Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Luke gc
Post #946

QUOTE (DAZZLER351 @ Dec 2 2010, 05:11 PM) *
Wasn't gonna but what the hell ... logan motorway blockage yesterday around 1.30 pm !!
Sorry my fault Fucktard thought he would push me along at 110kph in a 100kph zone .. Poor baby jackknifed dont know why :mamoru: :(

And if that Mills B-double driver ever reads this i will still punch your fuckin lights out @#$! !!!

I wrote your rego down before ya stacked it @#$! face... :wavey:

QUOTE (DAZZLER351 @ Dec 26 2010, 03:50 PM) *
Nope they dont , two female green P-platers yesterday far right lane M1, one in a magna one in a civic... bang on 110 good for you ya pole smoking sluts ... they just waved and laughed as i passed them in the 3rd lane at 115kph :mamoru:

Hope they got rear ended by a pill poppin trucker ...... no offence to truckers :)



Luke gc
Post #947


Post #948

QUOTE (DAL32 @ Dec 26 2010, 11:32 AM) *
I saw some old guy create a lane for himself last night on Lutwyche Rd at Albion Rd. I know they've recently changed the setup of the road and it was wet (makes lines harder to see and shows up old lines easier).

I hate to admit, but I myself did that the other week in the wet. Couldn't even see the lines so I continued in the path that I was used to that would usually still keep me in the left lane (haven't travelled that way for a while before that). I shortly realised that I was starting to move over into the right lane.

More rants for tonight. First was driving along the M1 towards the coast. In the wet I can completely understand if you want to drive 10-20km/h or so under the speed limit, but please do so in any of the first 3 left lanes. It's really frustrating when all 4 lanes are going the same speed, all of which is under the speed limit. Also applies to other highways.

Then driving back towards Brisbane on the M1 again. The countless people that I had overtaking me while I was doing the 110km/h speed limit. Fairly heavy rain, and people were still overtaking at up to about 20km/h over the limit. Some of which were 4WD with family/kids onboard.

But the ones I saw yesterday worth mentioning have to be the following. Going along the Centenary Highway, over the hill after the Jindalee Bridge is a slight downhill bend to the right. Only a few months ago, I had seen a Pulsar go straight into the guard rail. It appeared that in the wet, they had taken the corner a little too quick and found out the effects of understeer. About 2:30pm or so today I get stuck in traffic and what do I see. A Falcon facing the wrong way crashed into the barrier. Accident also managed to get a Getz and a Vectra involved.

What made me laugh though was when I was going along the Centenary again at about 7:40pm, I see that a Pulsar had gone straight into the barrier much like the first one I had seen a few months back. This accident also happened to involve one other car (can't remember what). The driver of the Pulsar looked to be some female in her 20's.

The road along that section is 80km/h with a signed recommended corner speed of 70km/h. In the dry, 80km/h is way safe for that corner and in the wet, 80km/h is still relativity safe, even with heavy rain. I swear, if people actually drive to the conditions, none of this could have occurred.

Post #949

I was following one bloke along logan lea rd. in the wet the other night, could not see the lines at all.. He drove straight when there was a slight S bed and was taking over two lines. I myself followed him, then corrected myself when i realised what we were doing :) Luckily no other cars were around.

Post #950

QUOTE (DJKOR @ Dec 27 2010, 12:44 AM) *
I hate to admit, but I myself did that the other week in the wet. Couldn't even see the lines so I continued in the path that I was used to that would usually still keep me in the left lane (haven't travelled that way for a while before that). I shortly realised that I was starting to move over into the right lane.

More rants for tonight. First was driving along the M1 towards the coast. In the wet I can completely understand if you want to drive 10-20km/h or so under the speed limit, but please do so in any of the first 3 left lanes. It's really frustrating when all 4 lanes are going the same speed, all of which is under the speed limit. Also applies to other highways.

Then driving back towards Brisbane on the M1 again. The countless people that I had overtaking me while I was doing the 110km/h speed limit. Fairly heavy rain, and people were still overtaking at up to about 20km/h over the limit. Some of which were 4WD with family/kids onboard.

But the ones I saw yesterday worth mentioning have to be the following. Going along the Centenary Highway, over the hill after the Jindalee Bridge is a slight downhill bend to the right. Only a few months ago, I had seen a Pulsar go straight into the guard rail. It appeared that in the wet, they had taken the corner a little too quick and found out the effects of understeer. About 2:30pm or so today I get stuck in traffic and what do I see. A Falcon facing the wrong way crashed into the barrier. Accident also managed to get a Getz and a Vectra involved.

What made me laugh though was when I was going along the Centenary again at about 7:40pm, I see that a Pulsar had gone straight into the barrier much like the first one I had seen a few months back. This accident also happened to involve one other car (can't remember what). The driver of the Pulsar looked to be some female in her 20's.

The road along that section is 80km/h with a signed recommended corner speed of 70km/h. In the dry, 80km/h is way safe for that corner and in the wet, 80km/h is still relativity safe, even with heavy rain. I swear, if people actually drive to the conditions, none of this could have occurred.

Do you drive with a camera mounted on the windscreen all the time?

Post #951

i believe everyone drives silly in the wet. oh and to drivers that seem to highbeam you when your going down your OWN STREET. last night, XMAS day, no cars on the road. im coming out of my driveway, i see a car drive up the road, so i reverse out and start driving down. next thing i know i see a car come speeding down the street, then about 15 metres from me starts highbeaming me, and follows me till the next roundabout, i do a sneaky one and end up following this guy to see what the go is and if its a douchebay p plater or not. turns out it some curry dickhead. he pulls into his driveway to scared to get out as i drive pass then drive pass again on the way back. douche bag.

oh my street ends in a lil cul de sac, so theres no through road, but every one always decides itll be fun to go speednig up the street then back down as fast as they can :)

at DJKOR, a camera seems like a decent idea, so at least you'll have evidence if crap ever happens.

Post #952

QUOTE (BoostedVit @ Dec 27 2010, 12:47 AM) *
Do you drive with a camera mounted on the windscreen all the time?

I do now, after realising that all my near misses on the road are caused by other road users. Always good to have the extra eye. Of the three insurance claims I have made, it has been accidents where the other party was at fault (most recently, a guy in a van reversed into me while on a main road), and the one claim where I was at fault was due to a kangaroo while driving interstate. Have no other intention for it otherwise... apart from providing entertainment from all the idiots out there. Not there to report any hoons or anything like that because realistically, I don't care at the end of the day.

Post #953

what camera are you using? It is so true these days with the crap insurance companies pull off you need video evidence to get anywhere

Post #954

QUOTE (GHOSTY @ Dec 27 2010, 01:59 AM) *
what camera are you using? It is so true these days with the crap insurance companies pull off you need video evidence to get anywhere

The camera is a "DOD F600HD". Bargained it down to something like $120 while over in China. Built like a Chinese POS, but after putting some epoxy on the bracket to stop it from flexing (had serious vibration while driving), it does the job. Records when the car turns on, and stops when the car is turned off.

I drive a thousand or so km's a week, so I have a higher chance of coming across some sticky situation. That was all an afterthought though. I originally planned to just use the camera for recording my own driving.

Post #955

Spotted an idiot P plater who managed to put a Suzuki Sierra on it's side on Logan Rd. Fuckin' lol!

lil miss roxy
Post #956

QUOTE (Akshunhiro @ Dec 27 2010, 03:45 AM) *
Spotted an idiot P plater who managed to put a Suzuki Sierra on it's side on Logan Rd. Fuckin' lol!

When was this?

Post #957

Was driving along logan lea road, POS red honda starts crawling over into my lane as if the person was drunk/blind/beinganabsolutec.unthead and was about to pull a pit maneuver on herself using my car. Slowed down and gave the bitch a 40 second horn blasting. Took her 20 seconds to realise she was half in my lane -.-

Drove past, it was some import lady that could barely see over the dash. Hope she dies.

Post #958

Gonna call myself out here. Seen the red AU on centenary yesterday, and thought to myself "you noob". Then karma came around and bit me on the arse. I aqua planed on the M1 southbound at 90km/h, did a 360 and then some across the right hand lane and the clem7 merger and hit the right hand wall. Possibly written off S15. Lesson hard learned, it's always a good idea to drive to the conditions.

Post #959



Post #960

socal, pics?

Post #961

QUOTE (lil miss roxy @ Dec 27 2010, 08:44 AM) *
When was this?

Last night around 9pm in Mt Gravatt in the median strip near Klump Rd intersection.

Post #962

no offence if your asian and CAN drive, but every single one ive seen in dfo jindalee carpark in the last 4 days, and my best mate karupt forever in the no parking zone, must need all that room to get the ego out the door when you get out :oopsie:

Post #963

QUOTE (ben042 @ Dec 27 2010, 01:10 PM) *
socal, pics?

As you wish.

Post #964

Seen two crashes northbound on the m3. A blue S15 looks like it rear-ended someone and a commodore somehow crashed on the left embankment. Both near Springwood.

Post #965

Dear 32 Skyline driver
You are a fuckwit
A Dark Grey Nissan R32 Skyline Plates 32JDM decided to rip a hektik skid on a wet Beaudesert rd about 45 mins ago while heading out of Cold Rock calamvale.
Congrats on almost losing it you dick head.

Post #966

QUOTE (socal @ Dec 27 2010, 01:38 PM) *
As you wish.

That'll buff out :oopsie:

Post #967

i almost got run off the road about 15 mins ago

greeny/silver vy or vz commy sedan, plates were 581rfn, bigish guy with tats

charging down a bus lane with a merge about 100m ahead, i sped up and closed the gap but he just kept merging, i held my ground (he was in the wrong anyway) nd he gave in, he cut across behind me and came around on the right, got just ahead and started coming back into my lane with a metre overlap then charged off into q supercentre (gold coast)


Post #968

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 28 2010, 04:21 PM) *
i almost got run off the road about 15 mins ago

greeny/silver vy or vz commy sedan, plates were 581rfn, bigish guy with tats

charging down a bus lane with a merge about 100m ahead, i sped up and closed the gap but he just kept merging, i held my ground (he was in the wrong anyway) nd he gave in, he cut across behind me and came around on the right, got just ahead and started coming back into my lane with a metre overlap then charged off into q supercentre (gold coast)



So he sped up to merge, you sped up to stop him to be all high and mighty.

Get over yourself, if some dickhead wants to speed in a buslane to merge so be it. No difference to you, right?

Post #969

QUOTE (socal @ Dec 27 2010, 01:38 PM) *
As you wish.

in fact should rubb right out :o
if it's any consulation I saw similar last week coming home around 3 am at the rise to the Klump off ramp

Post #970

QUOTE (astorey @ Dec 28 2010, 04:35 PM) *

So he sped up to merge, you sped up to stop him to be all high and mighty.

Get over yourself, if some dickhead wants to speed in a buslane to merge so be it. No difference to you, right?

i abide by the rules so why should he get away with reckless driving?
the 2nd time he merged knowing full well that i was there

Post #971

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 28 2010, 04:52 PM) *
i abide by the rules so why should he get away with reckless driving?
the 2nd time he merged knowing full well that i was there

There's nothing reckless about speeding up to overtake, but speeding up to block someone is wrong.

Yeah he was in a buslane, if you had've just let him merge nothing would've happened?

You abide by the rules, not everyone else will.

Luke gc
Post #972

i hate it as well idiots who charge right up
to the end of a merging lane and expect you
to just let them in having to brake in order to do so
or they will run in to you and say
"""derrrr i was merging in my massive shit 4x4 i didnt see a bright green silvia""

also on the other hand you get those nobs
who will speed up and not let you merge into
what was a easy gap in traffic
""oh no your not getting infront of me""
slams foot on shitty holden pedal drops to
poo first gear spins the right hand wheel half way
and closes up the gap feeling all high and mighty


if some idiot wants to cut you off
just let them half the time you pass them up the road because
other idiots with the same road rage mentality
box them in and wont move
so you use your at the wheel thrillawatts to make a hasty exit


Post #973

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 28 2010, 04:52 PM) *
i abide by the rules so why should he get away with reckless driving?
the 2nd time he merged knowing full well that i was there

you child, i bet you were the type of kid that would take his bat and ball and go home. :o
the only one driving like a dickhead was you. :o

Post #974

QUOTE (Luke gc @ Dec 28 2010, 05:32 PM) *
i hate it as well idiots who charge right up
to the end of a merging lane and expect you
to just let them in having to brake in order to do so
or they will run in to you and say
"""derrrr i was merging in my massive shit 4x4 i didnt see a bright green silvia""

also on the other hand you get those nobs
who will speed up and not let you merge into
what was a easy gap in traffic
""oh no your not getting infront of me""
slams foot on shitty holden pedal drops to
poo first gear spins the right hand wheel half way
and closes up the gap feeling all high and mighty


if some idiot wants to cut you off
just let them half the time you pass them up the road because
other idiots with the same road rage mentality
box them in and wont move
so you use your at the wheel thrillawatts to make a hasty exit


Yah,in this one it's either they don't know,don't care or both that they must yield.

You are already on the road that they are wanting to enter,hence they need to give way.

Post #975

ALL idiots who over the last three days, thought that no headlights, or parkers were enough during the rain.

Post #976

QUOTE (atec77 @ Dec 28 2010, 04:51 PM) *
in fact should rubb right out :o
if it's any consulation I saw similar last week coming home around 3 am at the rise to the Klump off ramp

Haha I don't think it will, every front panel needs replacing, a few right hand suspension components, wheel and tyre damaged, inner guard messed up, radiator and condenser, etc, etc. Gets picked up tomorrow for insurance, will hopefully get it back. If not, S15 for wrecking :o

And not really, but I will take it anyway haha.

Post #978

QUOTE (socal @ Dec 28 2010, 09:53 PM) *
Haha I don't think it will, every front panel needs replacing, a few right hand suspension components, wheel and tyre damaged, inner guard messed up, radiator and condenser, etc, etc. Gets picked up tomorrow for insurance, will hopefully get it back. If not, S15 for wrecking B)

And not really, but I will take it anyway haha.
I rebuilt a pranged bimmer recently , bonnet and guards were panels $165.00 each , just like the beaters do I sourced the est used and $175 for aa radiator , seeing I was not paying labour it came in without paint at $450 for parts , paint was $165 a panel , so how much is it worth to you ?
will be intereste to see what they say

Post #979

QUOTE (atec77 @ Dec 28 2010, 11:10 PM) *
I rebuilt a pranged bimmer recently , bonnet and guards were panels $165.00 each , just like the beaters do I sourced the est used and $175 for aa radiator , seeing I was not paying labour it came in without paint at $450 for parts , paint was $165 a panel , so how much is it worth to you ?
will be intereste to see what they say

Yeah I'd like to repair it if it works out cheap enough, if not I will buy another, they are a dime a dozen now. The biggest unknown is the chassis and inner guard, that's where it gets expensive.

Post #980

QUOTE (pipster11 @ Dec 28 2010, 04:52 PM) *
i abide by the rules so why should he get away with reckless driving?
the 2nd time he merged knowing full well that i was there

Whilst the guy merging was legally required to give way, by driving without due care, and shutting the gap that was available for him to merge, YOU have made the issue larger than it needed to be.

One second is all it would have cost you to let him in. Was your girlfriend impressed you got to your destination ONE SECOND earlier?

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