Harry's Diner - Thursday Nights - -Open to all Vehicles-  

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Post #71

but didnt actually do anything with them? vids to cops and bust em.

Post #72

Nothing will change.

Too many uneducated people are showing up now, they simply don't care. They think is fast and furious, where they control the area and people. Give them a warning, or some shit about their skids/litter/bogan affairs, they'll take offense to it and start bogan wars with every person you associate with.

The only way anything will get done is by doing nothing.

I'm sure alot of people have tried to do their best at encouraging others not to be stupid and be on their best behaviour. No one can't change the fact, a fresh young P plater, just got his license wants to be cool, do a single pegger to impress a large amount of his kind.

I guess, bring in cops, like those days where they setup the meets (Thinking of the Toombul carpark days? ).

Post #73

Firstly, the cop did a skid as he left, so... yeah I don't even have words to put to that.

Secondly, I noticed a large increase in minitruckers last night lol, coincidence?

Maybe there should be a sign in the driveway which states the rules (something along the lines of pick up your rubbish, any silly behaviour will be reported to police/management) etc.
I don't think a lot of people realise that it's a business owner letting us hang around there for the night, this isn't a local shopping centre carpark where it isn't affecting anybody.

Oh and also if there's no parks left, don't fucking double park, go and park across the road. If you got there too late to get a park that's your own fault.

Post #74

QUOTE (Desu @ Jul 29 2011, 02:39 PM) *
Firstly, the cop did a skid as he left, so... yeah I don't even have words to put to that.

Secondly, I noticed a large increase in minitruckers last night lol, coincidence?

Maybe there should be a sign in the driveway which states the rules (something along the lines of pick up your rubbish, any silly behaviour will be reported to police/management) etc.
I don't think a lot of people realise that it's a business owner letting us hang around there for the night, this isn't a local shopping centre carpark where it isn't affecting anybody.

Oh and also if there's no parks left, don't fucking double park, go and park across the road. If you got there too late to get a park that's your own fault.

double park means to take up two parks? is that what you meant?

Post #75

QUOTE (INVU @ Jul 29 2011, 03:12 PM) *
double park means to take up two parks? is that what you meant?

That too, but I meant as in parking people in.

Post #76

QUOTE (Desu @ Jul 29 2011, 03:23 PM) *
That too, but I meant as in parking people in.

oh yes, i dont mind if people park in non car park spaces, aslong as it is easily accessible with clear view and not parking anyone in. really hate it when people park in two spaces however. maybe i'll do it ;\

Post #77

The amount of people blocking others in just so they can have a spot in the main area is ridiculous,

If there isn't a spot to park, go over the road or next door!
especially near the end where you turn around to get out, so many near misses when larger cars are rolling past, so try to keep it a bit clearer guys

El Pedro
Post #78

While I'm not condoning it people are always going to litter. Harry's make money from these nights I'm sure they can afford $20 to pay someone to clean up for an hour before they close.

John Mkiv
Post #79

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 05:01 PM) *
While I'm not condoning it people are always going to litter. Harry's make money from these nights I'm sure they can afford $20 to pay someone to clean up for an hour before they close.

Of course they do. But why should they have to pay someone to clean up after some lazy pricks? People should have respect for the Harry's and clean up after themselves. How hard is it to put the rubbish in the bin? Or even put it in your car until you get home and put it wherever.
To many fucking people still have their mummy's running around cleaning up after them so they have no fucking life skills.

El Pedro
Post #80

Same could be said for football matches, festivals, concerts etc etc. It's a cost of business. Like I said I'm not condoning or encouraging people to litter but it's always going to happen.

Post #81

Have to agree with pretty much everything that has been said so far but I do think you have missed one major problem, the amount of people under the influence of alcohol comming to Harrys and continuing to drink in public when they get there, pretty much every week I see people with a can of their chosen poisen so to say in hand, I even saw a young girl fall over almost on someone's car because she was so drunk she couldnt walk and she only looked to be 15 or 16 so I say invite the cops in and let them deal with it.

And to the P-Platers that accelerate into car parks and almost took me and numerous other people out, your in the front of the cue so no one else is going to take your spot so slow down.

Post #82

It looked to be a good night, my car wasn't clean enough to stick around, next Thursday look out for me and say 'Hi'

Post #83

QUOTE (INVU @ Jul 29 2011, 07:46 AM) *
to be honest, i see no problem with taking off fast, sure if your screeching it up the road thats fair enough, but i really enjoying hearing the turbo's spool and then the orgasmic sound of the blow off valve.

Taking off fast creates unwanted attention aswell. I'm normally the last person to ever whinge about people doing skids. But last night was pretty sad. I don't get much of a kick watching shit cars do single peggers with steering wheel tugs out of the carpark and nearly hitting the gutter everytime. The bogans at browns plains on a Saturday night put a better show on and are safer.

You say you love hearing the turbos spool. If these car arn't spinning the tyres and creating smoke they must be pretty dam stock unsure.gif

Post #84

Why dont cops just hangout there? one night when I went there was a highway patrol parked at the entrance. not busting anyone, just hanging out and giving a presence. thats all it needs. no one is gonna skid when theres cops chillen in the crowd. So whats the problem? If the cops are there to just have a good time, keep everyone happy and stop stupidity then its the perfect solution? if theres some drunk bitch stumbling around then cops do something about it, like wise to the losers drinking etc

Post #85

QUOTE (mitch-10-02 @ Jul 29 2011, 08:44 PM) *
Why dont cops just hangout there? one night when I went there was a highway patrol parked at the entrance. not busting anyone, just hanging out and giving a presence. thats all it needs. no one is gonna skid when theres cops chillen in the crowd. So whats the problem? If the cops are there to just have a good time, keep everyone happy and stop stupidity then its the perfect solution? if theres some drunk bitch stumbling around then cops do something about it, like wise to the losers drinking etc

+1 this.

The police obviously know that there are some idiots that come to this event each week. I went to the friday old school night last month and there was a police officer walking around talking to people. Instead of undercover cars patrolling newmarket rd why dont they just have one car parked at the entrance inside, not across the road backed up in the side street. Seems to me like they are revenue raising? tongue.gif

Post #86

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 05:01 PM) *
While I'm not condoning it people are always going to litter. Harry's make money from these nights I'm sure they can afford $20 to pay someone to clean up for an hour before they close.

Your an idiot
James makes fuck all from these nights
Why don't you chat to him and see what really goes on before commenting

El Pedro
Post #87

QUOTE (V3N0M @ Jul 29 2011, 10:01 PM) *
Your an idiot
James makes fuck all from these nights
Why don't you chat to him and see what really goes on before commenting

What makes you think I haven't? My business is dining guides, when I approached him regarding advertising he told me he makes all his money on Thursday an Friday nights due to the support from the car scene and didn't need any more business. He said he spends the rest of the week preparing for the the weekend.

I can only assume from that he is making money. Maccas pays cleaners to keep their car parks clean. As I said it's a cost of doing business.

Post #88

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 10:07 PM) *
What makes you think I haven't? My business is dining guides, when I approached him regarding advertising he told me he makes all his money on Thursday an Friday nights due to the support from the car scene and didn't need any more business. He said he spends the rest of the week preparing for the the weekend.

I can only assume from that he is making money. Maccas pays cleaners to keep their car parks clean. As I said it's a cost of doing business.

my mates and i know James fairly well. There may be a crapload of ppl turning up but that doesnt mean he's making alot of money. He said it was busier during the day than it was on thursday night. Only a handful of people actually spend more than $5 there on thursday nights

Post #89

QUOTE (sparz14 @ Jul 29 2011, 10:17 PM) *
my mates and i know James fairly well. There may be a crapload of ppl turning up but that doesnt mean he's making alot of money. He said it was busier during the day than it was on thursday night. Only a handful of people actually spend more than $5 there on thursday nights

I usually get a Hawaiian burger when I go. The food there is insanely good!

E U R E K A M A D 9 4
Post #90

Food at Harry's is nice, and i'm fairly picky when it comes to eating take away food tongue.gif

As stated before, the cops there lastnight were good they weren't handing out defects or chasing after everyone down the road being general cnuts.

They were there keeping things safe, the way it SHOULD be.

Post #91

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 05:01 PM) *
While I'm not condoning it people are always going to litter. Harry's make money from these nights I'm sure they can afford $20 to pay someone to clean up for an hour before they close.

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 10:07 PM) *
What makes you think I haven't? My business is dining guides, when I approached him regarding advertising he told me he makes all his money on Thursday an Friday nights due to the support from the car scene and didn't need any more business. He said he spends the rest of the week preparing for the the weekend.

I can only assume from that he is making money. Maccas pays cleaners to keep their car parks clean. As I said it's a cost of doing business.

I think its more respect then anything else for the owners and workers, yeah $20 out of a profitable night isn't much but why should he? he has given a place for car enthusiasts to come, grab a bite, catch up with friends, relax and a safe area from getting defected(on the lines you aren't being a dickhead to get attention in the first place) so maybe a little bit of respect of putting rubbish in the bin isn't that hard

I stayed back a lot later then usually once and was talking to the owner with a friend and they either have to wake up at 3am or have to be back at the diner at 3am, so that 1 hour they are cleaning the car park, could be spent sleeping(ive done 18 hour shifts plenty of times before then only having to get up at 2-3 hours later to go back to work and that extra hour sleep does wonders). so it dies down after 8:30-9, then they gotta clean the diner, then clean the carpark, cant imagine what time they are actually leaving to go home to sleep to wake up that early??

Post #92

cool. I've been going to Harry's since 95. Now I'm a bit older, I always buy dinner if i go there as a thank you for all the years i've gone there to look at cars.

From what I've seen, when the cops are around it stops the idiots stuffing it up for everyone else.
I would invite the cops to stick around and remove the idiots. It was only like 2003/2004 when I can remember there was more bogan falcadore P Platers underage drinking and drink driving which stuffed it for everyone, Harry's then died for several years following. Keep the cops there to keep the idiots out and Harry's will prosper forever.

Post #93

QUOTE (El Pedro @ Jul 29 2011, 10:07 PM) *
What makes you think I haven't? My business is dining guides, when I approached him regarding advertising he told me he makes all his money on Thursday an Friday nights due to the support from the car scene and didn't need any more business. He said he spends the rest of the week preparing for the the weekend.

I can only assume from that he is making money. Maccas pays cleaners to keep their car parks clean. As I said it's a cost of doing business.

Reading below

QUOTE (sparz14 @ Jul 29 2011, 10:17 PM) *
my mates and i know James fairly well. There may be a crapload of ppl turning up but that doesnt mean he's making alot of money. He said it was busier during the day than it was on thursday night. Only a handful of people actually spend more than $5 there on thursday nights


QUOTE (iBrettowski @ Jul 29 2011, 10:29 PM) *
I think its more respect then anything else for the owners and workers, yeah $20 out of a profitable night isn't much but why should he? he has given a place for car enthusiasts to come, grab a bite, catch up with friends, relax and a safe area from getting defected(on the lines you aren't being a dickhead to get attention in the first place) so maybe a little bit of respect of putting rubbish in the bin isn't that hard

I stayed back a lot later then usually once and was talking to the owner with a friend and they either have to wake up at 3am or have to be back at the diner at 3am, so that 1 hour they are cleaning the car park, could be spent sleeping(ive done 18 hour shifts plenty of times before then only having to get up at 2-3 hours later to go back to work and that extra hour sleep does wonders). so it dies down after 8:30-9, then they gotta clean the diner, then clean the carpark, cant imagine what time they are actually leaving to go home to sleep to wake up that early??

And also this

People rarely buy anything at all on thursdays
99% of the people there all bring Maccas or Subway in from out side
The drinks they also bring in thier self.
It may seem packed on Thursdays but it seldom is in the restaurant and that is shit
He gives us a place to hard park like mad @#$!s the least we can do is show a bit of support.
HE Stops us getting defected, HE makes sure we have places to park, HE deals with the shit he cops over idiots.
If he should start having to hire a cleaner then he should be well within his rights to charge an entry fee to cover the cleaner to people who do not buy a meal.

He is one of THE nicest people I have ever met and yet people still walk all over him.
The people that are really there to support the guy and have fun are the ones getting pissed about people not giving a shit and thinking it is totally his responsibility to clean up after lazy people and inbred scum.
for me it is very hard to watch a guy like James do all he can to help us and a very few people return the kindness he shows towards us.

James is not legally required to let people come there to just sit around and eat outside food and drink Alcohol,
if he really wanted to he could tell us all to fuck off and call the cops to have us all removed, let us get defected and be on his way.
People should really sit back and think about what he does before putting thier 2 cents in for what he should do.

Post #94

QUOTE (V3N0M @ Jul 30 2011, 01:38 AM) *
People rarely buy anything at all on thursdays
99% of the people there all bring Maccas or Subway in from out side
The drinks they also bring in thier self.
It may seem packed on Thursdays but it seldom is in the restaurant and that is shit
He gives us a place to hard park like mad @#$!s the least we can do is show a bit of support.
HE Stops us getting defected, HE makes sure we have places to park, HE deals with the shit he cops over idiots.
If he should start having to hire a cleaner then he should be well within his rights to charge an entry fee to cover the cleaner to people who do not buy a meal.

He is one of THE nicest people I have ever met and yet people still walk all over him.
The people that are really there to support the guy and have fun are the ones getting pissed about people not giving a shit and thinking it is totally his responsibility to clean up after lazy people and inbred scum.
for me it is very hard to watch a guy like James do all he can to help us and a very few people return the kindness he shows towards us.

James is not legally required to let people come there to just sit around and eat outside food and drink Alcohol,
if he really wanted to he could tell us all to fuck off and call the cops to have us all removed, let us get defected and be on his way.
People should really sit back and think about what he does before putting thier 2 cents in for what he should do.

Well said, and I'm one of the few to make it a practise to ALWAYS buy something from the shop whenever I have been there for the fact that it is smart practise to support those who support you.

You can buy Macca's or Subway and other day of the week... they are everywhere, and they do nothing in return for you. Why, on that one night a week would you favour them over a guy local independant guy who makes better food and gives you a place to do what you enjoy

And why would you disrespect that by littering and then expecting him to clean up after your filthy lazy degenerate arses?

A lot of you guys like to think of yourselves as enthusiasts... well, I'm sorry but this is NOT how enthusiasts act. Enthusiasts do not parade around like a pack of self centred little lowbreed fashion sluts that think the world owes them. A true enthusiast not only appreciates that which interests them, but also everything else which helps to support it and allows it to be possible in the first place.

That being said, it is ultimately just wasted breath... like all the other wasted breath in the topic that preceded this one. Bogans will be bogan and no amount of common sense will ever prevent it.

Street Tuned
Post #95

Yeah I always make sure I buy something when I show up just to support those that support the scene.

Post #96

I always make sure I buy a meal from Harrys whenever I go, food is good so I don't see any need to bring food in from somewhere else.

Post #97

harrys is good, and it's cheap fun with people (most...) who are all into the same thing.

the food is cheap, and is fucking tasty!, always see mad cars and always have fun when i go..


the people who walk around drinking, you ruin it, drink in/near your car, don't walk around trying to be cool by drinking your cheap "on sale" beer or what ever shit you drink, it only gives a bad image to the car scene.

that cop that always comes is mad, he doesnt make himself a "cop" unless dickheads do stupid shit, like epic skids..
i took my gsx-r once and gave it some up the road past him, nothing happened, he can tell a nice car playing around from a car looking for unwanted attention.

there is nothing wrong with giving it some up the road so people can be like "holy shit that sounds epic" etc, but clutch kicking it on the driveway so you can try to munji up the road is stupid, and i hope you get booked, than defected, than impounded, no matter what car.

harrys is something that has been around for ages, so don't take it away.

Post #98

i also buy food from harry's on a thursday night.

sorry, i just thought i should put that in there like everyone else to show how supportive i am to this particular meet and how muc of as top bloke i am. please dont be upset with me.

Post #99

Food from harry's is great. Only downside is, if he is really not getting that much business, why does it often take 40 minutes to get a burger.

Post #100

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Jul 30 2011, 04:26 PM) *
Food from harry's is great. Only downside is, if he is really not getting that much business, why does it often take 40 minutes to get a burger.

This. I have stopped buying food at Harry's coz im sick of waiting for it. Took nearly an hour the week before last for freaking chicken chippies to cook.

Post #101

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Jul 30 2011, 04:26 PM) *
Food from harry's is great. Only downside is, if he is really not getting that much business, why does it often take 40 minutes to get a burger.

QUOTE (88BIN @ Jul 30 2011, 05:04 PM) *
This. I have stopped buying food at Harry's coz im sick of waiting for it. Took nearly an hour the week before last for freaking chicken chippies to cook.

This is the part I don't understand, everytime i've bought food from there its taken quite a while to get it, yet everyone says its not getting any business. Plus I never get a seat inside because its too packed and have to sit outside in the cold.

QUOTE (176OES @ Jul 30 2011, 02:16 AM) *
You can buy Macca's or Subway any other day of the week... they are everywhere, and they do nothing in return for you. Why, on that one night a week would you favour them over a guy local independant guy who makes better food and gives you a place to do what you enjoy

I must say though, I know some pretty wicked Subway combo's.. though I do eat it 3-4 times a week.

Post #102

QUOTE (88BIN @ Jul 30 2011, 05:04 PM) *
This. I have stopped buying food at Harry's coz im sick of waiting for it. Took nearly an hour the week before last for freaking chicken chippies to cook.

mmm chicken chippes. I always try to buy something, even if its not much.

Post #103

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Jul 30 2011, 04:26 PM) *
Food from harry's is great. Only downside is, if he is really not getting that much business, why does it often take 40 minutes to get a burger.

QUOTE (88BIN @ Jul 30 2011, 05:04 PM) *
This. I have stopped buying food at Harry's coz im sick of waiting for it. Took nearly an hour the week before last for freaking chicken chippies to cook.

All depends who is working the kitchen
If it is James himself
Then it takes fuck all time but if it is the american dude it takes a bit longer

Post #104

Had an hawiian burger on thursday.... man that shit was great. Made me realise how shit mcDonalds really is.

Manic 180
Post #105

I usually buy a drink. Im not usually around long enough to wait for anything to be cooked.

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