What's Going On Here? - Not one iota of whinging  

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HP Plod
  • HP Plod
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  • Member No.: 207,732
  • Joined: 30-November 10
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Post #1 post 3rd November 2013 - 11:32 AM
Ok so the new hook/impound laws came in, and not one person soapboxed, whinged, bragged, cool sorry bro-ed, anything about them

I was really looking forward to another heated and long time coming debate abou this....sigh, this website is dying a natural death isn't it?
Post #2

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Nov 3 2013, 11:32 AM) *
Ok so the new hook/impound laws came in, and not one person soapboxed, whinged, bragged, cool sorry bro-ed, anything about them

I was really looking forward to another heated and long time coming debate abou this....sigh, this website is dying a natural death isn't it?

That it is,HP,if you want to liven things up a bit,you could jump on this thread,and give a few of your personal thoughts,Do you have concerns for your own safety,and that of your colleagues,or is it all a bit of spin?

Post #3

we'd rather bag out Campbell Newman as being a Hitler impersonator than honest hard working coppers plod.

sure, no one likes the new laws, but we detest Newman more. wink.gif

Post #4

Lol, we all gave up been car enthusiasts ages ago mate? Didn't anyone tell you dunno.gif
I now spend my days on the dole, the occasional bottle shop robbing and growing pot out of my public housing room ( haven't seen a policeman for months wink.gif.

I just assumed you guys knew and that's why your now trying to go after the bikies with your stupid laws.

Post #5

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Nov 3 2013, 11:32 AM) *
Ok so the new hook/impound laws came in, and not one person soapboxed, whinged, bragged, cool sorry bro-ed, anything about them

I was really looking forward to another heated and long time coming debate abou this....sigh, this website is dying a natural death isn't it?

Now that you mention it....you've done just that, really...

Post #6

What did you expect? We have a state government with an Attorney General with a death wish. First the probably unconstitutional war on bikies and associates, now banning smoking in prisons. Good luck with the whole breathing thing. mamoru.gif

My stance remains the same on taking lawfully obtained assets-

HANDS f'king OFF!

Nobody seems to care that confiscation and crushing will punish people unequally in the financial sense, whereas fines are the same financial hit to everyone. Tell me how it can possibly be fair in any way to take and crush a $2000 shitbox from one person and a $40,000 plus car from another person for the same offence??


Do you honestly believe that once the government gets a toe in this door they won't expand it to other areas of our lives?

For the so called 'free world' we seem to be less and less free all the time. Almost time to sell the car and buy a plane ticket out of here. I'm counting down the days. As soon as I'm cleared to graduate my car goes up for sale and I won't be back any time soon.

Oh, anyone tempted to tell me 'fcuk off if you don't love this country', don't bother. I remember when this country was totally different and worth being proud of.


Post #7

HP you have been around the traps and I see why these particular bit of legislation have been enacted, the classic, fktard has a brain fart and does a donut on a Thursday night in the middle of a main intersection, then Johnny tosspots dad pays for barrister to get his off and you are left feeling like a tool.
My issue is it is a case of "at the discretion of the officer", totally fk that, I am sure that 95% are just there to do their job and hope the career goes well, but it is the 5% who are some, sex/mother/beaten/abused/kinky/fk up deprived cases who will get some sadistic pleasure from pinging a boring as batshit, never lost a point guy, who is just into cars and low and fn behold he drive a legal, but "scary fast" type of car that yes, makes noise, looks bad ass and will always chirp changing gears etc.
I always worried about those tards, kept everything legal and kept a folder with ever detail in the car, but it appears nowdays, that is a moot point if you get the 5% tool.

Post #8

I am strongly against the destruction of cars as a punishment. The government can take away your right to use the public road, but they can't tell you what to do with what you own besides that. In other words, they have every right to stop me ever driving my car again...but they don't have the right to stop me turning it into a petunia pot.

Post #9

I feel it isn't going to stop the typical dero grub in his unregistered, uninsured $500 manga commodore doing skids late at night around the streets, they have no licence to lose and just tack the fines onto their existing ones.

Any confiscation of property by a Goverment is just bad new for all, the way it is going maybe our savings and investments, Cypress style, to keep the pollies pensions up.

Post #10

No soapboxing, whinging, bragging, cool sorry bro-ed must mean we are all 100% perfect model citizens smile.gif.

Yes this place isn't as active as it was. Does the government want car communities like this die a slow death?

But what's the point in bitching now? I did what I could when it mattered, but obviously the submissions were ignored and it came in anyway all for the sake of "road safety". We can bitch all we want, won't change anything sad.gif.

What annoys me is the amount of attention the media is giving to genuine motorcyclists and how they are being harassed, cafe sales are down on popular routes etc but it's been going on for years for those who are genuine car enthusiasts and no one knows/cares. Just like the new bikie legislation are in the spotlight and the new hoon laws have slipped virtually unnoticed to the public eye except for a couple of ads on tv at the time of introduction. So much for the driver and community education that was supposed to happen PRIOR to the introduction. What makes me laugh is a line from the ad "if your car is legal you will be fine". Ha if only the ones who made and passed these laws how grey vehicle modifications and what actually happens on the roadside......

How long until this 'bikie' legislation is pushed onto other social groups/organisations, 3 or more skylines in a group? 3 or more kids on pushies?

I could go on and on, but pissing in the wind is pretty pointless.

Post #11

i moved to sydney so i can hoon here.


kidding. i love the police.

Post #12

QUOTE (Paullus @ Nov 4 2013, 07:18 PM) *
How long until this 'bikie' legislation is pushed onto other social groups/organisations, 3 or more skylines in a group? 3 or more kids on pushies?

This. How long until cruises are outlawed and we get treated the same as the bikies? They've been trying to make us public enemy number 1 for years now. I guess we're public enemy number 2 to the current government at the moment until the bikies and their lawyers manage to mount a decent legal challenge to our buzzkill overlords, then they'll be looking for a softer target to get heavy on to make it look as though they are doing something. oopsie.gif

I've been waiting to hear that there is now a <insert MC name here> Outlaw Model Train Society.. That's what I'd do. "We're not an outlaw motorcycle club". Just a bar and a model train track on a ping pong table in the middle of the room.


Post #13

QUOTE (Paullus @ Nov 4 2013, 07:18 PM) *
How long until this 'bikie' legislation is pushed onto other social groups/organisations, 3 or more skylines in a group? 3 or more kids on pushies?

No where in the legislation is bikie or motorcycle club ever mentioned... it only says association and its definition of association is pretty much any group of 3 or more

B Unit
Post #14

A bikie took my dingo.

Post #15

Must have been a slow day when Plod made this thread,looks like he's lobbed a rock on the roof,and then ran like shit


The Governor
Post #16

I think more attention needs to be given towards unlicensed drivers on the roads.
Plod will know more then anyone here how many people he pulls over who have a traffic history a mile long but somehow are still allowed to drive. Listening to the police radio just on the Redcliffe channel daily I hear of people who have 50+ traffic violations including multiple unlicensed driving. At what point do these people get targeted in the media, and I reckon these poeple should be banned for life of driving. And if they choose to continue to drive after their lifetime ban they go to jail.

Post #17

QUOTE (The Governor @ Nov 6 2013, 06:32 PM) *

I think more attention needs to be given towards unlicensed drivers on the roads.
Plod will know more then anyone here how many people he pulls over who have a traffic history a mile long but somehow are still allowed to drive. Listening to the police radio just on the Redcliffe channel daily I hear of people who have 50+ traffic violations including multiple unlicensed driving. At what point do these people get targeted in the media, and I reckon these poeple should be banned for life of driving. And if they choose to continue to drive after their lifetime ban they go to jail.

Good logic bra

Post #18

QUOTE (The Governor @ Nov 6 2013, 06:32 PM) *

I think more attention needs to be given towards unlicensed drivers on the roads.
Plod will know more then anyone here how many people he pulls over who have a traffic history a mile long but somehow are still allowed to drive. Listening to the police radio just on the Redcliffe channel daily I hear of people who have 50+ traffic violations including multiple unlicensed driving. At what point do these people get targeted in the media, and I reckon these poeple should be banned for life of driving. And if they choose to continue to drive after their lifetime ban they go to jail.

Funny you should mention that, today I was waiting for the Public trustee office to open which happens to be at the Caboolture magistrates court, as sad fn place in itself,just for the dross that flows through there. I overheard many a lawyer going through the offences of these fn clowns and to see that vacant 6 year old kid face of these tards as they all felt hard done by and the cops were out to get them, yeah fn right.

Spotted one thing though, if you have a SPER fine you can work it off at $22 per hour community service, so when these shitboxes pull the I'm broke and unemployed, fn ca ching, that was a great hourly rate when you think it is tax free.

Post #19

Using logic against a government is the same as using it against a woman- Logic doesn't win, emotional 'think of the children/my irrational feelings/dolphins' etc wins.

HP Plod
Post #20

Haven't had major time to retort....way too many impounds to be had.....WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

No seriously...haven't had one yet..

Will retort with major TLDR post shortly when on days off.

Post #21

About time you put in an appearance tongue.gif

Post #22

He is far too busy harassing motorbike riders to worry about impounding cars... tongue.gif

Post #23

One week and no cars have been impounded - good to hear. Perhaps hooning isn't as bad as first thought? But I wonder how many people have been caught speeding, on phones, distracted or for any other of the Fatal 5 that carry far less penalties.

HP Plod
Post #24

The majority of the offences relating to this legislation is more focused on repeat offenders for vehicle related offences... I.e. unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured,speeding over 40km, UIL

The hooning aspect has had a tweak to take out noise AND smoke as a burnout to "a SUSTAINED loss of traction of tyres", as I've always said, you get idiots in wet weather who think they are ken Brock and drift on the wet roads or skid up wet roads, and they are not considered hoons until now.... You can't tell me that you can never drive your vehicle in the wet without skidding tyres.. And by skidding i mean SKIDDING... If so then get off my roads

Yes it's up to the officers interpretation but the word sustained has to be considered when charging, a chirp is not sustained, you drop it and skid up the road under constant acceleration then yes say bye bye to your car you don't deserve it.

But the majority of impounds in my experience have Been relating to the the vehicle related offences not hooning, this is the major focus

And yes I have been chasing bikies and haven't even had a chance to look at impounding a car yet... Bloody hell, talk about withdrawals

Post #25

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Nov 13 2013, 07:57 AM) *
The majority of the offences relating to this legislation is more focused on repeat offenders for vehicle related offences... I.e. unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured,speeding over 40km, UIL

The hooning aspect has had a tweak to take out noise AND smoke as a burnout to "a SUSTAINED loss of traction of tyres", as I've always said, you get idiots in wet weather who think they are ken Brock and drift on the wet roads or skid up wet roads, and they are not considered hoons until now.... You can't tell me that you can never drive your vehicle in the wet without skidding tyres.. And by skidding i mean SKIDDING... If so then get off my roads

Yes it's up to the officers interpretation but the word sustained has to be considered when charging, a chirp is not sustained, you drop it and skid up the road under constant acceleration then yes say bye bye to your car you don't deserve it.

But the majority of impounds in my experience have Been relating to the the vehicle related offences not hooning, this is the major focus

And yes I have been chasing bikies and haven't even had a chance to look at impounding a car yet... Bloody hell, talk about withdrawals

So couldn't you impound the vehicles of recidivist drivers,before this new legislation came in,because they have been doing it for years here in NSW?
Oh and make up your mind who you are booking,it's either Ken Block or Peter Brock tongue.gif

Post #26

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Nov 13 2013, 07:57 AM) *
The majority of the offences relating to this legislation is more focused on repeat offenders for vehicle related offences... I.e. unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured,speeding over 40km, UIL

The hooning aspect has had a tweak to take out noise AND smoke as a burnout to "a SUSTAINED loss of traction of tyres", as I've always said, you get idiots in wet weather who think they are ken Brock and drift on the wet roads or skid up wet roads, and they are not considered hoons until now.... You can't tell me that you can never drive your vehicle in the wet without skidding tyres.. And by skidding i mean SKIDDING... If so then get off my roads

Yes it's up to the officers interpretation but the word sustained has to be considered when charging, a chirp is not sustained, you drop it and skid up the road under constant acceleration then yes say bye bye to your car you don't deserve it.

But the majority of impounds in my experience have Been relating to the the vehicle related offences not hooning, this is the major focus

And yes I have been chasing bikies and haven't even had a chance to look at impounding a car yet... Bloody hell, talk about withdrawals

thumbsup.gif Good show old chap

HP Plod
Post #27

QUOTE (Shuffs @ Nov 13 2013, 08:21 AM) *
So couldn't you impound the vehicles of recidivist drivers,before this new legislation came in,because they have been doing it for years here in NSW?
Oh and make up your mind who you are booking,it's either Ken Block or Peter Brock tongue.gif

It's ken and Petes love child... My bad

Yes we have been doing this since 2007, these are what the tougher laws relate o most, hoons aren't as bad anymore, not that I've seen anyway of late yes there is still the odd bogans chariot pulling right footers and banged up imports that are willing to show up said bogan chariot

But there are lot of the vehicle related offences getting around

Post #28

So you're saying that vehicles have been impounded more so because of the way they are modified as opposed to people actually being a hoon in them?

So it's got nothing to do with safety, but everything to do with discrimination if you aren't driving a stock beige Camry?

Post #29

QUOTE (TurbostyleR @ Nov 13 2013, 06:26 PM) *
So you're saying that vehicles have been impounded more so because of the way they are modified as opposed to people actually being a hoon in them?

So it's got nothing to do with safety, but everything to do with discrimination if you aren't driving a stock beige Camry?

Mine is actually Goldish. Its great.

HP Plod
Post #30

QUOTE (TurbostyleR @ Nov 13 2013, 06:26 PM) *
So you're saying that vehicles have been impounded more so because of the way they are modified as opposed to people actually being a hoon in them?

So it's got nothing to do with safety, but everything to do with discrimination if you aren't driving a stock beige Camry?

No I've only impounded one for illegal modification, because upon first intercept its a non impoundable offence and they get a DVRN to go with their court attendance, so it's rare to see them illegally modified again later

More to do with unlicensed, etc

Post #31

wasn't the new legislation in essence to help you be much more successful with prosecution etc?.

My only issue with it is the "at the discretion of the officer" as I am sure there are a few dodgy ones out there.

Post #32

I don't understand how police and decipher the difference between "a bike" and a average "John Doe". Sure if you're sporting the colours you will be integrated but I know people who have been pulled over or questioned in the street regarding "bike involvement", and the main reason is because they have tattoo's. dunno.gif

These laws have honestly gone way to far, freedom to do what we want with who we want has gone.

On a side note, a thought has popped up while writing this. When I was younger, some of you as well, I was told that a police officer was there to "help" you in any situation you my need help in and are caring. Now if seems to feel like that the police are people who we should be afraid of, that we should be weary of they power they hold. When has being a decent human being out weighed to being a c**k who is upholding broken and pointless laws.

Post #33

QUOTE (vk134 @ Nov 13 2013, 09:56 PM) *
wasn't the new legislation in essence to help you be much more successful with prosecution etc?.

My only issue with it is the "at the discretion of the officer" as I am sure there are a few dodgy ones out there.

Its a bit like saying I am going to take your house because I don't like the way you cut your lawn.

What happened to good old fashioned beatings ? If some little P plater f*****t has been fairly warned just drag the idiot behind a building and give him a once over, I bet it will do a better job at discouraging him then taking his car away like a naughty little child will.

Post #34

QUOTE (jbear @ Nov 13 2013, 10:29 PM) *
I don't understand how police and decipher the difference between "a bike" and a average "John Doe". Sure if you're sporting the colours you will be integrated but I know people who have been pulled over or questioned in the street regarding "bike involvement", and the main reason is because they have tattoo's.


These laws have honestly gone way to far, freedom to do what we want with who we want has gone.

On a side note, a thought has popped up while writing this. When I was younger, some of you as well, I was told that a police officer was there to "help" you in any situation you my need help in and are caring. Now if seems to feel like that the police are people who we should be afraid of, that we should be weary of they power they hold. When has being a decent human being out weighed to being a c**k who is upholding broken and pointless laws.

Its funny you say this. i'm pretty sure these were amongst the first words i ever spoke on this site. I never worried about the hoon laws too much because i grew out of being a hoon before it was classified as a hoon. Wasn't too fussed with the biker laws cos i'm not one. but i was young iv'e done a skid or 2 and where i grew up the "Bikers" looked after the town, in 24 years of growing up there they were and i'm pretty sure still are "Good People"
Hp . mate, the biggest thing iv'e noticed lately is People looking and driving straight through red lights and . . .. . road rager's , ,. see it daily, Everyone want's to get out of the car and blue,
Is this becoming more common ?

HP Plod
Post #35

QUOTE (toomanytoys @ Nov 14 2013, 06:47 PM) *
Its funny you say this. i'm pretty sure these were amongst the first words i ever spoke on this site. I never worried about the hoon laws too much because i grew out of being a hoon before it was classified as a hoon. Wasn't too fussed with the biker laws cos i'm not one. but i was young iv'e done a skid or 2 and where i grew up the "Bikers" looked after the town, in 24 years of growing up there they were and i'm pretty sure still are "Good People"
Hp . mate, the biggest thing iv'e noticed lately is People looking and driving straight through red lights and . . .. . road rager's , ,. see it daily, Everyone want's to get out of the car and blue,
Is this becoming more common ?

Very much so... Inattention is a massive cause of this and people's lack of tolerance, patience.

We live in. Busy world and when someone robs us do a second or two by driving slower or mistakingly cutting you off, people just flip.

And look about the bikies, it's easy for those of you to say they are good blokes give them a go... I'm sorry you are being duped... See what I have seen, witness their antics, and witness their doing good for society is a front.

They own multi million dollar drug industries, they extort, they stand over, they assault, they kill, under the guise of their colours, colours hich bring fear to many people... Ow do they get away with it... Fear again, fear of retribution if they call police.

They have little respect for anyone but themselves, in my time in the last few months dealing with this legislation, we have charged many bikies, associates for hundreds of charges.

Don't be fooled, they'll be your friend and be a good bloke to you, but cross them and you have gained an enemy you don't want.

And yes I know the difference between a road biker and an OMCG

Most of us do

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