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  • Memphis
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Post #1 post 27th February 2003 - 08:09 AM
It came to my attention tonight that there is a young female of early 20's appearance hanging around springwood macca's every thirsday night. I was informed by management (and witnessed myself) that she tries to get into any car that looks nice. Her main excuse is that she is supposed to pick up a car of that description from the carpark there. I saw her trying to get into the 51IDE skyline, and when I told the owner, he was none too impressed, so just a lil warning for those of you who DO cruise there in nice cars (or any car) just keep an eye on your car if you go inside or move away from it, if she does try anything, do what PyrotiX said "HIT HER WITH A CLUB LOCK" laugh.gif laugh.gif
Post #2

ahh yes.. the bull sh#t stops with a clublock biggrin.gif

Post #3

Yeah, the bullshit going on in her head =P

She was like full staring at me when I told the guy who owns the skyline, cause I flagged him to come over to me, I also found out it's a 4" straight thru exhaust :shock:

Post #4

isnt that how that dudes supera was stolen down the coast? that white one with the reward n stuff?

Post #5

Most likely, I wanted to hit the bitch cause she came over to my mate and said "WHY'D YOU LIE TO ME, YOU SAID IT WAS YOUR CAR" my mate just had this stunned/blank look on his face :shock:

Post #6

hehe she's asking for it Memphis! *makes shwooshing sounds* laugh.gif

Post #7

why didn't you make a citizen's arrest get the cops and piss off her arse to the cop shop ,

maybe she's doing it for a boyfriend who's been stealing these cars after she checks em out and she might have a clean record the cops can't check?

mate next time grab her and take her inside and tell management someone's out there sussing out your customers rides.

MATE if it was my car she would be waiting for a ambulance not the cops!

Post #8

It came to my attention tonight that there is a young female of early 20's appearance hanging around springwood macca's every thirsday night.  I was informed by management (and witnessed myself) that she tries to get into any car that looks nice. Her main excuse is that she is supposed to pick up a car of that description from the carpark there.  I saw her trying to get into the 51IDE skyline, and when I told the owner, he was none too impressed, so just a lil warning for those of you who DO cruise there in nice cars (or any car) just keep an eye on your car if you go inside or move away from it, if she does try anything, do what PyrotiX said "HIT HER WITH A CLUB LOCK"   laugh.gif  :lol:
well can someone tell me exactly what she looks like hair build etc i'd be checking out this ? why be there every thursday doing the same thing?

crying out (CAR THIEF)or just wants your stuff inside the car ?

Bevan Boy
Post #9

isnt that how that dudes supera was stolen down the coast? that white one with the reward n stuff?

yeah that was my first thought!

then again she could be just floggin stuff from inside the car

ie phone wallet etc

anyway stupid fucking bitch

she's going to get a smack in the head one day :evil:

Post #10

Sounds like a working girl 2 me - don't touch the diseased bitch! :oops:

Post #11

Take photo. Post up here for all to see.

Post #12

so what exactly does she do?

Post #13

God dammit Mr Hoon69, think about what you're saying. Citizens arrest? serriously now... lay one hand on her and you're in the courts.

Post #14

Thats why u just kick the slut in the Jaw, knock her out and she wont remember. thats my 2 cents on the skank

Post #15

Thats why u just kick the slut in the Jaw, knock her out and she wont remember. thats my 2 cents on the skank

And thats not going to put you in jail either?? Idiot!

There's probably some type of gang or something and they've thought "We'll use a chick to break in... That way if they touch her their arrested."

Its a known fact chicks get off lighter than males.

Post #16

hehe, i wanna go down next week, hm we'll chase her out, aslong as she dotn have any big friends :oops: .

she'll b sorry she steps near the car im in tongue.gif

whats she look like??

Bevan Boy
Post #17

hehe, i wanna go down next week, hm we'll chase her out, aslong as she dotn have any big friends :oops:  .

she'll b sorry she steps near the car im in  :P

whats she look like??

even if she has big friends i think there will a be a few fellow car enthusiasts by ur side!

Post #18

If you guy's & gals get out of your cars.. LOCK THEM!

Then there is no chance this bitch can steal anything and make it harder for her to try stuff.

Someone get a photo of her and put it up on all the forums so people can recognise her as a trouble maker

Post #19

God dammit Mr Hoon69, think about what you're saying. Citizens arrest? serriously now... lay one hand on her and you're in the courts.
god damn yourself ?

mate ppl make citizens arrest every day at shopping centres (shoplifting etc) don't tell me it cant be done right ! you have to assault her physically by grabbing her and making sure she don't struggle it aint assault till you push, hit, etc ppl detain ppl all the time till the cops get there use your head RESIN she is smashing your car up ,or attempting to steal it what do you do

(A)make a citizen arrest and hand her over to the cops

(B)smash the bitch and cop a assault charge as well

RESIN i'll take (A) thanx and take the bitch to court for damage etc

mate it happens every day and as long as you don't hit em the judge aint going to convict you over the bitch's word!

Post #20

you realise hoon69, everyone in here has assaulted her and they don't know what she looks like, assault isn't hitting or pushing, it is touching, and if you restrain her, you will need FORCE, she ain't gunna sit pretty and wait for the cops to show is she? You try to arrest her and she will resist? You gunna get her for resisting citizen's arrest aswell???

Grow a brain cell.

Post #21

lure her into the maccas party room and lock her in there laugh.gif

u could use some keys to a car on a piece of fishing line tongue.gif

seriously, get a photo of her, or even better get a vid of her workin a car over, show it to the police at the nearest station, tell em its happening all the time, and it could possibly be part of an organised ring, specially if shes targeting decent cars that can be sold on or stripped down and be worth the effort. dont show the nearest patrol car, chances are they will be from the traffic branch and they probably wont be interested. something else to consider is talking to maccas and asking em to review their security tapes if the car that was being attempted was parked in their carpark.....

just some ideas smile.gif

Post #22

IceGreen33 you've hit the nail on the head, that's what was happening last night, I will remember my digicam next time and take a vid.

Also Jev: Tard.......nuff said, read the original post, SHE WAS ATTEMPTING TO GET INTO A LOCKED SKYLINE "Oh look at me, I drive a 20k car, let me just leave it unlocked, and dissapear for a while....."

Use your brain

Post #23

Ok here is the story.......

About 1am at springwood maccas, their were about three cars in the carpark. I came out of maccas, and this dumb bitch was kneeling down at the drivers side door, didnt look half SUS!! She said to me, "Is this your car?" She made up some bullshit about having to pick up a car just like it, I said what sort of car would that be? She didn't know. Yes and that car would have personal plates on it, 51IDE???? Get the FUCK out of here!!

Directly behind my car was memphis, watching the biatch do the whole thing..

She is about 5'5" with long dark brown hair, fairly skinny.

Keep your eyes out, I wouldn't mind settling the score!

Post #24

isnt that how that dudes supera was stolen down the coast? that white one with the reward n stuff?

No. The chick was already in the car. My mate works/ed with her, and to be honist, she isnt like that.

Post #25

Heh, 51IDE if my mate had of been there earlier, we could have gotten her with the good ole flick baton laugh.gif laugh.gif

Post #26

Shit............ Where was the two way when you needed it the most!!

Post #27

you realise hoon69, everyone in here has assaulted her and they don't know what she looks like, assault isn't hitting or pushing, it is touching, and if you restrain her, you will need FORCE, she ain't gunna sit pretty and wait for the cops to show is she? You try to arrest her and she will resist? You gunna get her for resisting citizen's arrest aswell???

Grow a brain cell.
well well well looky who it is being the know all?

i wasn't asking you, and if you read it properly i said what would you do (resin not you)if she was damaging or trying to steal his car,

what you gunna stand there and say "oh i can't touch her i better let her steal my car "and i'll ring the police whilst your car is long gone

wake up rockit and stay outta my question to RESIN,not you TOSSER!

by the way there is a thing called citizens arrest you'll hear all about it in your local neighbourhood watch meeting every month?about crime in the neighbour hood and what to do?

oh i forgot your too busy showing off in your car SORRY TOSSER

maybe you should park your car in a high car theft area for a day and see if it lasts a hour

and what would do if you saw someone trying to steal your ride i bet

you wouldn't stand by and watch and not do nothing would you?

everyone is talking about assault and your on here whinging about how citizen arrest would be assault ,ring your local cop shop and ask em if there is a thing called citizen arrest,if there is my point has been proven and once again your talkin shit?

Post #28

hoon69....I aint even gonna read that

1) because its so fucking hard to read

2) cause it woent make sense

Post #29

Is hoon69 asian of some sort by any chance, cause that's some AWESOME engrish......

Post #30

i aint asain and if your under 25 i aint answering to children SORRY

Post #31

actually from here on in i aint replying to the tossers

everyone else i'll stay at a non aggresive tone..sorry to all the real readers of boostcruising and to the tossers ,well keep tossing?


Post #32

oh i forgot your too busy showing off in your car SORRY TOSSER

maybe you should park your car in a high car theft area for a day and see if it lasts a hour

and what would do if you saw someone trying to steal your ride i bet

you wouldn't stand by and watch and not do nothing would you?

everyone is talking about assault and your on here whinging about how citizen arrest would be assault ,ring your local cop shop and ask em if there is a thing called citizen arrest,if there is my point has been proven and once again your talkin shit?

Well for one I don't remember saying there was no such thing as citizen's arrest, because I know there is, and in this day and age I think you'd find that you could be sucessfully prosecuted for an assault charge if you were using force to make a citizen's arrest.

I wouldn't stand around, but I wouldn't bother with a citizen's arrest, they'll get caught one day anyway. I would run over acting like a crazy fuck and scare them off.

i thinkyou'll find I don't show off in my car because I can't, it's a stock Honda Civic, and yeah I have parked my car in a high theft area, it lasted a lot longer than an hour.

You should grow up and stop making assumptions about other people on this forum, obviously you don't like it when people make assumptions about you so why do you do it? You assume that I am a tosser, under 25, have no friends that have finished school, blah blah blah, IMHO youare a hypocritical pice of crap, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and has the right to voice it, if you don't like there is no need to get cranky and start running at the mouth like your brain's in neutral and your mouth is at redline.

Post #33

no comment and by the way i like honda civic's i might be buying one?

and yeah your entitled to your oppinion , so am i

remember you made a comment, about my comment, about RESIN, not even about you?

who's hypercritical! check your spelling mate! cheers

Post #34

I made a comment relevant to the direction of the topic regarding a comment you made on a public forum, you wanna complain that other people can reply to your posts, use a private message.

Oh and how about YOU check YOUR spelling.

Post #35


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