Drug Testing - Point of interest  

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Post #36

It,s the law & politics man. U know they play hardball. So if ya wanna play the game ya take ya chances...Don,t have to be a "goodie goodie" as old mate said just use ya brain.

Post #37

Ahhh i see your point. Fair enough and i agree.

Dont for one moment think that i am backing up those who are doing this stuff... I'm more concerned over the innocent people that are going to get drawn over the coals for this while its in the medias eyes and the police are on strict orders to make example of people.

Post #38

Make no mistake bud they,ll be looking 4 scapegoats!! Best to enjoy a cab ride or desi driver till ya safe again... And thats what they want.. But don,t get me started on cabs!!!

Post #39

for the record, i NEVER drive if ive even had one drink, i overkill it by waiting 2 or 3 hours just to make sure. on that same note, yes i have smoked weed but no i have never driven on it. if i do smoke weed it would be once a month TOPS!

anyway, insted of pissing around i just called the number provided on the PDF mentioned before.

pot is anywhere between 4 and 24 hours, and it all depends and thats it, thats what they say 'it depends', on what you may ask? it depends on quantity, quality and frequency of use. i told the person on the phone about how often i use it and she said (on friday arvo) that i COULD still get done for sunday.
so my opinion is that nobody actually has any clue about how long you can wait.

bottom line is, its just the same as drink driving but without the luxury of ANY sort of intelligence to make a responsible decision.

i think it should be zero tolerance over drinking too. drugs and alcohol are the same thing the only difference is that one is social acceptable. so to all who disagree your in denial.

Post #40

No not true.

I can have a drink, that i enjoy, not have any effect what so ever on my control / judgement and i can still drive. blow into the bag and ill show a reading...

Zero would mean that i would get a court hearing... Thats a little silly, and no, im not in denial...

Post #41

QUOTE(TwinCam16 @ Dec 2 2007, 02:15 PM) [snapback]1281681185[/snapback]

No not true.

I can have a drink, that i enjoy, not have any effect what so ever on my control / judgement and i can still drive. blow into the bag and ill show a reading...

Zero would mean that i would get a court hearing... Thats a little silly, and no, im not in denial...

why is that silly?

im sure theres people out there who have a joint to themself and it has no effect on their ability to drive either.

and what isnt silly about getting done for having a toke on a joint 24 hours ago? as if you can say that one toke is going to still effect you that long after.

Post #42

They have the ability to monitor the concentration of alcohol in your blood. Thats how come there is a tollerance as to how much your allowed to drink.

If they could only test Yes or No as they are doing with the drugs, then i can lay money that there would also be a zero theory with the alcohol as well.

Thank god its not that way.

However, becuase pot is an illegal substance, the police are not going to invest time and our money into a device that can monitor how ripped or sober you are into something that should have no been taken in the first place. That is where the problem is.

I can understant the zero policy, but, i thing a little more time and effort should be going into a way of detecting what it actually is that you have injected / smoked / snorted / swallowed rather than a simple test that will be giving hell to those who are doing the right thing and have to take something like pain killers...

Post #43

OT: Although I doubt it would work and its quite impractical, for all those who want to know about activated carbon, it can be purchased from pet stores for use in aquarium filters. You can also buy it in some health food stores in tablet from. If you want, you can pm me and I'll sell some to you at an unreasonable price.

Garfield Gangsta
Post #44

If your searching for information about the saliva drug tests, I would suggest ignoring anything with a government sign on it. They use scare tactics in near all of the information they provide.

Craig Medical more accurate information

You find a lot of sites that tell you THC stays detectable for months in urine, when this is not the case. You can be completely clear after 8 days with no ural aides. Leads me to believe the detection times they tell us are "most extreme case".

Personally I've heard that the kits they use have tolerance designed into them. But as there are no national accepted standards, the actual saliva test cannot be used to prosecute you. They'll use a blood test to do that biggrin.gif

Post #45

QUOTE(blues_skaterkid @ Dec 1 2007, 03:33 PM) [snapback]1281679259[/snapback]

have they started the drug testing in nsw?

Thre is one RTA sponsored drug testing bus that works around NSW. The numbers will no doubt increase over time as the funds become available.

Post #46

Very interesting...

Rookie ROX
Post #47

QUOTE(sreto @ Dec 2 2007, 01:36 PM) [snapback]1281681058[/snapback]



I'm sure you're one of the deluded people (brain muddled by drugs perhaps?) you seems to think that cannabis/marijuana/pot/weed/whatever the hell you want to call it has no side effects whatsoever.

QUOTE(sreto @ Dec 2 2007, 01:47 PM) [snapback]1281681098[/snapback]

Exactly my point mate. Even with beer, Ive known people who have been done the next day.

And? If you're blowing over the next day, you've obviously had a big piss up and it's your responsibility to find a different way of travelling the next day. Just because you've had a sleep, doesn't mean you're completely sober.


Post #48

QUOTE(Rookie ROX @ Dec 2 2007, 04:37 PM) [snapback]1281681607[/snapback]


I'm sure you're one of the deluded people (brain muddled by drugs perhaps?) you seems to think that cannabis/marijuana/pot/weed/whatever the hell you want to call it has no side effects whatsoever.
And? If you're blowing over the next day, you've obviously had a big piss up and it's your responsibility to find a different way of travelling the next day. Just because you've had a sleep, doesn't mean you're completely sober.


Yeah mate, Im deluded. Fact is I dont do drugs, however if somebody wants to smoke a plant then thats fine by me. Sure it has side effects, you are happy, hungry, sleepy. The worst thing that can come out of over use of marijuana is vomitting. Worst thing that can come out of binge drinking is death. WOW marijuana is going to destroy our society. You must be one of those people that fears a plant, yet doesn't realise that things that have been legalized are far far more deadly. It doesnt mean you are drunk either does it now? You dont by any chance work for the government/pigs?

Post #49

so you think that the only down side of smoking weed is throwing up???
mate, that just goes to show how small your thinking really is. go and have a look in the real world and go talk to someone at mental health and see what the real effects of smoking weed is.....

Post #50

Yeah, long term abuse. Of course, long term abuse of any substance is not good for health. Doesnt mean you take one joint and you are mentally fucked. You should take your own advice and go out into the real world and see how many people who are professionals take recreational drugs. Its not the criminals or the outcasts of society that are the drug users.

Post #51

Can a mod please clean up the last bit of this thread, it's heading towards a contest about who thinks they know the most about drugs

Post #52

I thought it was going well...

There will always be tossers...

Post #53

there are a few different things that can bring u off drugs like charcol and stuff which will also destroy the reading giving u negative like vinager and vegimite, they say the tests will only pick up active ingrediants, so what is the active ingrediant in speed, well there a few things, so i think if you are on cold and flu tablets yes it will pick you up for speed, does it also work for iodine also a active ingrediant, there are many things that they need to look into a bit further i think for this to work properly,

Post #54

damn those fines r pretty tough.

Post #55

QUOTE(sly32 @ Dec 2 2007, 08:31 PM) [snapback]1281682808[/snapback]

there are a few different things that can bring u off drugs like charcol and stuff which will also destroy the reading giving u negative like vinager and vegimite, they say the tests will only pick up active ingrediants, so what is the active ingrediant in speed, well there a few things, so i think if you are on cold and flu tablets yes it will pick you up for speed, does it also work for iodine also a active ingrediant, there are many things that they need to look into a bit further i think for this to work properly,

Like I said on the first page, the vinegar, mouthwash and vegemite rumours are just that, rumours, they don't work and never have

Rookie ROX
Post #56

Anyway ignoring the previous part and trying to keep this ontopic for Phat;

Random roadside drug testing, Gold Coast: Police conducted random roadside drug testing today on the Gold Coast. The Roadside Drug Driving Unit and officers from State Traffic Task Force conducted traffic operations on The Spit from 12pm until approximately 3.45pm. Random breath tests were conducted on 73 drivers, with one positive result. 33 of these drivers were also tested for drugs, with no positive detections. Police will continue to conduct random roadside drug testing rolling the testing sites throughout the State.

So don't think it's just limited to the city.


Post #57

some good write backs i guess at the end of the day if your going to do that type of stuff u need to be prepared for the consequences i know when my girls do something like that they dont drive or do nothing for a while

Post #58

If you are worried about the drug test, read all the info applicable for the state you live in. Then if you arent confident about it, talk to a doctor, they should be able to give you an idea about how long a substance will stay in your system compared to your height, weight, gender etc.

What are the chances of the police introducing a sytem similar to alcohol, with L and P platers on a zero tolerance and open license holders given a limit equivalent of the .05 although this would more than likely require a blood test, not a blow-and-go like the breath test.

People may think that having a few cans or a joint and then driving doesnt affect them, but more than likely it does, even if they are under the allowable limit.

And finally, as long as we have law, we will have crooked policeman, if they want to hassle you they will, and chances are they will pick on the stereotypical "hoon" with a modified car. We all know modded cars attract cops, so if you also do drugs you increase your chances of being caught.

Post #59

QUOTE(TwinCam16 @ Dec 1 2007, 03:05 PM) [snapback]1281679207[/snapback]

What happens when someone with no tounge gets their turn...


Post #60

lol @ australia. seriously is the strictest place to drive. anyway there will still be more deaths on the road, they should focus on stopping the drugs in the first place instead of busting the final part of the drug line, the user..

I hang around heaps of people that smoke weed and i can tell you now without even having any, if Im in the same room for a while I can tell I feel different, but its hardly a thing that retards my driving. Statistically I should be dead anyway: 21, 500hp.

the system is so stupid and makes life difficult for people that can actually control them selfs and their car.

In conclusion, im going to move to the US one day.

Post #61

Why? so you can be 21, 500hp and a bullet in the head?

Post #62

moving along back onn topic now.......

i have a legitiment question i raised in another thread and got no answer sad.gif sad.gif

Can you still be picked up if you anally induce the ecstacy tablet???
I mean it doesnt technically reach the salvatorial glands (sp?)...just the rectum passage....hmmm anyone know??????????????????????????????????????????????

(NO i DONT do ecstacy.....through the arse)

Post #63

OMG your shitting me....

Post #64

QUOTE(TwinCam16 @ Dec 3 2007, 05:04 PM) [snapback]1281685568[/snapback]

OMG your shitting me....

bowrofl.gif and eek.gif all at the same time...

Post #65

QUOTE(sreto @ Dec 2 2007, 01:36 PM) [snapback]1281681058[/snapback]

Yeah, but what if somebody smokes weed on Saturday, and drives on Sunday night and gets pulled over, he is not under the influence of drugs but he still has it in his system, should he get done the same as the person who drives whilst high? Thats the problem I see with this test. MAKE IT LEGAL.

Smoking weed the day before one of these tests will not show a positive, that would be stupid.

Post #66

QUOTE(51NGL @ Dec 3 2007, 04:47 PM) [snapback]1281685513[/snapback]
Can you still be picked up if you anally induce the ecstacy tablet???

I believe the correct term is "top shelf".

Post #67

QUOTE(dr460n @ Dec 3 2007, 05:26 PM) [snapback]1281685660[/snapback]

Smoking weed the day before one of these tests will not show a positive, that would be stupid.

it should. some drugs can stay in your system for up to 6 months, marijuana is one of them.

everyone is talking about drugs affecting their ability to drive, but the cops test you for drugs, drugs are illegal, a positive test means you have been taking illegal substances and should therefore be charged, regardless of how normal you feel or how your driving is. they aren't testing how fucked off your head they are like with alcohol, they are testing for drugs, and any trace of them. why? because they are completely and utterly illegal.

in the end they are testing for traces of illegal substances, not your ability to drive whilst its in your system like they do with alcohol (0.05) hence why the zero tolerance policy is in place.

Post #68

QUOTE(slick @ Dec 3 2007, 07:07 PM) [snapback]1281685882[/snapback]

it should. some drugs can stay in your system for up to 6 months, marijuana is one of them.

to a blood test yes. to a saliva test weed is only detectable for 24hours

Post #69


in the end they are testing for traces of illegal substances, not your ability to drive whilst its in your system like they do with alcohol (0.05) hence why the zero tolerance policy is in place.

so how about they come up to you at the shopping centre and drug test you?
you wouldnt complain? but its not affecting your ability to drive?

Post #70

QUOTE(yoshimitsu9 @ Dec 3 2007, 08:28 PM) [snapback]1281686480[/snapback]

to a blood test yes. to a saliva test weed is only detectable for 24hours


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