Tonight - 60 Minutes - Hoon Story - Not good for the scene  

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Rookie ROX
Post #106

Video and Transcript here -

And this was the Sunday report I earier referred too - - It's definitely worth the watch.

QUOTE(51KRX @ Aug 11 2008, 11:55 AM) [snapback]1282721373[/snapback]

wrong. they were reporting on usa and reporting how the police are cracking down on street races

How is he wrong?

They were reporting on downtown LA in the USA yes, but they were trying to imply the same culture occurs here. It can't be done.


Post #107

QUOTE(Rookie ROX @ Aug 11 2008, 01:57 PM) [snapback]1282721883[/snapback]

Video and Transcript here -

And this was the Sunday report I earier referred too - - It's definitely worth the watch.
How is he wrong?

They were reporting on downtown LA in the USA yes, but they were trying to imply the same culture occurs here. It can't be done.


they werent applying it to our culture

they were simply reporting on the usa and their hoon problem and how they are tackling it

Post #108

QUOTE(51KRX @ Aug 11 2008, 02:06 PM) [snapback]1282721930[/snapback]

they werent applying it to our culture

they were simply reporting on the usa and their hoon problem and how they are tackling it

We're both Liberal Democratic Western countries, we share the same culture. The problems the USA have are much the same as the ones we have here, you would have to have your head in a massive bucket of sand to think any different.

Post #109

QUOTE(-J! @ Aug 11 2008, 02:22 PM) [snapback]1282722008[/snapback]

We're both Liberal Democratic Western countries, we share the same culture. The problems the USA have are much the same as the ones we have here, you would have to have your head in a massive bucket of sand to think any different.

you're kidding right?

we have some problems similar but we also do with alot of countries

Post #110

QUOTE(HUN51 @ Aug 11 2008, 01:22 PM) [snapback]1282721737[/snapback]

Istill say which i was quoted on in a newspaper feed i did a few months back, its the do gooders and parents to blame aswell.
Tell me this people, when was the last time you heard of a wog with A.D.D?
Never cos they would get the A.D.D smacked out of them.

A bit off topic, but ADD stands for Adult Discipline Disorder....simple as that, more parents need to discipling their children, kids have no respect for their parents these days!!

Its not a major point of weather or not the story had relevance to Australia or not, they are just trying to get the public to remember we are people to be hated, somewhere on the same level of menaces to society like peadophiles or murderers.

Maybe ACA should come a do a story at Toombul one week, see how well the so called Hoons get along with the police at an organised meet, where we have BBQ's to raise money for the community and no one shoots anyone...but no, you can't show that on TV, that would make hoons look like good people!

Post #111

QUOTE(BEWARE @ Aug 11 2008, 02:48 PM) [snapback]1282722127[/snapback]

A bit off topic, but ADD stands for Adult Discipline Disorder....simple as that, more parents need to discipling their children, kids have no respect for their parents these days!!

Its not a major point of weather or not the story had relevance to Australia or not, they are just trying to get the public to remember we are people to be hated, somewhere on the same level of menaces to society like peadophiles or murderers.

Maybe ACA should come a do a story at Toombul one week, see how well the so called Hoons get along with the police at an organised meet, where we have BBQ's to raise money for the community and no one shoots anyone...but no, you can't show that on TV, that would make hoons look like good people!

ADD = Attention Dephicet (sp) Disorder

Post #112

lol at thread.

hoons= good story.

and if u saw the footage. it was all POS fwd civics.
lol at guy saying shit about the 2ltr engine. then the interviewer was all like "so small jap car, with big engine" I LOL'D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

ahhhhh. loved this story, gave us all a good laugh. hahaha

Post #113

so who else has written to 60 mins yet?

someone do what BEWARE said 3 posts above....... then post us what happens


Maybe ACA should come a do a story at Toombul one week, see how well the so called Hoons get along with the police at an organised meet, where we have BBQ's to raise money for the community and no one shoots anyone...but no, you can't show that on TV, that would make hoons look like good people!

Post #114

QUOTE(51KRX @ Aug 11 2008, 02:53 PM) [snapback]1282722143[/snapback]

ADD = Attention Dephicet (sp) Disorder

K thanks, thats what the medical fraternity will tell us it stands for, what I meant was, kids with ADD just need more discipline, hence why I like to say ADD stand for Adult Discipline Disorder..because the adults fail to discipline these out of control kids!

Anyway, back on topic.....Steve write to ACA and suggest a story on Toombul, seeing as you were the main guy behind it all.....suggest they run a story showing that an organised meet can work, and hoons can live in harmony with the police!

Post #115

with all the shit going on in the world today...dam that was a useless story

as someone said previously 100 dead a year....not taking anything away from their deaths but farout...there would be around 5000 a year due to crack addictions etc

the time can be better spent elsewhere

and to try and TRICK viewers into thinking that it was an australian based street race was ridiculous...they didnt do this directly but they try to give the viewers fear that if they were to drive on the road tomorrow they WILL be mowed down by a hoon...

Post #116

HAHAHA.... +1 for the mindless, naive, and ignorant general public, -11ty billion for enthusiasts and hoons.

It just disgusts me how much ignorance there is! elvis didn't do no drugs!!! - *~ sarcasm~*

I think the government wastes too much time and resources on this problem that is not as big as what the media tries to make it out as. For example... In U.S, street racing causes approx 100 deaths a year, in a country with a population of over 300 million, which equates to the deaths of 0.0000003333333333% of the population. Now when you look not only at the U.S road toll but any other illegal activities that causes fatalities in the states, street racing is a very miniscule percentage, not even worth pissing on, and the same goes with Australia, the percentages are so small that it's not worth pissing on. In the end it is just the annoyance factor that has branded hooning as bad as it is, and the general pop. has been sucked into it as if it is a major problem.

I think it's about time Australia "Harden's the fuck up"!!!


oh and does anyone else ever get the feeling, that when they do their summary at the end about hoons, that the jaws music should be playing "derrrrrr den.............. derrrrrrr den", as they make it sound like some sort of nasty child eating paedophile like Graeme Ferguson!

Rookie ROX
Post #117

QUOTE(51KRX @ Aug 11 2008, 02:06 PM) [snapback]1282721930[/snapback]

they werent applying it to our culture

they were simply reporting on the usa and their hoon problem and how they are tackling it

You miss that bit where they were suggesting examples as how it should be dealt with here? The references to the Australian scene? The video footage from Australia.

It was all to try and continue creating moral panic in this country, and push the whole zero tolerance policy.

QUOTE(BEWARE @ Aug 11 2008, 03:12 PM) [snapback]1282722197[/snapback]

Anyway, back on topic.....Steve write to ACA and suggest a story on Toombul, seeing as you were the main guy behind it all.....suggest they run a story showing that an organised meet can work, and hoons can live in harmony with the police!

The media don't give a crap.

Overhyped stories create moral panic, moral panic sells, that brings in the money, money keeps the media in business and happy. It stopped being about reporting the truth long ago, now it's all about making money. We invite them out, they'll mix the footage there with old footage and put a complete spin on it and still make us look bad. They've done it before, and there's no doubting they'll do it again. Vigilante Dawn portrayed as Victim Dawn anyone?

I'd much prefer they stay as far away as possible from legitimate places.


Post #118

QUOTE(BEWARE @ Aug 11 2008, 03:12 PM) [snapback]1282722197[/snapback]

Anyway, back on topic.....Steve write to ACA and suggest a story on Toombul, seeing as you were the main guy behind it all.....suggest they run a story showing that an organised meet can work, and hoons can live in harmony with the police!

They will just film the fuck heads that hoon up the arterial road on their way to pinkenba skids.

The minority need to be put over the knee of the law. i'm all for big penalties for cockheads. Crush all the cars that get caught laugh.gif

Post #119

QUOTE(51KRX @ Aug 11 2008, 02:46 PM) [snapback]1282722122[/snapback]

you're kidding right?

No, apart from the obvious 'gun' disillusions i dont see how we're any different? The same sort of cars are outlawed and/or targeted and the people who drive them behave in the same way. Just because America says its OK for you to hold a gun doesnt mean that anti-quo attitude in Australia is any different. Substitute guns for theft and property damage and we're swimming in the same pool. The gang mentality is virtually moot because they arent actually gangs, theyre just thugs who congregate in the same place and commit petty crimes and the occasional act of spontaneous violence, the same applies for Australia. Dont assume that guns degenerate the situation any further, replace a gun with a cricket bat and you've got the same cornerside bullshit we have to put up with in this country.

Post #120

I don't see why people so worked up about this.

The public have already formed a view on whether car enthusiasts are hoons. Some will think that all car enthusiasts are hoons, and some are intelligent enough to know the difference. If someone thinks of you as a hoon then ask yourself why, and at the end of the day will it make a huge difference what they think of you?

The government has already put policies in place to prevent hooning, and if they want to add crushing, then they will. I don't see this as being a bad thing. Only the worst offenders will have their car crushed, it certainly will never happen on your first hooning offense.

Post #121

QUOTE(Rookie ROX @ Aug 11 2008, 03:39 PM) [snapback]1282722300[/snapback]

I'd much prefer they stay as far away as possible from legitimate places.


True, no good can come from the media about hoons!

QUOTE(GTR120WHY @ Aug 11 2008, 04:23 PM) [snapback]1282722465[/snapback]

They will just film the fuck heads that hoon up the arterial road on their way to pinkenba skids.

The minority need to be put over the knee of the law. i'm all for big penalties for cockheads. Crush all the cars that get caught laugh.gif

hmmm true again, I agree, big penalties for people caught racing, but crushing their cars is a bit extreme, may aswell just empty out their savings account aswell, jailtime maybe....but they make out as if anyone with set of wheels on their car is a hoon these days....crush em' all!!!

Post #122

QUOTE(HUN51 @ Aug 11 2008, 01:22 PM) [snapback]1282721737[/snapback]

Istill say which i was quoted on in a newspaper feed i did a few months back, its the do gooders and parents to blame aswell.
Tell me this people, when was the last time you heard of a wog with A.D.D?
Never cos they would get the A.D.D smacked out of them.
When I Was younger and I stuffed up I got a belting, now thats what needs to be done as the upcoing generation as no respect for anything, just look at schools, its happening in there aswell. An article in the tweed newspaper stated a snr srgnt quoting that on friday night he pulled over an abundance of P platers over the limit and speeding, and they were all laughing.
Kids have no sence, so then move the licence age up to 21, as young people are clearly not responsible.
Just my thoughts......

lol i agree more kids need a beating, mind you i'm on my reds,
but parents need to give there kids a good working over,
i'm not talking because people drive bad i just think most kids are idiots

Post #123

QUOTE(ThunderBolt @ Aug 11 2008, 04:53 PM) [snapback]1282722584[/snapback]

I don't see why people so worked up about this.

The public have already formed a view on whether car enthusiasts are hoons. Some will think that all car enthusiasts are hoons, and some are intelligent enough to know the difference. If someone thinks of you as a hoon then ask yourself why, and at the end of the day will it make a huge difference what they think of you?

The government has already put policies in place to prevent hooning, and if they want to add crushing, then they will. I don't see this as being a bad thing. Only the worst offenders will have their car crushed, it certainly will never happen on your first hooning offense.

A level headed fucking response; I never thought I would see the day.

At the end of the day it rests entirely on your shoulders. The law is set in concrete, and it is there to beak if you see fit, but be aware of the consequences.

In my opinion smashing a car around a track, smoking up the tyres, loud exhausts, all of the above even if on the track is still hoon-ish behaviour. Liking the smell of burning rubber and the sound of your bov venting at 8000RPM is a part of been an enthusiast and a hoon.

Hoon is as hoon does

Post #124

QUOTE(BEWARE @ Aug 11 2008, 05:00 PM) [snapback]1282722617[/snapback]

True, no good can come from the media about hoons!
hmmm true again, I agree, big penalties for people caught racing, but crushing their cars is a bit extreme, may aswell just empty out their savings account aswell, jailtime maybe....but they make out as if anyone with set of wheels on their car is a hoon these days....crush em' all!!!

Just rotors and honda's provoke.gif

Post #125

Here's what I sent to them last night. I admit, some things could have been said differently. Some, shouldn't have been said at all. None the less, it has been sent, and it is my view. Read, flame me, whatever.

I'll even use my real email in the hopes I'll get some kind of relevant response to my email. Not bloody likely.

"It's fast, furious and deadly. In the past year, dozens of innocent Australians have been killed by hoons. Brainless kids in powerful cars who terrorize the suburbs, turning public streets into race tracks."

Funny, how the whole story was on the American street racing scene. Absolutely no relevance to the Australian street racing scene. Brainless kids? Funny, completing year 12, doing a trade, earning my cash and spending hard earned money on my car made me a citizen of Aust. Not a brainless kid from America.

"Well, there is and it's happening where all this street drag racing began, in the heart of gangland Los Angeles."

Funny, I thought street racing etc started in my fathers kind of era. Years and years ago. Where police told you to move on. Sure, the cars where half as powerful, but whats the difference? All you've done with segment, is cause panic amongst the brain dead, and the sheep of society who watched this, to think we carry loaded weapons in our cars. What a load of crap. All you've shown is the stupidity in a complete different country. ALL of the things the Americans do, we do not.

Sure, the small minority of IDIOTS may do it in suburban streets. The rest of us out for fun, go miles out, in industrial estates etc to enjoy ourself. Taking away our places to park, and chat like Broadwater car park, only adds to the furry you people have given us. With no places to even stand around and chat to like minded people.

You've shown a small group of people. What about the rest of us? HUH? We do BBQ, One website I'm apart of, just did two bloody charity runs for children, breast cancer. In three weeks. When do hoons, who terrorize the streets, killing ourself do this?

What about the rest of us, who go on cruises just to meet new people, where Hooning and racing is frowned upon and offenders are told to leave.

Again, You've shown the typical media biased version of Hoons. Thanks to you, ACA, etc. Car enthusiast and idiots are the same category. Hoons. You all have no idea. All you've done, is made our life difficult, with police pulling us over as we head to work, or home. Going to get milk. Funny us Brainless children have full time jobs, uni degree's. Wife's. Young children to look after. But, according to you all, We are street racing, binge drinking, drug taking, no jobs, etc.

I sincerely hope this reaches someone who will actually read it, Or. Will be mucked around, and placed out of context. In which case, action will be taken.

Brendan McGaw

Post #126

QUOTE(GTR120WHY @ Aug 11 2008, 05:23 PM) [snapback]1282722718[/snapback]

Just rotors and honda's provoke.gif

oo i drive a honda

Post #127

just watched the video and duuuuuude what the FUC K! bloody ignorant 60 mins "imagine that in your street" the difference is, that IS a race track

what the hell... cant they try to at least fully understand everything first? didnt they see that the street cars were ALL hondas and that the racing cars were all a lot faster?

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! "you got a honda and put a big (2l probs) engine in it" why didnt sum1 show him an american car while he was there?

haha all the cars at the crushers were hondas.

60 mins used to be good, but now they're just getn depserate for viewers

QUOTE(Rancher @ Aug 11 2008, 05:20 PM) [snapback]1282722853[/snapback]

I sincerely hope this reaches someone who will actually read it, Or. Will be mucked around, and placed out of context. In which case, action will be taken.

hear hear. some damn good points in that post and are the kinda thing that needs to be seriously considered by people with power

Post #128

QUOTE(DAZZLER351 @ Aug 10 2008, 08:32 PM) [snapback]1282719421[/snapback]

Anyone else notice that he wasn,t wearing a helmet at Irwindale Raceway ?? dunno.gif ph34r.gif

I went to a mid week street meet there a couple off ears ago , no helmets on some , passages , less than 1/4 mile , goes to one lane at the deep end around the back off the speedway , crowd sits about 1and1/2 car widths from track behind approx 3 foot wall.

Post #129

just about every 2 weeks there is a program on the tv about hoons.

And if thats not bad enough then you ALWAYS get someone on here making a topic with the general theme ALWAYS being "its ruining the car scene people dont understand we arnt all like that".

Then you get some cry baby hero bitch who has actually spent half an hour typing up an email to the program in question demanding answers and satisfaction because of all the nightmares the person has had.

Then cry baby hero bitch posts a copy on forum so all can give him/her a virtual pat on the back and everyone can discuss how fucked the system is.

then there is the prick like me saying shut the fuck up and get over it.

cbf reading thread, cbf reading first post, didnt even watch 60 minutes.

Post #130

QUOTE(Rancher @ Aug 11 2008, 05:50 PM) [snapback]1282722853[/snapback]

Here's what I sent to them last night. I admit, some things could have been said differently. Some, shouldn't have been said at all. None the less, it has been sent, and it is my view. Read, flame me, whatever.

I'll even use my real email in the hopes I'll get some kind of relevant response to my email. Not bloody likely.

"It's fast, furious and deadly. In the past year, dozens of innocent Australians have been killed by hoons. Brainless kids in powerful cars who terrorize the suburbs, turning public streets into race tracks."

Funny, how the whole story was on the American street racing scene. Absolutely no relevance to the Australian street racing scene. Brainless kids? Funny, completing year 12, doing a trade, earning my cash and spending hard earned money on my car made me a citizen of Aust. Not a brainless kid from America.

"Well, there is and it's happening where all this street drag racing began, in the heart of gangland Los Angeles."

Funny, I thought street racing etc started in my fathers kind of era. Years and years ago. Where police told you to move on. Sure, the cars where half as powerful, but whats the difference? All you've done with segment, is cause panic amongst the brain dead, and the sheep of society who watched this, to think we carry loaded weapons in our cars. What a load of crap. All you've shown is the stupidity in a complete different country. ALL of the things the Americans do, we do not.

Sure, the small minority of IDIOTS may do it in suburban streets. The rest of us out for fun, go miles out, in industrial estates etc to enjoy ourself. Taking away our places to park, and chat like Broadwater car park, only adds to the furry you people have given us. With no places to even stand around and chat to like minded people.

You've shown a small group of people. What about the rest of us? HUH? We do BBQ, One website I'm apart of, just did two bloody charity runs for children, breast cancer. In three weeks. When do hoons, who terrorize the streets, killing ourself do this?

What about the rest of us, who go on cruises just to meet new people, where Hooning and racing is frowned upon and offenders are told to leave.

Again, You've shown the typical media biased version of Hoons. Thanks to you, ACA, etc. Car enthusiast and idiots are the same category. Hoons. You all have no idea. All you've done, is made our life difficult, with police pulling us over as we head to work, or home. Going to get milk. Funny us Brainless children have full time jobs, uni degree's. Wife's. Young children to look after. But, according to you all, We are street racing, binge drinking, drug taking, no jobs, etc.

I sincerely hope this reaches someone who will actually read it, Or. Will be mucked around, and placed out of context. In which case, action will be taken.

Brendan McGaw

w3rd...i know im a mecho so my car to me is just further about my passion for anything with an engine good luck to me if it goes alright ...but yet i still cant drive down the road without gettin hassled by cops...cause of all this shit im just another p-plater in a skyline. Carry a gun in my car?pfffft im not scratchin my trims just to hide a gun and i know alot of other modifers's who'd think the same thing...but oh yeh been around cars is such a dangerous thing to do

shithouse fottage on 60mins- story was a waste of time as far as im concerened i'll informin and irrelevant

someone can throw a whole bunch of bottletops in a pile and then thats art.. but we modify our cars to look schmik and even sometime defy engineering and we're just labled hoons&dickheads

its bullshit how because of a few dickheads and a few 'horror' stories the rest of us now have to suffer and all get tared with the one brush

Post #131

QUOTE(THORPE84 @ Aug 11 2008, 06:52 PM) [snapback]1282723264[/snapback]

just about every 2 weeks there is a program on the tv about hoons.

And if thats not bad enough then you ALWAYS get someone on here making a topic with the general theme ALWAYS being "its ruining the car scene people dont understand we arnt all like that".

Then you get some cry baby hero bitch who has actually spent half an hour typing up an email to the program in question demanding answers and satisfaction because of all the nightmares the person has had.

Then cry baby hero bitch posts a copy on forum so all can give him/her a virtual pat on the back and everyone can discuss how fucked the system is.

then there is the prick like me saying shut the fuck up and get over it.

cbf reading thread, cbf reading first post, didnt even watch 60 minutes.

Thats nice dear. I spent 10min typing that up, If that. I didn't demand answers. I gave them a piece of my mind for being so biased and using bullshit information. I also didn't post for a pat on the back, in fact. Quite the opposite. I was expected un-informed, I'm a goody two-shoe kind of guy, to tell me, I'm the moron.

If you didn't read my post, or this thread. Heck, you didn't even watch the program. The hoon laws don't even affect me. I drive "Mummies and daddies" car. Police don't even look at me twice.

Funny how someone always makes a thread, about a news story about the hoons, On a car enthusiast website. Shit, we can't have that happen. We must be cry baby bitches as well? Should we be talking about how nice the weather was? Or, how low some planes fly over our houses.


Rookie ROX
Post #132

QUOTE(THORPE84 @ Aug 11 2008, 06:52 PM) [snapback]1282723264[/snapback]

just about every 2 weeks there is a program on the tv about hoons.

And if thats not bad enough then you ALWAYS get someone on here making a topic with the general theme ALWAYS being "its ruining the car scene people dont understand we arnt all like that".

Then you get some cry baby hero bitch who has actually spent half an hour typing up an email to the program in question demanding answers and satisfaction because of all the nightmares the person has had.

Then cry baby hero bitch posts a copy on forum so all can give him/her a virtual pat on the back and everyone can discuss how fucked the system is.

then there is the prick like me saying shut the fuck up and get over it.

cbf reading thread, cbf reading first post, didnt even watch 60 minutes.

I could say the same about people who get a fine, then get on here and whinge about it and find out ways to get around it. Oh, wait, you've been one of them!

It's funny, people whinge about there never being any serious discussion on this site, yet when a topic of mild serious comes up, people whinge that it's pointless to talk about.

I don't think you realise that these stories and ALL the media hype impact DIRECTLY on the legislation. The more media attention, the more society gets up in arms, and legislation is made or changed to keep people happy. Whilst it's never going to disappear completely, the less support behind it means the less society knows, the fewer knee jerk reactions.


Post #133

The commercial media (I’m not sure ACA and TT really qualify here) only write/film what people want to hear as that is how they make their money.

Feel free to draw what conclusions you will from that.

Post #134

QUOTE(BEWARE @ Aug 11 2008, 03:12 PM) [snapback]1282722197[/snapback]

K thanks, thats what the medical fraternity will tell us it stands for, what I meant was, kids with ADD just need more discipline, hence why I like to say ADD stand for Adult Discipline Disorder..because the adults fail to discipline these out of control kids!

Nice theory. But I think what you are trying to say is that too many kids are being diagnosed with ADHD when they are really just little brats. ADD means that you can not concentrate on anything for any period of time. You get distracted too easily. It's not just some made up disorder.

As for the hoon stories, it's all been covered pretty well. Stories about danger, violence, fast cars and burn outs are interesting. So they combine them all into one and we all cop the negativity. It's especially stupid in the US, where gang violence and drug crimes completely outweigh any form of "street racing" death.

Post #135

As much is i dont think the story wasnt that bad, there is one point about the story that has me miffed. And that is about how we apparently need to crush the cars of street racing offenders in Australia.

We already have legislation in place that permanently confiscates cars from offenders - so what difference is crushing going to make, apart from some pollie being able to stand beside the crusher and rant on about how tough he has made the law?
Id rather see them keep our current system, with cars being confiscated to the crown and auctioned off. At least it generates revenue for the government, and if they were real serious they could put that revenue back into projects to try and stop these hoon offences.

Now back to the story and the issues raised -
Yeah, there is probably much more people killed in other gang violence and crack addiction, etc, etc. But so what? There has been stories done on this before as well! This particular story was about Street Racing.

Some of you people seem to think that you're 'super educated' and that the rest of the general community are dumb sheep who just believe what the media tells them.

Now come on, give them some credit, people aren't that stupid!
The story was about street racing - not about car enthusiasts. The general public can tell the difference between someone who builds cars and goes legally cruising for pleasure, compared to a hoon who is hanging around industrial estates and burning up the highway at night.

What do you want, for every story that covers the dangers of street racing (and admit it, it has become more of a problem in some areas of Australia and a few innocent people have been killed in recent times) to contain a part about how not everyone who has a modified car is a street racer?
And while we are at it, lets have a disclaimer on the next story about shonky tradesmen - make sure we tell the dumb public that not all tradesmen are shonky!
Or the next story about a corrupt cop, make sure we tell everyone that not all coppers are corrupt so they dont all get a bad name! rolleyes.gif
Really, there is no need, people have a bit more commonsense than you give them credit for and they know that not all car enthusiasts are dangerous street racers!

If you really want to have some form of say in the legislation, rather than just jump up and down on an internet forum about how some Current Affairs story is going to make the legislation harder on you, do what i have said time and time again on this forum!
Join a respected and proper, registered car club. Not some wanky car club that hasnt got a fucking clue like 95% of import clubs, but an actual properly run club!
And get those clubs together and form a governing body/association that can work with the governments in the legislation making process!!

Bullshit, wont work you say??
Well, look at the Australian Street Rod Federation (ASRF). They formed an association and most clubs became affiliated with it.
This association has promoted the hobby of hot rodding and has worked with governments and has had great success. This is why you can legally drive a '34 Roadster with a blown V8, and have cheaper, conditional registration if you are involved with an affiliated club.
And this is also why you dont hear heaps of complaints from residents when a few hundred hot rods roll into town on any given weekend for a rod run! Nor do you see countless negative stories about hot rodders on 60 minutes!! If a member of an affiliated club does something stupid, the club and association give them the boot, and they lose all the privelages that comes with it. Result - those privelages are too good to lose, so everyone behaves!

The Australian Street Machine Federation is another organisation for old school car owners. Same sort of deal, and it works!!

Maybe some import/modern car owners who think they are getting a raw deal should stand up and be pro-active in a sensible way, rather than just complain about it!

Post #136

heer heer i agre totally they gov should build us a few more drag strips i mean there is like1 or 2 in each state go figure why people dont want to travel 3-4 hours to do some skids

Post #137

theres none in sa. we need one.

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