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Twat In The Hat
Post #36

I just read that... twice....


Post #37

I'm going to try my hardest here...

QUOTE (ads4128 @ Jan 23 2013, 05:27 PM) *
Well tell me how an officer can look at me coming at him and then tell me he has estimated my speed at 80kms in a 50zone?

We got into an argument about this and the fact that I have 62.5ton under me. It's not possible to be doing this speed in this place. I was after coming around a corner that can't be takin any faster the 35km.

In the end I gave in to this idiot and gave him 58km in a 50km so just to get him off my back. 1 point 300+ now see ya old mate.

Ps he also tried to have me for tail gating with the 3 second rule in town. Bud, nice try but not this black duck.

This was all due to the idiot in front of me telling this copper he was doing 80km when the cop told him that's what he was doing.

Mind you, he had no radar laser super cops these days in nsw. This bloke should get a new badge he is that good stitch up.

Not all coppers are bad and they have a job to do but be fair about it.

Correct me if I'm wrong hp but u guys do have a go from time to time. No offence.

Twat In The Hat
Post #38

fcuk. It's amazing how much difference spacing and a few full stops make. laugh.gif

Post #39

It's what happens when a brain farts.

Post #40

Prolly rubbing one out.

Twat In The Hat
Post #41

What a wanker laugh.gif

Post #42

QUOTE (Twat In The Hat @ Jan 22 2013, 01:49 PM) *
Nah you're wrong HP. He's an interstate truckie. He knows what cops are like brah. mamoru.gif

Only takes 1 bad apple max, Hp you seem alright, but same can be said.
Just my opinion.

Twat In The Hat
Post #43

When life throws you a bad apple, you make lemonade.

Street Tuned
Post #44

I've had at least two police officers throw the old 'Look just be honest with us, and it will work in your favor. You know you were speeding just come clean and we will go easy on you' - YEAH right.

'No sorry officer I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal I was traveling at 78km/h (80zone) I know this because I checked just moments before you turned your lights on and I checked again after you turned them on. At no point while I was on this road or any other have I exceeded the speed limit.' - The more specific you can be the better.

Might be over kill, but I can't tell you how many times that has gotten me out of a speeding ticket. And in one instance even a towable offense.

Before I get flamed by Twat and the self rightous crew, those days are pretty much behind me now.

Post #45

QUOTE (Street Tuned @ Feb 3 2013, 07:52 AM) *
I've had at least two police officers throw the old 'Look just be honest with us, and it will work in your favor. You know you were speeding just come clean and we will go easy on you' - YEAH right.

'No sorry officer I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal I was traveling at 78km/h (80zone) I know this because I checked just moments before you turned your lights on and I checked again after you turned them on. At no point while I was on this road or any other have I exceeded the speed limit.' - The more specific you can be the better.

Might be over kill, but I can't tell you how many times that has gotten me out of a speeding ticket. And in one instance even a towable offense.

Before I get flamed by Twat and the self rightous crew, those days are pretty much behind me now.

Haha love it and hopefully some people learn from from this, and people remember you also have the right to not incriminate yourself so you dont have to actually say anything or awnser questions.
I always laugh watching The force and those other police shows idiots just spilling everything. The funny thing is its alright for police,judges,magistrates to lie to you but not the other way around.

Post #46

QUOTE (audisport @ Jan 22 2013, 03:38 PM) *
I have had this happen to me, I denied I was speeding. The cop new I was speeding. The cop told me after I denied it black and blue that I was lucky he did not have a speed gun and that the speed I was going was too difficult for him to gauge. I was let go but the cop was not a happy chappy. hsdance.gif oopsie.gif

Same thing happened to me , cut the story short I got let off . As police couldn't get a reading on my vehicle,

They were tail gating me , I tapped the breaks , I did go over the speed limit . But I didn't say what speed i was going ,as it was stupid

Post #47

Regarding motorbikes, is it legal to ride to the front of the traffic line when there is a red light everyone has stopped and you are doing less then 10k's?

Post #48

Technically no

Post #49

And plod as far as the calibration of police vehicle speedos 6 months seems like a long time between checks for an in service motor vehicle there can be up to 10 km difference in odo reading between a set of new tyres and old. Reminds me of a trick trickies used to do to fool the speed limiter when they got calibrated they used smaller tyres and when out on the road put on larger ones.

Tbh it just seems like there's too many factors to call a vehicles odometer accurate age of tyre(tread depth) tyre pressure etc I'm not looking for a debate you reply in response to how they're calibrated was quite in depth

Post #50

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Jan 22 2013, 01:34 PM) *
It's called a follow speed. All our vehicles have calibrated digital speedometers. We conduct a speed measurement based on following a vehicle at a speed for a certain distance.

What is the uncertainty of the reading from your digital speedometer? There is a university study on the effect of road temperature on the rolling diameter of tyres due to air pressure, and how that affects speedometer reading. Then there is the uncertainty of the calibration method (eg transfer standard), and the uncertainty of the master calibrator as well. You also need to add +- 1 digit minimum for reader error. All these factors could be the difference between a 1 point fine and a 3 point fine. Have a chat to NATA, they will explain it all.

Post #51

QUOTE (foxtail @ Jul 17 2013, 07:48 AM) *
What is the uncertainty of the reading from your digital speedometer?

There is a university study on the effect of road temperature on the rolling diameter of tyres due to air pressure, and how that affects speedometer reading.

Then there is the uncertainty of the calibration method (eg transfer standard), and the uncertainty of the master calibrator as well.

You also need to add +- 1 digit minimum for reader error.

All these factors could be the difference between a 1 point fine and a 3 point fine.

Have a chat to NATA, they will explain it all.

We can go further, eg tread depth will affect speedometer reading, so the reading will change as your tires wear. (As they wear the reading will appear higher).

Post #52

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Jan 20 2013, 04:10 PM) *
What a load of horseshit. I have never heard such dribble in my life.

Some 'D's pulled me over and said I was doing 40km/h over (on a 2 lane road in peak hour without changing lanes). No Lidar, didnt follow me (I could see them in the rear view the whole time). I didnt admit to it, as it was a crock of shit. Went to court and I lost. Apparenty cops are aloud to estimate your speed (even tho both cops had different stories to each other).

Post #53

Off topic here, does anyone know the go with ute nets? Been selling heaps at work as apparently you can now get fined for an insecure load for no netting on it... had a looksie through the queensland transport site, couldn't find shit. I've heard the fine is >$100 per unsecured item and one point each, but can't find any info.

Post #54

it's true ben. been into the transport dept 3 time in the last week twice for comercial vehicle inspections nice big fat poster on the wall regarding unsecure load and the fines will get a pick when im in there again in the next few days

HP Plod
Post #55

QUOTE (_Ben @ Jul 17 2013, 09:00 AM) *
Off topic here, does anyone know the go with ute nets? Been selling heaps at work as apparently you can now get fined for an insecure load for no netting on it... had a looksie through the queensland transport site, couldn't find shit. I've heard the fine is >$100 per unsecured item and one point each, but can't find any info.

The fine is $220 no points..... Basically all loads in a vehicle should be secured to ensure that it doesn't move, left/right, up/down, back/forwards, so nets are used to prevent the up and down etc.

It's one fine for the whole load.... Offence is load on a vehicle fails to comply with a loading requirement.

Post #56

so my work boots in between my toolboxes require a netting or strap to prevent them from coming out of the tray? given the height of the sides , acceleration, breaking and sharpest of turning,It would be physically impossible for them to come out.I'd still be at risk of a fine?

Post #57

QUOTE (angusmacgyver:) @ Aug 17 2013, 04:23 PM) *
so my work boots in between my toolboxes require a netting or strap to prevent them from coming out of the tray? given the height of the sides , acceleration, breaking and sharpest of turning,It would be physically impossible for them to come out.I'd still be at risk of a fine?

Don't know about QLD,but definitely a yes in NSW,a bloke was fined here,for having his wellies loose in the back of a style side ute.

Post #58

QUOTE (Shuffs @ Aug 17 2013, 04:38 PM) *
Don't know about QLD,but definitely a yes in NSW,a bloke was fined here,for having his wellies loose in the back of a style side ute.

absolutely pathetic

HP Plod
Post #59

QUOTE (angusmacgyver:) @ Aug 17 2013, 03:23 PM) *
so my work boots in between my toolboxes require a netting or strap to prevent them from coming out of the tray? given the height of the sides , acceleration, breaking and sharpest of turning,It would be physically impossible for them to come out.I'd still be at risk of a fine?

Yes, all loads in a vehicle must be secured, we play a lot of what ifs in this game, so as a precaution we say how do we prevent the what ifs, by ensuring compliance with certain rules, we prevent loads being dislodged, falling out etc by saying cover it. Put it this way if you didn't secure it, and something fell out of your ute and it caused an accident you are liable. Prevention is better than cure. It's not a hard concept, if you adhere to enrules, all things are well in the world, I'd like peace of mind that if I drive behind a ute I don't have to worry about things falling out.

Obviously the netting must be correctly fitted too.. I've seen plumbers trucks igh large square netting sitting over buckets full of PVC pipe bits, that can easily fall out of the bucket throu the netting, effectively they have covered their load but its not secure, a smaller squared net would have been a better option and yes I ticketed him for this, it's common sense really.

Post #60

nets dont do shit anyway. ratchet straps is where its at

HP Plod
Post #61

QUOTE (Faun- @ Aug 18 2013, 04:14 PM) *
nets dont do shit anyway.

ratchet straps is where its at

And both top it off

Post #62

Hey Plod, I'm curious, can you tell me what company does the speedo calibrations for QPS vehicles? I know that my speedo is out so that it reads under (e.g. on a 70k road, and I'm keeping with flowing traffic, my speedo will say 65kph. Assuming that other speedos are correct).

Post #63

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Aug 18 2013, 04:11 PM) *
Yes, all loads in a vehicle must be secured, we play a lot of what ifs in this game, so as a precaution we say how do we prevent the what ifs, by ensuring compliance with certain rules, we prevent loads being dislodged, falling out etc by saying cover it. Put it this way if you didn't secure it, and something fell out of your ute and it caused an accident you are liable. Prevention is better than cure. It's not a hard concept, if you adhere to enrules, all things are well in the world, I'd like peace of mind that if I drive behind a ute I don't have to worry about things falling out.

Obviously the netting must be correctly fitted too.. I've seen plumbers trucks igh large square netting sitting over buckets full of PVC pipe bits, that can easily fall out of the bucket throu the netting, effectively they have covered their load but its not secure, a smaller squared net would have been a better option and yes I ticketed him for this, it's common sense really.

So what about things like Dump Trucks?

HP Plod
Post #64

QUOTE (.Tim. @ Aug 19 2013, 05:59 PM) *
So what about things like Dump Trucks?


HP Plod
Post #65

QUOTE (TTS @ Aug 18 2013, 09:15 PM) *
Hey Plod, I'm curious, can you tell me what company does the speedo calibrations for QPS vehicles? I know that my speedo is out so that it reads under (e.g. on a 70k road, and I'm keeping with flowing traffic, my speedo will say 65kph. Assuming that other speedos are correct).

QPS does our calibrations, after leaving alderley depot they are tested every six months by each station via the use of a certified lidar

Post #66

Queensland Police Service Motor Vehicle Impoundment Fact Sheet

Post #67

QUOTE (alpharx7 @ Oct 23 2013, 03:29 PM) *
Queensland Police Service Motor Vehicle Impoundment Fact Sheet

Some of those 'type one' offences are so vague...

slow bro
Post #68

QUOTE (ads4128 @ Jan 13 2013, 09:51 PM) *
It is also an offence to drive with fog lights on when not in fog.

I'm an interstate truck driver an the laws are so diff from state to state it's fcuked u can not take a piss against a tree on the side of the road it's classed as urinating in a public place. But it's ok to piss on the left hand steer tyre of your vehicle go figure.

Never ever when told by a copper u were doing 80km in 60km zone or what ever he says u were doing admit to it 9times out of ten he is having ago and the minute u admit guilt he has u on tape and your gone. Always deny deny deny.

This has saved me numerous fines in the past and also my mates. If they catch you red handed, there's no denying it. If they haven't seen you commit an offence, never admit to anything. Only ever admit to what they can prove.

If you deny something you're clearly guilty of, and they can prove it, you're pissing in the wind.

One sunday when heading through Geebung, i may have got a lil bit carried away. Cops pulled me over and the senior officer started abusing me (swearing and all) on the side of the road. After several attempts to get me to admit what speed i was doing he said- Quote "Well, i didn't have the radar on you, so now you can sit here and cop a fcuken mouthful for 10 mins, wanker."

I didn't know what speed i was doing as the speedo didn't work. But because i didn't admit to anything, i got off. If he had of used his brain for 2 mins he could have pinned me for numerous defects, which the second officer pointed out and asked me to rectify at earliest convenience.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty thumbsup.gif

Post #69

Just to point out the nets are NOT required if you follow the guidelines..

The overriding load restraint requirements in Queensland require that any load carried on or in your vehicle or trailer must:

not be placed in a way that makes your vehicle unstable or unsafe

be secured so it wont move or fall from your vehicle while driving including driving consisting of emergency braking or turning suddenly

not project from your vehicle in a way that is likely to injure a person, obstruct the path of other drivers or pedestrians, or damage another vehicle or anything else

be restrained using an appropriate load restraint method.

HP Plod
Post #70

QUOTE (12ARX @ Oct 24 2013, 03:23 PM) *
Just to point out the nets are NOT required if you follow the guidelines..

The overriding load restraint requirements in Queensland require that any load carried on or in your vehicle or trailer must:

not be placed in a way that makes your vehicle unstable or unsafe

be secured so it wont move or fall from your vehicle while driving including driving consisting of emergency braking or turning suddenly

not project from your vehicle in a way that is likely to injure a person, obstruct the path of other drivers or pedestrians, or damage another vehicle or anything else

be restrained using an appropriate load restraint method.

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