more water:)

i haven't even had one of the bugers yet...the pizza is great though.

do you guys go there ofter?

Post #117

Some of us do, was the first time i had even heard of it. We went for an erexion cruise, but i think we will be coming again.

Post #118

IT was goodah and yes it was me that set the record smile.gif Now lets see someone try and beat it so I can go faster!

Post #119

i will be up for the challange:)

Go for 5 mins:)

Post #120

5 Mins- Thats a bold statement. Definatly have to go witness that one smile.gif

Post #121

HAHA lovin the pic of the excel ! if only the rest of them were wiped out
"a body kit does not make a sports car"

Post #122

QUOTE(nichy @ Jun 21 2006, 11:12 AM) [snapback]1279988017[/snapback]

i will be up for the challange:)

Go for 5 mins:)

You do it in 5 minuted Nichy (with out practice) laugh.gif Let us know when you are doin it so we can come watch and be your witnesses.

Post #123

QUOTE(Mookie @ Jun 21 2006, 01:49 PM) [snapback]1279988674[/snapback]

HAHA lovin the pic of the excel ! if only the rest of them were wiped out
"a body kit does not make a sports car"

biggrin.gif Tru , but does create some bad rice!

Post #124

QUOTE(nichy @ Jun 21 2006, 11:12 AM) [snapback]1279988017[/snapback]

i will be up for the challange:)

Go for 5 mins:)

So YOU was that hot guy workin there!!

Post #125


Post #126

QUOTE(alphabetic @ Jun 20 2006, 09:34 PM) [snapback]1279986871[/snapback]

Bloody Volvo drivers

Its an Audi.

QUOTE(commy38 @ Jun 20 2006, 09:56 PM) [snapback]1279986994[/snapback]

hahaha well... if hes not scattered into like... 15 pieces.... a bit in each pic lol

Thats not funny mate.

Anyone got a pic of the Hilux that mounted the Feroza at Kingo Beach a couple of years back behind Citrus Moon cafe?

Post #127

Ahh I remember that! No pics though but you could see it from my house.

Post #128

Pretty sure theres a pic of it in TyrePower in town.

Post #129

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Jun 22 2006, 04:24 PM) [snapback]1279993150[/snapback]

Its an Audi.

I know..

Post #130

Rolled my car yesterday arvo, bout 4.

Heres the story, headin along proctors road towards the golfcourse, couple of corners back from it, relised i was going to fast, backoff didnt get on to the brakes to hard (being gravel) turned in, ass stepped out, tried 2 pull it round the corner, it came round but fully sideways.
Thats wen i saw the huge tellagrafe pole, SHIT my pants, got off the gas, ova corected, hit the ditch with front left, pulled the car round, front right went into theditch and it went up onto its side, then down onto the roof.

Had my girlfriend with me, we both got out fine (luckaly!!). I got a tine scratch on my wrist from the glass. (drivers window smashed wen it sat on its side).

But yea it just happend so quickly!!

ohhh yea and then the coppa showd up!! he starts ripping into me sayin all this crap bout how he has reports of my speeding throught town and weaving in and out ov traffic down the outlet!! and saying thers no way i could hav been doing da speed limit, to travel that far and end up on my roof if i was on the brakes, tryed tellini him i wasnt o the braks till just be4 i hit the ditch and he told me not to botha talking to him cus im wasting my breath and he knows i was beenin stupid!!!!!! i got pisssed off that he was jumpin to conclisens and bullshiting bout me speeding throught town and stuff. So he made me pace out the marks with him, he said that (ohh and i called my mate Rusty, cus couldnt get hold off my pez 7 rusty got there bit be4 the coppa) that my mate was eggin me on and i was trying to race him!!!!

Then we went back up2 my car, and he satrted righting down the details wen he stops and goes....'ohhhhh...... this thing is front wheel drive???'..."ohhh i mean, yea its front wheel drive'!!!! so he obvelsily thought id been trying to drift!!!!

Anyway thats anuff bitching from me!! ill post up pics wen i get em.

Post #131

Theres a golfcourse on Proctors Road? Not that Im aware of, on any of the 3 sections of Proctors wink.gif

Post #132

Did anybody go to school here, seems nobody can spell these days......
Bad luck mate

Post #133

who are you? and what do you drive?

Post #134

i know of a certain fwd that goes sideways alrite ^ laugh.gif

Post #135

me an me matez wuz kuttin nutz in me muvvas commo an we 'it dis kurb an we phlipped lik 2 timez an at
it wuz awezum

Post #136

class lol^^

Post #137

if its the corner i think it is, looks like someone topped your effort mookie laugh.gif

Post #138

Lol yeah thats what i was thinking aswell

Post #139

Were it comes out, right in front ov the kingston golf course. the old gravel bit??

james & i did drive a 89 mitshubishi colt glx sedan, faded yellow, was a heap ov crap, now its a bigger heap ov shit.

Post #140

QUOTE(old_skool @ Jun 26 2006, 08:32 PM) [snapback]1280005001[/snapback]

was a head ov crap, now its a bigger head ov shit.

This bloke likes head ^^ tongue.gif

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