Need Help With Details - Advice Needed - of apparent defect notice :S  

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  • jacksonx
  • Standard User
  • Member No.: 213,300
  • Joined: 14-February 11
  • Posts: 282
  • From: Sunshine coast
Post #1 post 3rd June 2011 - 07:43 PM
i know these threads are posted alot and usually the best thing to do is cop the fine and loss of 1 demerit point sweet, and go on with life. but the situation below just doesnt make sense to me.

if anyone can help or give advice please do as i dont want to lost another point unless its completely necessary.

During the day yesterday i was pulled over by a cop who followed me for about 10 minutes, he pulls me over on the side of the road, comes upto the window and says straight away that my exhaust is apparently too loud and hes going to issue me a defect notice because of it.

i then asked if he was going to actually test the decibel level of the exhaust.

he became agressive and said "i dont need to mate, if qld transport came here and saw this do you think they'd let it pass? i know your exhaust note is too loud for a legal limit alright?"

i didnt argue as i was clearly going to get NOWHERE with arguing with him. he issues me the piece of paper and i didnt look at it til i got home .

upon getting home i looked at the ticket and it wasnt the bright yellow defect notice form, it was infact a dark orange coloured speeding ticket form. Immediately im confused as i wasnt speeding. nor driving like a fuckwit.

in the box where the cop would usually write how fast over the limit i was going, he just said "driving defective vehicle" HE DID NOT SPECIFY WHAT EXACTLY WAS WRONG WITH MY CAR, NOR A PLACE TO GO AND GET IT CHECKED ONCE I'D FIXED THE APPARENT DEFECTS.

so ive been charged $100 in fines, and he said i'd lost one point off my license, only on the ticket it says nothing about ANY DEMERIT POINTS BEING LOST EITHER.

so im confused and not sure what to do. should i just pay the pissweak 100 dollar fine and act as if it was a speeding ticket?

or do i contest the issue in court (which to me seems a little extreme)

are there any other courses of action i can take?

what is your view on this situation? what would you do if you were in my situation?

QUOTE (truffles @ May 31 2011, 12:26 AM) *
They'll tell you to funk off, like I am now. funk off, you won't get an exemption. Follow the laws, don't be a cunt.

rolla boi
Post #2

Just pay it

Post #3

fark dont cop that shit...take it to court and they should have recorded the whole convo with u anyways so just take it to court,u should have a good chance...its fukhead coppers like that that deserve to be shot in the head with a shotgun tongue.gif

Post #4

QUOTE (slo14 @ Jun 4 2011, 02:49 PM) *
fark dont cop that shit...take it to court and they should have recorded the whole convo with u anyways so just take it to court,u should have a good chance...its fukhead coppers like that that deserve to be shot in the head with a shotgun tongue.gif

hahahah agreed, mind you hes the same cop who has pulled me over for a random breath test before and the funny event is as follows.
(the cop who got me yesterday, in this story is named cop #1)

Cop#1 says: Evening mate, can you just breathe into this until i say stop..............alright thank you, is this car turbocharged mate
Me; No, it isnt
Cop#1: Pop the bonnet for us mate and let me look for myself.
(cop #2 appears at the front of my car when the bonnet is opened)

both Officers stand there for about 2 or so minutes not saying anything

Then cop #2 says to cop#1

cop#2: what are we even looking for"

cop#1: fucked if i even know what im looking at.

The event above is quoted word for word, clearly this cop is a fucking noob.

Post #5

hahaha yeh bro they made me pop my hood to my na nx and were looking for turbo and bov and shit lol had about 6 copperes there too lol
just contest the charge bro...u should be right pretty sure they record every convo they have on the side of the road especially wen defecting us and take fotos of ur defects incase u do contest it and shit......just emagine how many other ppl this fukheads done it too and gotten away with.....

Post #6

QUOTE (slo14 @ Jun 4 2011, 02:00 PM) *
hahaha yeh bro they made me pop my hood to my na nx and were looking for turbo and bov and shit lol had about 6 copperes there too lol
just contest the charge bro...u should be right pretty sure they record every convo they have on the side of the road especially wen defecting us and take fotos of ur defects incase u do contest it and shit......just emagine how many other ppl this fukheads done it too and gotten away with.....

lucky you dont have to write your answers any more to get a licence hey champ, otherwise you'd be fucked and still getting the bus.....

rolla boi
Post #7

QUOTE (warney @ Jun 4 2011, 02:08 PM) *
lucky you dont have to write your answers any more to get a licence hey champ, otherwise you'd be fucked and still getting the bus.....

I pissed a little when I saw this ROFL

EDIT: siged

Post #8

If the situation is how you described it, I'd look at taking it to someone with legal knowledge. Something doesn't quite sit right.

Post #9

QUOTE (slo14 @ Jun 4 2011, 01:30 PM) *
hahaha yeh bro they made me pop my hood to my na nx and were looking for turbo and bov and shit lol had about 6 copperes there too lol
just contest the charge bro...u should be right pretty sure they record every convo they have on the side of the road especially wen defecting us and take fotos of ur defects incase u do contest it and shit......just emagine how many other ppl this fukheads done it too and gotten away with.....

QUOTE (warney @ Jun 4 2011, 01:38 PM) *
lucky you dont have to write your answers any more to get a licence hey champ, otherwise you'd be fucked and still getting the bus.....

Burnt to a crisp.

Post #10

QUOTE (truffles @ Jun 4 2011, 03:48 PM) *
If the situation is how you described it, I'd look at taking it to someone with legal knowledge. Something doesn't quite sit right.

i havent left ANYTHING out like alot of other people on here do.

Mr 200k
Post #11

The 'dark orange speeding ticket form' you speak of is not only for speeding fines, it is in fact used for all traffic infringements, hence why it is know as a traffic infringement notice. Everyone who receives a fine for a defective vehicle receives this notice.

There is also no legal requirement for the issuing police officer to record the demerit points on the ticket, the infringement code is simply typed into the system and the appropriate number of demerit points will be applied. I'm sorry to say that you have absolutely no basis on which to challenge the infringement unless you believe your vehicle to be below the applicable noise limit.

Post #12

QUOTE (Mr 200k @ Jun 4 2011, 03:07 PM) *
The 'dark orange speeding ticket form' you speak of is not only for speeding fines, it is in fact used for all traffic infringements, hence why it is know as a traffic infringement notice. Everyone who receives a fine for a defective vehicle receives this notice.

There is also no legal requirement for the issuing police officer to record the demerit points on the ticket, the infringement code is simply typed into the system and the appropriate number of demerit points will be applied. I'm sorry to say that you have absolutely no basis on which to challenge the infringement unless you believe your vehicle to be below the applicable noise limit.

alright well i'll go into the dept of transport on monday then, if they ask to see if my exhaust is too loud then ill let them test it and we'll see what the results are

Post #13

i got one similar had at the top a box ticked had next to defect or some shit like that.

in the comments box it stated driving vehicle with equipment not to standard or some shit like that. $100 + 1 point not sure if it got demerited though because i've been into qt since to get my DA renewed and asked about the infringment it was on the system but the clerk couldn't tell if i had lost/acumilated any points.

i got done on brisbanes northside for blue led's in my headlights. (yes i know illegal) hadn't had a trouble in the 12 months i'd been driving around the coast with em on even had officers pull me over for rbt's during this time with no mention of them. and even though i could correct the defect on the spot and was nothing but polite to the officers inquestion if they're going to hit ya with a ticket they'll hit you with a ticket.

Post #14

QUOTE (warney @ Jun 4 2011, 02:08 PM) *
lucky you dont have to write your answers any more to get a licence hey champ, otherwise you'd be fucked and still getting the bus.....

warney for PM bowrofl.gif

Post #15

'Mr 200k' Would there be a way to possibly just write a letter into an address on the letter contesting it in the fact under something like the following:

"To whom it may concern,

On XXXX Date I was pulled over and the following event happened:
*insert event as described above*

I asked the police officer if he was going to test my car with a calibrated noise reading/decibel meter, upon which the officer replied that he could tell just by listening that my car was over the legal required 90dB noise limit. I am not sure as to how a police officer has had his ears calibrated exactly to notice 90dB, let alone possibly over this limit. How is there visible proof of this calibration. Is it recorded in a test that *insert officers name* is calibrated accordingly, taking into consideration other traffic/surrounding noise to be able to measure accurately an exact dB reading in compliance with legislation.

If this officer has not been calibrated recently, why was there not a device produced which is manufactured specifically to test noise meters as I actually requested with the officer, to test my vehicles noise, which I know is well under the 90dB. This is now potentially costing me financially, and with a demerit point on my licence. Which I do not appreciate having my time wasted for no good reason, based on an obvious 'hunch' and uncalbrated hearing capacity of an officer in your employ.

I hope to have this fine dismissed as it is completely rediculous to expect me to have to comply with a fine based off an opinion of an officer, and not proof.


Insert name"

Or something to that effect.

Post #16

go sharpy go sharpy

Post #17

lol dude just pay it its $100 bucks if you go to court even the magistrate will be laughing you out of court. Unless you want to hire a lawyer at $1000 a day

Post #18

QUOTE (abostolemybike @ Jun 4 2011, 08:47 PM) *
lol dude just pay it its $100 bucks if you go to court even the magistrate will be laughing you out of court. Unless you want to hire a lawyer at $1000 a day

Why pay it if you can get out of it. I'd rather $100 in my pocket and a spare point available on my licence.

Mr 200k
Post #19

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Jun 4 2011, 08:31 PM) *

Personally I'd advise against it simply because it would give police a heads up that you are thinking about contesting the infringement and that is when they may well require you to have your vehicle tested, at your expense of course. I'm assuming that only a verbal warning was given in this case from the information provided.

If OP did wish to elect for a court hearing you could potentially catch the officer on the hop. Without giving too much away, I'd be doing as much research as possible on logarithmic scales and how you might apply this information to your defence. You would of course have to weigh up whether it's worth defending for 1 point and $100 but if your licence is on the line, I wouldn't say it's a lost cause by any means.

Post #20

QUOTE (Mr 200k @ Jun 4 2011, 03:07 PM) *
The 'dark orange speeding ticket form' you speak of is not only for speeding fines, it is in fact used for all traffic infringements, hence why it is know as a traffic infringement notice. Everyone who receives a fine for a defective vehicle receives this notice.

This. I've had two defects on the usual "speeding ticket" form.

I guess, the only way you could contest it is if you take your car and get a db test and submit the result with your rebuttal? (that's not the word i'm thinking of but it'll do)

but by the time you do that, you'll have probably paid close to $100 for that anyway and it isnt 100% guaranteed that it'll get you off it either.

In this case, you should probably just suck it up. It's gay but it's not worth fighting really.

Post #21

i've had a similar thing happen to me before however the the police officer having the modifiers nazi moment didnt realise i had forgotton to drop of a few gizmos for measuring dust and noise when i was working in a quarry. i told him my exhaust was fine and told him i could prove it. he got a bit pissed when i took out the little noise measuring gizmo and it hit 76DB at its loudest.

he let me go and i shouted the safety guy from the mines dept a beer for it.

but really unless u have the same kind of gear easily accessable its pointless fighting it because they can just say you fixed it and got it tested.

Post #22

QUOTE (Sharpy @ Jun 4 2011, 08:31 PM) *
'Mr 200k' Would there be a way to possibly just write a letter into an address on the letter contesting it in the fact under something like the following:

"To whom it may concern,

On XXXX Date I was pulled over and the following event happened:
*insert event as described above*

I asked the police officer if he was going to test my car with a calibrated noise reading/decibel meter, upon which the officer replied that he could tell just by listening that my car was over the legal required 90dB noise limit. I am not sure as to how a police officer has had his ears calibrated exactly to notice 90dB, let alone possibly over this limit. How is there visible proof of this calibration. Is it recorded in a test that *insert officers name* is calibrated accordingly, taking into consideration other traffic/surrounding noise to be able to measure accurately an exact dB reading in compliance with legislation.

If this officer has not been calibrated recently, why was there not a device produced which is manufactured specifically to test noise meters as I actually requested with the officer, to test my vehicles noise, which I know is well under the 90dB. This is now potentially costing me financially, and with a demerit point on my licence. Which I do not appreciate having my time wasted for no good reason, based on an obvious 'hunch' and uncalbrated hearing capacity of an officer in your employ.

I hope to have this fine dismissed as it is completely rediculous to expect me to have to comply with a fine based off an opinion of an officer, and not proof.


Insert name"

Or something to that effect.


Post #23

See this is just fucked up. It's bleedingly obvious that the police officer in this instance had no intention of "enforcing the law" by making you have the car tested and asking that you rectify it. He pinned you with a very light penalty with no requirement to fix the issue, thus leaving you well open to the same fine in the future. Since he doesn't have to test the car, you could be up for the same thing again even if you have a baffle fitted or something.

I'm willing to wager that there's a mentality that floats around traffic cops that "It's too expensive to fight it in court, so they'll just pay it".

Oh, and also whilst I think of it, saying that the copper deserves a shotgun to the head (obvious stab at recent events) is a cunt of a comment. Nice work on the class there asswipe.

Post #24

QUOTE (jacksonx @ Jun 4 2011, 01:43 PM) *
i know these threads are posted alot and usually the best thing to do is cop the fine and loss of 1 demerit point sweet, and go on with life. but the situation below just doesnt make sense to me.

if anyone can help or give advice please do as i dont want to lost another point unless its completely necessary.

During the day yesterday i was pulled over by a cop who followed me for about 10 minutes, he pulls me over on the side of the road, comes upto the window and says straight away that my exhaust is apparently too loud and hes going to issue me a defect notice because of it.

i then asked if he was going to actually test the decibel level of the exhaust.

he became agressive and said "i dont need to mate, if qld transport came here and saw this do you think they'd let it pass? i know your exhaust note is too loud for a legal limit alright?"

i didnt argue as i was clearly going to get NOWHERE with arguing with him. he issues me the piece of paper and i didnt look at it til i got home .

upon getting home i looked at the ticket and it wasnt the bright yellow defect notice form, it was infact a dark orange coloured speeding ticket form. Immediately im confused as i wasnt speeding. nor driving like a fuckwit.

in the box where the cop would usually write how fast over the limit i was going, he just said "driving defective vehicle" HE DID NOT SPECIFY WHAT EXACTLY WAS WRONG WITH MY CAR, NOR A PLACE TO GO AND GET IT CHECKED ONCE I'D FIXED THE APPARENT DEFECTS.

so ive been charged $100 in fines, and he said i'd lost one point off my license, only on the ticket it says nothing about ANY DEMERIT POINTS BEING LOST EITHER.

so im confused and not sure what to do. should i just pay the pissweak 100 dollar fine and act as if it was a speeding ticket?

or do i contest the issue in court (which to me seems a little extreme)

are there any other courses of action i can take?

what is your view on this situation? what would you do if you were in my situation?

Go have it tested , if legal as it is then you can have it recinded

Post #25

QUOTE (screwball @ Jun 6 2011, 11:23 PM) *
See this is just fucked up. It's bleedingly obvious that the police officer in this instance had no intention of "enforcing the law" by making you have the car tested and asking that you rectify it. He pinned you with a very light penalty with no requirement to fix the issue, thus leaving you well open to the same fine in the future. Since he doesn't have to test the car, you could be up for the same thing again even if you have a baffle fitted or something.

I'm willing to wager that there's a mentality that floats around traffic cops that "It's too expensive to fight it in court, so they'll just pay it".

Oh, and also whilst I think of it, saying that the copper deserves a shotgun to the head (obvious stab at recent events) is a cunt of a comment. Nice work on the class there asswipe.

ty smile.gif
mate i did 2yrs cause those fukers set me up for something i didnt do..they even went to all the effort of editing the tape of a conversation i had with my then love lost between me and the police......

Post #26

$100 bucks man, personally i'd fight it. How many hours does it take you to make that 100, the 1 point less for a year rolleyes.gif Basically can you afford it, if its under the recommended Db rating at the Transport department, why not fight it. Hows your Traffic History...$100 for me is nearly 2 cases of premix,given my circumstances it'd be worth the time... Drink.gif

Post #27

Mate - I would contest this fine,

The cops do not expect you to take this further, I have been to court numerous times and won. It takes about 6mths to complete each court case, but the satisfaction that you have won is awesum.

Walking out past the noob that fined you - smiling. All they can do is stand there with there lawyer and feel small.

The question you have asked is correct, take all actions to prove the officer is wrong. Take your car to the pits and get it tested for a DB reading.

Attach this DB reading and Photo's of your car in the pits, address the letter to the superier officer in their station and wait.

The officer that has issueed the ticket has the right to withdraw the ticket. If you can prove you are right, most likely the officer will remove the infridgment. If the officer is still thinks he is correct - you will need to go to court.

Food for thought - I was defected for 5 separate parts on my car at the same time, After doing the above the officer still was convinced he was right. Even the his superier questioned his knowledge. I went to court, when I turned up and heard what I was defected for 2 out of the 5 - I asked the judge what happen to the other 3 defects the officer charged me for, the judge said the officer has choosen to withdraw those items.

By the way - I won

If you believe you are right - GO ALL THE WAY

HP Plod
Post #28


From the front line point of view... Personally, I never think I'll write the ticket becuase they are too dumb, or it will be too expensive to contest, this is fraught with danger, becuase when we have a failed prosecution, there is a please explain, if you get too many failed prosecutions you get "profiled", same as when you get a heap ofcomplaints about the same type of thing i.e. mannerisms towards public etc, you get "profiled". Bosses start looking at your behaviour and your standards of work.

I approach all infringements with the thought, "If they were to contest thids in court no matter what the size of the penalty or the "pettiness" of the offence i.e. $13 fine for fail to change address, what evidence do I need."

I have posted about how we test Db readings of vehicles in a recent topic,

I am going to cop flack for saying this, but I will put it out there... Please when asking for help put every single minute detail of the intercept in your thread, this allows for you to obtain correct and useful information, if you leave something out to make you look like a victim then you are doing yourself a injustice, and going to get incorrect information, you've asked for help, be bloody honest.

Ok, the reason I say this and please OP don't take this personally, i know i don't know everyone in the service, but I'm sure that in this day and age of responsibility and accountability in my job, to just say to someone that your exhaust is too loud here's a ticket, just doesn't add up.

If i were to stop you sand your car sounded loud, here's how i'd do it... Mate rev your engine to about 3500rpm for me. I'd stand at the back and if it were loud enough at that level, you'd recevie a DVRN to have your vehicle inspected and passed by QT. Or if i had the time which unfortuantely i don't have a lot of these days at work, i'd ask you to bring your vehicle to the station for a formal test. In the interim, you may shit your pants and go have some muffling devices put on it, you have rectified your vehicle to comply and then you have it tested and passed, excellent. However and this is where i don't apologise fr underhanded tactics, I'd pass it and then put a "flag" (It gives other officers information about you and your vehicle) that your vehicle passed, if you decied after testing to remove said muffling devices and return vehicle back to the old ways and you are intercepted andtested on the spot you are liable for the "Illegla modification" aspect of traffic and eiligible for impound.

Now back to your situation, if this story is true, then i think you should take it to court becuase I'm sick to death pf hearing about crap tactics, and sloppy police work being conducted by my bretheren, i take my job seriusly and am proud of my 100% prosecution rate, I issue about 1500 TIN's a year and have been to court probably on about 10 of those tickets, it is a testament to my evidence gathering and my approach to my investigations, and before you say its becuase they couldn't be bothered, of these 10, they actually went to court, I'd probably have about 100 that wanted a full brief or some form of justice via a letter that when presented with evidence, go no further, obvious whingers.

I tape and sometimes video all my intercepts, all conversation is held on file servers available to the bosses, if you contest iot you are allowed a copy of this conversation and a copf of all evidence that will be forwarded by prosecutions, it allows you to build a defence.

Put it this way, if he waled up and said your car is too loud here's a ticket as it appears he did in your case with no testing, no questions on your exhaust configuration, how long you have had the car for, did you modify the exhaust, where di you get it done, where is your certificate of compliance under the EPA from the exhaust company (These are questions I ask), if he just said "Yeah its too loud, give me your licence" and no further questions took place.... Fight it, he needs a lesson in my books.

If you want to PM me with some further questions, I'll help, however i won't give you ammunition to fire at them to get you off, and give away secrets, I'm still on the officers side, he just needs a peg or two knocked off him. Even i think this is wrong.

No often that happens.

Oh and C';mon, all love lost between Slo14 and the police still doesn't warrant idiotic comments like the one about Damien LEEDING, personal views aside keep it civil, its not deserved. You were hard done by with the police and yet you did not fight it or stand for what you beleived in about your innocence?? Not our fault, only yours.

Post #29

QUOTE (screwball @ Jun 6 2011, 11:23 PM) *
See this is just fucked up. It's bleedingly obvious that the police officer in this instance had no intention of "enforcing the law" by making you have the car tested and asking that you rectify it. He pinned you with a very light penalty with no requirement to fix the issue, thus leaving you well open to the same fine in the future. Since he doesn't have to test the car, you could be up for the same thing again even if you have a baffle fitted or something.

I'm willing to wager that there's a mentality that floats around traffic cops that "It's too expensive to fight it in court, so they'll just pay it".

Oh, and also whilst I think of it, saying that the copper deserves a shotgun to the head (obvious stab at recent events) is a cunt of a comment. Nice work on the class there asswipe.

That's probably a big part of it. It sux but what can you do? dunno.gif

QUOTE (atec77 @ Jun 6 2011, 11:34 PM) *
Go have it tested , if legal as it is then you can have it recinded

Yeah but the problem with that is, there is nothing proving that he didn't modify it between the time of the fine and having it tested?

Post #30

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Jun 7 2011, 09:00 AM) *

From the front line point of view... Personally, I never think I'll write the ticket becuase they are too dumb, or it will be too expensive to contest, this is fraught with danger, becuase when we have a failed prosecution, there is a please explain, if you get too many failed prosecutions you get "profiled", same as when you get a heap ofcomplaints about the same type of thing i.e. mannerisms towards public etc, you get "profiled". Bosses start looking at your behaviour and your standards of work.

I approach all infringements with the thought, "If they were to contest thids in court no matter what the size of the penalty or the "pettiness" of the offence i.e. $13 fine for fail to change address, what evidence do I need."

I have posted about how we test Db readings of vehicles in a recent topic,

I am going to cop flack for saying this, but I will put it out there... Please when asking for help put every single minute detail of the intercept in your thread, this allows for you to obtain correct and useful information, if you leave something out to make you look like a victim then you are doing yourself a injustice, and going to get incorrect information, you've asked for help, be bloody honest.

Ok, the reason I say this and please OP don't take this personally, i know i don't know everyone in the service, but I'm sure that in this day and age of responsibility and accountability in my job, to just say to someone that your exhaust is too loud here's a ticket, just doesn't add up.

If i were to stop you sand your car sounded loud, here's how i'd do it... Mate rev your engine to about 3500rpm for me. I'd stand at the back and if it were loud enough at that level, you'd recevie a DVRN to have your vehicle inspected and passed by QT. Or if i had the time which unfortuantely i don't have a lot of these days at work, i'd ask you to bring your vehicle to the station for a formal test. In the interim, you may shit your pants and go have some muffling devices put on it, you have rectified your vehicle to comply and then you have it tested and passed, excellent. However and this is where i don't apologise fr underhanded tactics, I'd pass it and then put a "flag" (It gives other officers information about you and your vehicle) that your vehicle passed, if you decied after testing to remove said muffling devices and return vehicle back to the old ways and you are intercepted andtested on the spot you are liable for the "Illegla modification" aspect of traffic and eiligible for impound.

Now back to your situation, if this story is true, then i think you should take it to court becuase I'm sick to death pf hearing about crap tactics, and sloppy police work being conducted by my bretheren, i take my job seriusly and am proud of my 100% prosecution rate, I issue about 1500 TIN's a year and have been to court probably on about 10 of those tickets, it is a testament to my evidence gathering and my approach to my investigations, and before you say its becuase they couldn't be bothered, of these 10, they actually went to court, I'd probably have about 100 that wanted a full brief or some form of justice via a letter that when presented with evidence, go no further, obvious whingers.

I tape and sometimes video all my intercepts, all conversation is held on file servers available to the bosses, if you contest iot you are allowed a copy of this conversation and a copf of all evidence that will be forwarded by prosecutions, it allows you to build a defence.

Put it this way, if he waled up and said your car is too loud here's a ticket as it appears he did in your case with no testing, no questions on your exhaust configuration, how long you have had the car for, did you modify the exhaust, where di you get it done, where is your certificate of compliance under the EPA from the exhaust company (These are questions I ask), if he just said "Yeah its too loud, give me your licence" and no further questions took place.... Fight it, he needs a lesson in my books.

If you want to PM me with some further questions, I'll help, however i won't give you ammunition to fire at them to get you off, and give away secrets, I'm still on the officers side, he just needs a peg or two knocked off him. Even i think this is wrong.

No often that happens.

Oh and C';mon, all love lost between Slo14 and the police still doesn't warrant idiotic comments like the one about Damien LEEDING, personal views aside keep it civil, its not deserved. You were hard done by with the police and yet you did not fight it or stand for what you beleived in about your innocence?? Not our fault, only yours.

Well Said!!!!

HP Plod
Post #31

QUOTE (^sims^ @ Jun 7 2011, 09:14 AM) *
That's probably a big part of it. It sux but what can you do? dunno.gif

Yeah but the problem with that is, there is nothing proving that he didn't modify it between the time of the fine and having it tested?

dare i say it, if the truth was given on here as the situation as it happened, then how does the officer know that he didn't have these devices on it and it made it legal without a thorough investigation and photos of exhaust configuration, I always take photos of exhaust configuration when testing Db levels.

Post #32

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Jun 7 2011, 09:28 AM) *
dare i say it, if the truth was given on here as the situation as it happened, then how does the officer know that he didn't have these devices on it and it made it legal without a thorough investigation and photos of exhaust configuration, I always take photos of exhaust configuration when testing Db levels.

He probably didn't. Much like he probably didnt know (and is probably wrong) that the db the exhaust was giving off was probably at legal limit. It must have been freakin loud for him to assume it was illegal.

HP Plod
Post #33

the reason i ask for 3500rpm's is becuase this is usually the avergae rpm to run an engine at for a proper sound level test, and becuase usually cars sound loud at idle and down low, but when they get to this rev range, all the silencers kick in and the sound peters out, so i can guage then whether they will pass or not if the sound drops at this range.

Post #34

QUOTE (HP Plod @ Jun 7 2011, 09:28 AM) *
dare i say it, if the truth was given on here as the situation as it happened, then how does the officer know that he didn't have these devices on it and it made it legal without a thorough investigation and photos of exhaust configuration, I always take photos of exhaust configuration when testing Db levels.

arent they always meant to take photos of the defect and shit just incase a situation like this comes up and they have to go to court???the last 3-4times i been pulled up for a defect the taken photos..
if that was me i have flange so i can swap my mufflers ova as i please and if i got done and the copper neva took any fotos i would definately go get my db tested,fight it and then seek the cost of the db test if i win in which case id like to think i have a good chance since the cop cant prove that that muffler i have on now is not the same as when he pulled me over....

HP Plod
Post #35

QUOTE (slo14 @ Jun 7 2011, 09:44 AM) *
arent they always meant to take photos of the defect and shit just incase a situation like this comes up and they have to go to court???the last 3-4times i been pulled up for a defect the taken photos..
if that was me i have flange so i can swap my mufflers ova as i please and if i got done and the copper neva took any fotos i would definately go get my db tested,fight it and then seek the cost of the db test if i win in which case id like to think i have a good chance since the cop cant prove that that muffler i have on now is not the same as when he pulled me over....

exactly, my camera works overtime and i alos video tape configurations, to avoid what you talk about, its all about accountability, i can counter act any defence made by proving the offence at the time, if this is raised and i can't negative it, then you win. Which is why if i doubt my ability at the time i utilise the tools i have or that can assist me to prove it.

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