Beware Of Bogans  

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  • 1989typer
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  • Member No.: 53,486
  • Joined: 1-October 06
  • Posts: 39
Post #1 post 1st October 2006 - 04:25 PM
Ello ppls!!! Just thought id tell you all a little story that happened to me the other day. I was leaving kingston beach, driving up the road that goes alongside Browns river and this little yellow corolla with and a chick driving it drove past, right where there was a car parked on the side of the road, around a tight corner, so it was a bit of a tight squeeze. Just after i passed her, this guy started calling out at me, but i didnt think anything of it. Then, as i just got to the end of the road (where it comes to a T-intersection, joining back on to the main road) this car (looked to be about an EA or EB Ford Falcon) stopped on the main road in front of me, then pulled in on the opposite side of the road next to me, with his window down. He started abusing me saying that it was his misses in that car that i "nearly ran off the road" and was threatening to rip me out of my car and smash me and my car. As you do, i just said sorry and that i couldnt do anything about it. I wasnt speeding or anything, it just happpened that i didn't have time to stop before we passed. His girlfriend was more in the wrong then i was, she wasn't exactly over as far to the left of the road as she could have been. He said that if he ever sees me do anything like that again he WILL get out and smash me. So, then he left and i drove up to maccas, where i just have a casual job thumbsup.gif . I went in to start work and about 10 mins into my shift, i saw him in there, getting some food, so i kept a bit of an eye on my car and saw him near it. After i finished my shift, i went out and checked that it hadn't been keyed or anything, and it wasn't, but what he did do is take my little simmons cap from the middle of my wheel, just to piss me off. So, i went home and told my brother about this and he said he knows who this guy is. Apparrently hes real mouthy and goes around with his friends, trying to pick fights. The moral of this story: Keep to the very left of the road, or else you deserve to be killed and have your car crushed laugh.gif biggrin.gif . You had a run in with any bogans like this? Tell us about it!

This post has been edited by 1989typer: Oct 1 2006, 11:31 PM
Post #2

God what is becoming of my lil' old home town Kingo Beach. I remember a few years back I returned there on one hot summer day to be greated by a bunch of bogans hangin on the Zebra Crossin telling me to "Fuck off and go home". I was thinking "God, those guys looked about 15, obviously they don't know I was king shit and tuff as f*ck round these parts at his age, this is more my hood than his." :-D haha, well not exactly.

I know the area ur talkin about, just up from the duckies, usually a pretty peaceful area. Well goodluck gettin your wheel cap back.
God it's a boring start to the week.

Post #3

Fair enough you were in the wrong for not giving way but there was no need for him to carry on like that.

Post #4

A few years ago now, I had some Bogan mouth off at me because I was looking at him as I was walking from my car. This was at Channel Court Kingston, he & another guy followed me into the shop I was in, & mouthed off & tried to start a fight... & he was half my size. Absolute psycho! I was very tempted to hit him, but knew if would only make things worse.
When I got back to my car, it had sh!t all over it. Spit, soft drink, rubbish. I saw red, & went looking for him but had no luck. Later on, I found out the guy (know as Tumar, or some shit), was up for murder. There's FREAKS everywhere.

Post #5

Bogans are awesome. I've had biscuits spat at my car, mooned and everything.

Post #6

QUOTE(SIM300 @ Oct 2 2006, 12:02 PM) [snapback]1280310908[/snapback]
Absolute physio!

Did he give you a massage and strap you up afterwards? tongue.gif

Post #7


Post #8

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 2 2006, 01:10 PM) [snapback]1280310931[/snapback]

Did he give you a massage and strap you up afterwards? tongue.gif

Don't know what you're talking about rolleyes.gif

Post #9

A few years ago I saw a bogan L plater at the intersection of Liverpool and Elizabeth streets (doing blockies), get outa her, grab a baseball bat from the back seat and start beating the hell outa some guys car (who was giving her hell, blowing his horn, tailgating her etc). I was in my car, watching in terror, looking in my rear vision mirror ready to do a U-bolt. Luckily she left me alone. Maybe this is how bogans mate ?? facinating tongue.gif

I also raced a bogan in his you-beaut commodore back in the days when i had my 86kW-ish Lancer coupe. I didnt think I stood much of a chance, but I beat him - he wasnt very happy about that (The_Toucher was with me mouthing off as he does) ... funny night

Post #10

QUOTE(SIM300 @ Oct 2 2006, 12:14 PM) [snapback]1280310942[/snapback]

Don't know what you're talking about rolleyes.gif

Just pickin on your spelling mistake mate thumbsup.gif

Post #11

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 2 2006, 01:19 PM) [snapback]1280310962[/snapback]

Just pickin on your spelling mistake mate thumbsup.gif

And he's edited his post... So he doesnt know what you're talking about laugh.gif

Post #12

i've lost count of the run in's with bogans. the government should set up a giant cage around claredonvale, it'll prepare them for jail anyways

Post #13

Only around Clarendonvale? lol

Post #14

Hahahaha laugh.gif

Post #15

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 2 2006, 01:10 PM) [snapback]1280310931[/snapback]

Did he give you a massage and strap you up afterwards? tongue.gif

I think my face went red from laughing too hard! bowrofl.gif

Hmm, I don't have much of a story to tell, other than the fact I got into more trouble when I used to drive the shitty old Laser wagon than I do now in the Celica. One time I shot up to Northgate to grab some lunch, driving back to work, a car full of overweight bogans started signaling for me to pull over so they could fight me, maybe they wanted to steal my lunch or something!? dunno.gif Anyway I just kept going back to work (as it wouldn't have been a good look with 2 fat bogans pancaking me on the side of the Brooker) so they moved further up to pick on someone else... Dodgy bastards, they were driving a red bubble back Ford Laser if ya's ever see it about. Bunch of crunts.

Post #16

yeah i think i saw a bubble back laser with mouthing fat bitches in hungry jacks they called either me or morgan a dogs @#$! ?

Look stuart isnt far away from jail from what i've been told and yes he is psycho.

Post #17

I have posted this story before but i'll post it again because i'll never forget this moment as long as i live.

I have a really scary tailgating story to tell. Well probably not scary but from my perspective it was really scary. It is going back about 5 years when i used to own a VN commodore.

I was on my way home from work when some lunatic in an old XD falcon starts to tailgate me for no apparent reason. We were on a 2 lane highway at the time with a 100kmh speed limit. I was sitting in the left lane as i was not overtaking anyone at the time. This guy just would not get off my arse and sat there for ages. He had the right lane to himself if he wanted to overtake but he wouldn't for some reason.

I am fast approaching a 4wd towing a boat so i boot it past the 4wd in the right lane and as soon as i overtake immediately pull back to the left lane. This guy in the XD follows me when i overtake but does not pull back in behind me when i move to the left. He continued on his merry way past me in the right lane and gave me some kind of look and i thought wtf is your problem. I gave him the finger as you do as i seriously pissed off by this time. He gave one back and started mouthing all sorts of shit at me. I could not hear it but i could tell by reading his lips it was not good.

The next bit is what really freaked me out. He must have really taken offence to my gesture so he pulls right back in front of me and starts swerving from left to right in front of my car. I thought to myself man this guy has some issues. He kept on swerving in front of me more and more until he lost control of his car. I could see it coming because the body roll was insane and it looked really unstable. By this time i had backed right away from him because i could see something was going to happen.

He lost control at 100kms and spun out and his car hit a tree on the side of the road nearly tearing the car in half. I pulled over immediately up the road and thought ohh my god. Did that just happen? To me absolute shock he got out of the car but collapsed soon after. I was so scared and panicked and thought he was going to come after me so i drove off.

As i drove off i thought no i should go back to make sure it is all ok. By the time i got back Ambos and police were on the scene and the guy in the XD (or what was left of it) was on a stretcher. I told the police my story of what happened and gave a statement. They breath checked me and checked my car for damage as i think the cops thought i ran him off the road or something. The police told me he had a blood alcohol level over 3 times the legal limit.

That's my story. Sorry for the long post but it's something i'll never forget.

Post #18

Stuart Aliff....

Medium height, skinny, dark straight hair and sort of olive skin?

Couldnt be the same one im thinking of surely, the one i went to school with got picked on by everyone...

Post #19

lol yep
he got big friends

Post #20

Maybe this is the solution to our Bogan problem spreading. laugh.gif,228...303-921,00.html

Post #21

QUOTE(ottoS13 @ Oct 2 2006, 02:36 PM) [snapback]1280311229[/snapback]

i've lost count of the run in's with bogans. the government should set up a giant cage around claredonvale, it'll prepare them for jail anyways

OI i live in Clarendon vale ya fool tongue.gif
I live here but not by choice and i plan to make like tom and cruise somewhere else with the better half wink.gif

Post #22

heading to town past elwick race course in the merging lane when i heard this bike coming. So i looked over my right shoulder and next thing i knew this bike comes screming past me...on the left hand side, marginally missing my car as the lane was ending very quickly. Now people like this really piss me off so i drove up next to him and yelled that it was dickheads like him that cause accidents. Next thing i know he is screaming abuse at me and trying to get me to pull over. Bloody wanker....was a nice bike though

Post #23

QUOTE(tas_180 @ Oct 2 2006, 03:32 PM) [snapback]1280311713[/snapback]

Couldnt be the same one im thinking of surely, the one i went to school with got picked on by everyone...

Sadly Ben thats usually what triggers this kind of behaviour.

Post #24

a R31 got smashed up in kingo by a bogun with a crowbar on the weekend, sad.gif
IPB Image

Post #25

Man i saw that car with 3 or 4 cop cars around it!!

the the local coppers asked me if i have seen a crazy guy running around called Andrew Walton.

Post #26

Fk man, not good. Why? Wtf happen?

Post #27

apparently the dude left his car in kingo, went to town, got back and it was smashed up

Post #28

damn that poor 31 i hate when people do that shit

Post #29

If anyone did that toy my car the same would happen to them but id smash there knee caps not there car!! angry.gif

Post #30

Post #31

QUOTE(harolto @ Oct 2 2006, 04:28 PM) [snapback]1280312081[/snapback]

a R31 got smashed up in kingo by a bogun with a crowbar on the weekend, sad.gif

Was the owners name Eddie by any chance?

QUOTE(ZIMON @ Oct 2 2006, 04:37 PM) [snapback]1280312146[/snapback]

the the local coppers asked me if i have seen a crazy guy running around called Andrew Walton.

Any relation to Daniel Walton?

Post #32

Already registered smile.gif

Post #33

Yeah, i think that eddie guy your talking about has a black commodore now. Its for sale i think. Does he have kinda buck teeth by any chance??

Post #34

QUOTE(1989typer @ Oct 2 2006, 05:48 PM) [snapback]1280312540[/snapback]

Yeah, i think that eddie guy your talking about has a black commodore now. Its for sale i think. Does he have kinda buck teeth by any chance??

Yeah thats him mate. Was this his R31?

QUOTE(methodsbitch @ Oct 2 2006, 05:28 PM) [snapback]1280312444[/snapback]

Hahaha that forum is a fuckin pisser!!

Post #35

QUOTE(RBDRTY @ Oct 2 2006, 07:01 PM) [snapback]1280312555[/snapback]

Yeah thats him mate. Was this his R31?

Um, yea, it could have been. I think hes sold it, but im not positive. Ive just seen him driving this black vn commodore with a for sale sign on the back window

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