Buyer Beware & Very Un Fair  

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  • tofast
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  • Posts: 9
Post #1 post 1st April 2008 - 03:16 AM
A mate of mine has lost his car, approx 6 years of work an almost 90k ,From a certain new shop in slcks creek next to Autobarn ,not to mention names as i would like 2.
But how we ask, its called consumer beware, so really check who your dealing with an check the laws.
So how this happend? My mate wanted new custom cooler pipe, everything else was done an finished with a big $ engine set up ,fuel system custom cooler by pazmaman, the car was hot it had the works an good 4 big power which had done b4 an virtually the hole car was rebuilt .
This certain shop aproached an offerd to help my friend with the pipe work an he made the biggest mistake by sighning a job card excepting thier services and handing the keys.
All he asked 4 was the pipe work to be done nothin else ,a week later the shop phones an said they had spent the week on the car an not 2 worry we would like 2 sponcer u an use your car with our name 4 the dyno comps an meets .
So my friend asked how much $ an that he could only afford the pipe work an not expecting greater than 1k with failure to get a straight answer on price from this shop only a reply of ,dont worry we got u coverd .
To cut this short , the car was stickerd up with ther name an placed in the shops show room .
The work they carried out was new cooler pipe ,extra fuel pump ,solid engine mounts plus swappin exhaust from cat back with a second hand hks dragger an that was it nothin else.
My friend asked how much again 4 the pipe work an receives a bill 4 almost 7k an could not believe he was scammed big time. As he qestioned about the agreement an nothin he could do since it was not in writing an was told u have 7 days to pay or u will b charged a extra $25 a day in storage fee cause your car stays till bil paid ,wich comes under the law of repairers lien.
My friend could not afford to pay it an has no family 2 borrow from plus he was doin it tough an only wanted to finish the car from a promis he made to someone no matter what it took an cost him so much .
He payed 2k 4 the pipe work only as he asked 4 . They refused to give him his car back .
He could not fight it leagly with no proof of ther agreement , dept of fair traiding can only act if its a default product .. the police said its a civil matter an they cant be invlved .
So he had no where to turn 2 or what 2 do ?
The shop held onto his car an said its now 6 months we have a right to auction it to re cover our money an gave my friend 1 week. So we all helped him an chiped in 2 pay the bill ,but the shop refused our offer an changed the bill from 7k to 11k for fees and his time .
To end this the car was auctioned with a un known price , the shop owner bought it him self an sent my friend another bill on top 4 sellin fees an advertising .
My friend recieved not a cent from the sale cause it can only be auctioned from what it owes the shop , so now he has a personel loan still on the car unsecured, an a bill 4 selling costs from the shop an a loss of a car worth at least 50k not to mention more then that was spent on it .
SO thats how easey it is if you got nothin in writing ,when dealing with a crook like they r an my friend is not the first by them .

sss enthusiast
Post #2

Thats rough man, I cant believe shit like this can actually happen.

Post #3


Post #4

im about to have some work done on my car...could you pm me the name of this uknown shop and i will be sure to steer clear of them.

Post #5

man thats fucked up but it seems a bit far fetched expescially a well known business that has had countless jobs including my mates skyline and vl and supra worked on there and they hold dyno's and meet ups but if this is true then im very sorry for your mate i really cant believe that kind of stuff happens in businesses what is this world coming to
by any chance would it be that green 32 that was in the showroom and does the company name start with P and end in R by any chance

lesson here get everythign in writing even if its a mate u cant be too sure these days

Post #6

id be posting the shops name before somone else gets sucked in

Post #7

QUOTE(84RGE @ Apr 1 2008, 09:30 PM) [snapback]1282126294[/snapback]
id be posting the shops name before somone else gets sucked in

Get the topic starter to PM it to you.

Post #8

Pm name plzkthx

Post #9

QUOTE(84RGE @ Apr 1 2008, 09:30 PM) [snapback]1282126294[/snapback]

id be posting the shops name before somone else gets sucked in

Has been covered many times before. It can't be posted in case boostcruising gets sued for defamation.

Post #10

Don't pay the loan, bank will go after the car smile.gif

Post #11

Please PM me.

japspec r33
Post #12

go and buy your friend a gun. pissed.gif ph34r.gif

Post #13

Thats some fucked up shit. i know what id do if a shop did that to me! and i aint gunna say it here

Post #14

Opinion deleted by moderator

Post #15

QUOTE(mickthewindowtinter @ Apr 1 2008, 09:28 PM) [snapback]1282126279[/snapback]

man thats fucked up but it seems a bit far fetched expescially a well known business that has had countless jobs including my mates skyline and vl and supra worked on there and they hold dyno's and meet ups but if this is true then im very sorry for your mate i really cant believe that kind of stuff happens in businesses what is this world coming to
by any chance would it be that green 32 that was in the showroom and does the company name start with P and end in R by any chance

lesson here get everythign in writing even if its a mate u cant be too sure these days

yes it does ,ha ha .. its not the green 32 , thats another case with the same issue ,or the silver supra wich is theres now by mentioning how they got that by means of the guy wanted to fully bom his supra up and just bought it ,took it 2 them ,same thing not getting exsact price in the beginning ,got a bill 4 ,18k just 4 head work .. come on is he hand makin it from scratch . so he sold the car to them minus the 18 k .
Also bud we been around the car seen 4 many years an dealt with a lot of shops an had some of the fastests street an drag cars about an basicly we all know each other an had respect 4 everyone , its not like it was 4 years ago . no respect there not well respected an have not provin them selfs yet an dont have such a good reputation . he may fool you young ones into bullshit u dont need ,i know i met the owner he can sell a eskimo snow .

Post #16

QUOTE(GTR120WHY @ Apr 1 2008, 09:43 PM) [snapback]1282126393[/snapback]

Two sides to every story. bowrofl.gif bowrofl.gif


Thats fucked up but yes there two side to every story

Post #17

thats harsh would you be able to pm place please

Post #18

What car was it?

Post #19

yer i sorta heard heard about the silver supra coz my mate used to work there i met the bloke myself and he does seem a bit of a con but its a business u just dont think these things happen liek if it was a backyard job then yer sorta could see it coming but not like this if anyone needs the name pm me i know wat it is and where exactly it is even the owners name and workshop number lol even hes mobile haha

Post #20

QUOTE(mickthewindowtinter @ Apr 1 2008, 09:55 PM) [snapback]1282126494[/snapback]

yer i sorta heard heard about the silver supra coz my mate used to work there i met the bloke myself and he does seem a bit of a con but its a business u just dont think these things happen liek if it was a backyard job then yer sorta could see it coming but not like this if anyone needs the name pm me i know wat it is and where exactly it is even the owners name and workshop number lol even hes mobile haha

can you PM me buddy, i would hate for this to happen to myself or a friend.

Post #21

but yer i didnt know the 32 was the same. damn that is a nice car but but im in love with green so u cant really blame me lol

Post #22

HAHA the name even suggests they are going to fuck you.

Cheers for sharing your experiences, this is how the interweb should work.

Post #23

QUOTE(twofruitz @ Apr 1 2008, 09:59 PM) [snapback]1282126526[/snapback]

HAHA the name even suggests they are going to fuck you.

Cheers for sharing your experiences, this is how the interweb should work.

haha yer i kinda just figured it too haha
defiantly man the internet isnt jsut for noobs and porn haha

Post #24

Yeah I know this company
They tried to con one of my good mates too and he got me to go in and talk to them to see if he was getting his money worth.
They dodged every question I asked them and just kept cocking on about their world record setting yellow silvia and spoke for like 15 minutes about how friendly they are and if I ever want to come in for a drink and a chat feel free to stop in any time even if I'm not buying anything.
When they finally answered my questions and told me what work my mate was getting for his money I just about had a heart attacked, it was laughable.
I'm amazed they've been in business this long, but this story kind of explains how they're doing it. I think they sucker in people with the over the top friendly act they put on and people wanting to get work done think they've made a new friend who's going to look after them

What confuses me though is they have a supra in there with licence plates the same as the starter of this thread, and the car has been there almost from they day the workshop opened. I was under they impression the person that owns it works there??

Post #25

pm me please...

3 sides to a story...

his hers and the truth...

Post #26

I also had a bad experience with the same workshop.

Well my supra (ma70) blew my 1st gear thrust washer so i had to get it rebuilt. I wasn't even going to take it to them because id already heard bad things about them ripping people off. I did anyway because im stupid. They approached me and said they would look after me (ia also have another story from a good friend of mine getting ripped hardcore with his gtir pulsar costing 1k for a "service")

So all I needed was my gearbox rebuilt which should have been around $1200 tops and they quoted me with the line of "over a grand" and could not give me a price. (the parts alone are only 600-700ish). My car was drivable when i went in there and the clutch throwout bearing was fine. They ended up charging me $1980 for it which was a complete rip off and when I went in there to get my car back it was fucked because they didn't set my tilton throwout bearing setup properly.

He tried telling me it was already fucked and im like nah you fucked it somehow. He then said it would be another 1960 to get that fixed and rebuild my clutch (which is fine anyway except for a tiny bit of wear on the pressure plate thats normal). It was like he had no idea.

I thought there is no fucking way im paying these guys 4g so I got it towed, but thats not the end of it, they also charged me another 350 because he took the gearbox and clutch back out again.

SO at the end of the day it cost me around $2500 to get them to make my car not only un-drivable but leave me car-less for a long time because im a stay at home dad.

So now I have no car and im trying to sell the rebuilt gearbox and everything so i can get new drivetrain setup and put it in myself.

this whole incident cost me
$1400 for gearbox originally
$2330 for the shop to make my life diffcult (they charged me $1400 for parts)
$400 in towing
and no car for about 6 months and ongoing until i can save up about 5 grand.

I'll tell you what I tell everyone else that asks me about said shop. I'm absolutely furious with them, but im a nice guy so im just not having anything to do with them.

Whatever they quote ya double it and add a grand.

Post #27

that's really fucked up. I wanna know names pm me plz. as I need work done soon

Post #28

alot of workshops copping some shit lately...... not many reputable ones left.

Post #29

QUOTE(ExodusDesign @ Apr 1 2008, 10:19 PM) [snapback]1282126672[/snapback]

alot of workshops copping some shit lately...... not many reputable ones left.

Just as I wanna get work done to my car too haha.

Post #30

why doesnt your mate take the issue to today tonight or A current affair, they would like a story like that, I think alot of people from this site and other car enthusiasts would like to see that kinda crap exsposed on TV

Post #31

As someone said previously, dont' pay the loan and let the bank reclaim your car.

This might mean you can't get a loan for a year due to bad name etc, but it's better then paying for a car you don't have.

Also, please keep this civil and well mannered or it will be closed.

Also, could someone please PM myself the name and location of this business for personal reasons. Thank you.

Post #32

PM company name please smile.gif

Post #33

QUOTE(Phat535 @ Apr 1 2008, 10:06 PM) [snapback]1282126579[/snapback]

Yeah I know this company
They tried to con one of my good mates too and he got me to go in and talk to them to see if he was getting his money worth.
They dodged every question I asked them and just kept cocking on about their world record setting yellow silvia and spoke for like 15 minutes about how friendly they are and if I ever want to come in for a drink and a chat feel free to stop in any time even if I'm not buying anything.
When they finally answered my questions and told me what work my mate was getting for his money I just about had a heart attacked, it was laughable.
I'm amazed they've been in business this long, but this story kind of explains how they're doing it. I think they sucker in people with the over the top friendly act they put on and people wanting to get work done think they've made a new friend who's going to look after them

What confuses me though is they have a supra in there with licence plates the same as the starter of this thread, and the car has been there almost from they day the workshop opened. I was under they impression the person that owns it works there??

,lol i just made that up when joined up , i did not think about that til now , yes your correct but im not the same person or that car has anything to do with it at all .

crazy.mofo (>_<)
Post #34

crap man bad luck. i agree wif not paying the loan and gettin the car repossessd.

plz pm me the name and location of the store

Post #35

QUOTE(tofast @ Apr 1 2008, 10:29 PM) [snapback]1282126732[/snapback]

,lol i just made that up when joined up , i did not think about that til now , yes your correct but im not the same person or that car has anything to do with it at all .

sorry i ment to answer to other person ,put in wrong section .. fuck im a dick head lol

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