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Post #36

So the problem with enforcing existing laws is?

Post #37

QUOTE (bloodzkull @ Nov 16 2013, 06:55 PM) *
So the problem with enforcing existing laws is?

^^^^^ 100% NAILED IT.

HP Plod
Post #38

QUOTE (bloodzkull @ Nov 16 2013, 06:55 PM) *
So the problem with enforcing existing laws is?

The essence of the new laws are to stop the movement and association of outlaw bike gangs

They have for a long time used the banner of their gangs to instill fear threaten and intimidate into the criminal underworld etc

By outlawing (no pun intended) the use of their banners it somewhat thwarts their manipulative powers

They still will be dealt with for criminal matters but to be a bikie and commit crimes now there is a deterrent. Don't you want us to deter crime. Isn't y role to prevent crime. We are doing this

And those who have nothing to do with these entities have nothing to fear

Not once in my region have I seen innocent bike riders stopped and harassed this aspect is being blown sky high.

Post #39

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Nov 18 2013, 02:08 PM) *
The essence of the new laws are to stop the movement and association of outlaw bike gangs

They have for a long time used the banner of their gangs to instill fear threaten and intimidate into the criminal underworld etc

By outlawing (no pun intended) the use of their banners it somewhat thwarts their manipulative powers

They still will be dealt with for criminal matters but to be a bikie and commit crimes now there is a deterrent. Don't you want us to deter crime. Isn't y role to prevent crime. We are doing this

And those who have nothing to do with these entities have nothing to fear

Not once in my region have I seen innocent bike riders stopped and harassed this aspect is being blown sky high.

I have never in my life been intimidated by bikies, ever. They have never been a problem for me or ANYONE I know.

Now that the government has outlawed their logos, they are going to be harder to identify and are going to be even harder to catch. These laws have successfully pushed criminals to look like ordinary folks, (as much as they can with tatts, but they are so socially acceptable now you don't know what's what). This in turn makes everyone a suspect as opposed to rough looking bikies.

I personally feel more of a threat from police than I do from bikies. No joke. I'm afraid to take my car out (my most valuable asset) and have it taken from me from an overzealous power tripping cop for a stupid defect, than a "bikie" who wants to steal my car.

It is my opinion and feeling that these laws are nothing more than underhanded and rough neck tactics to keep the plebs in line.

I have started seeing a movement of young professional men with experience in their field leave this country due to the nanny state laws that have been passed and to chase some dollars abroad, and I have personally started looking to follow suit.

Honestly, fcuk being in a country when I donate a grossly stupid amount of tax to it and I get nothing in return for it except being treated like a criminal because I'm a single male who likes to drive a modified car.

The Governor
Post #40

In regards to Newman making bikies in prison wear pink.

So does this bikie business affiliation mean that 9/10 kick boxing clubs in Qld will close? as they are all run by members of bikie gangs

Post #41

QUOTE (TurbostyleR @ Nov 18 2013, 02:55 PM) *
Now that the government has outlawed their logos, they are going to be harder to identify and are going to be even harder to catch. These laws have successfully pushed criminals to look like ordinary folks, (as much as they can with tatts, but they are so socially acceptable now you don't know what's what). This in turn makes everyone a suspect as opposed to rough looking bikies.

Maybe thats the plan, HP can you answer this - Every encounter with a person of the public, and every time you take their details and write it in your note pad, is it logged in the system?

Another quick question, say if we are walking in the street and are randomly stop, do we have to give our details as we have done anything wrong?

Post #42

QUOTE (TurbostyleR @ Nov 18 2013, 02:55 PM) *
It is my opinion and feeling that these laws are nothing more than underhanded and rough neck tactics to keep the plebs in line.

the list of 'outlaw' bikie gangs is a joke.. one of them doesn't exist (LOL), and for the others no explanation or evidence is given as to why they are deemed criminal..

if only the police would do their job and catch criminals being criminals..

Post #43

Normal motorcyclists arent being targetted hey?



I've seen numerous bikes been pulled over in the last few weeks. I know you frontline guys arent to blame either... especially when hierarchy are telling you to do so or consider a career change.

The situation is absolute bullshit. I'm surprised Newman and his attorney general gimp boy are still breathing to be honest.

Post #44

I've met plenty of bikies from the various "gangs" or "clubs" and have never ever had a problem. The vast majority are just normal blokes. Now away from the public there might be illegal activities going on, and for that i have no problems in policing it. But these new laws regarding what can and cannot be done in public are just bullshit.

I wore my black leather for a change a week ago on my 600rr on a casual sunday ride with a few friends, pulled over within 10km of leaving. Its not unheard of to be pulled over, but its getting out of hand now.

Post #45

I"m actually fairly surprised to see this kind of behavior from umm affiliated members. In my experience they don"t tend to like publicity. As i previously stated in my town they were the clean up people. Bad people left and the town was nice. Not saying the behaviour was entirely legal but 100% moral. Members who created public nusance were usually de patched and also left town.

I think HP speaks for himself and close coligues only, Its hard to say that all are fair and just. I do think the new laws go too far though, and that includes the hooning laws . There must still be a state of freedom !

Post #46

Hey HP Plod is this one of your Buddies?

Yeah we totally need to give cops more powers to abuse...

Post #47

lol being investigated for swearing? come on

Post #48

QUOTE (clutch-monkey @ Nov 20 2013, 10:44 PM) *
lol being investigated for swearing? come on

This. Pretty obvious the cyclist was a wanker anyways.

Post #49

That is the exact bullshit that brings about a nanny state, If I had tried that sort of shit on when I grew up, FN Bang slap over the head, you just knew it, there was a respect for all officers of the law, they were the ones who had to deal with all the toerags and shitboxes of society so you didn't have to.

It needs to be drummed in from the day you are born, " with rights, comes responsiblity" , no doubt this little fkr is a repeat offender by the dialogue and the frustration of the officer, so hence the no helmet ticket. Yet the same smart arse dole bludging scum will expect some sort of hospital care and payout when he falls off his bike and bungs on some aquired brain injury, ignoring the fact it was fkd from birth and corroded by drugs later.

the local cops here just stop kids, have a word and only if they are a fn smart arse they will get pinged, just the way it should work. I would never want to be a cop, the real issue with a lot of serial fwits is they have mental illnesses , yet they have to go through the legal and jail system, spend some time at a courthouse and observe the vacant eyed, drug fkd drones that role through there, surely after the fn 10th time of being arrested they would get the idea.

Post #50

I rather our bikies run our underworld than foreigners and trust me if you get rid of the bikies others will take over.

Post #51

QUOTE (Faun- @ Nov 23 2013, 01:57 AM) *
I rather our bikies run our underworld than foreigners and trust me if you get rid of the bikies others will take over.

Judging by the names and photos I've seen relating to bikies,I think half of them are foreigners.

Post #52

QUOTE (vk134 @ Nov 21 2013, 08:09 AM) *
That is the exact bullshit that brings about a nanny state, If I had tried that sort of shit on when I grew up, FN Bang slap over the head, you just knew it, there was a respect for all officers of the law, they were the ones who had to deal with all the toerags and shitboxes of society so you didn't have to....

That's a fair argument, but that was also from a time when the public opinion of the Police were that they existed as a public service, and that they were there to help you and weren't out to get you for every slightest indiscretion.

Nowadays, with the increased focus upon revenue generation given from the pencil pushers above them, a lot (myself included) just see them as glorified tax collectors now.

Personally, I have very little respect for the uniform. I'll obviously treat the person wearing it with individual respect... but as to the force in whole, it's unfortunately become nothing more than a political play-toy and the guys in uniform are the puppets.

A fish always stinks from the head down.

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