Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #841

idiot with the number plate 0VYSS0 (just incase you cant work it, it was a VY SS... derp) and im pretty sure it was red.

Sunday arvo near narangba about 6pm. everytime u got 5 metres between you and the car you were tailgating you would accelerate (like foot flat for 1 second) and brake. The car u were tailgating was doing the speed limit (maybe even a littler over) and u had no where safe to pass, why be a fuckwit and tailgate and then proceed to be an annoying prick behind them?

People like you are possibly the single most annoying people on the road, go neck yaself.

Post #842

QUOTE (BoostedVit @ Nov 30 2010, 06:32 PM) *
idiot with the number plate 0VYSS0 (just incase you cant work it, it was a VY SS... derp) and im pretty sure it was red.

Sunday arvo near narangba about 6pm. everytime u got 5 metres between you and the car you were tailgating you would accelerate (like foot flat for 1 second) and brake. The car u were tailgating was doing the speed limit (maybe even a littler over) and u had no where safe to pass, why be a fuckwit and tailgate and then proceed to be an annoying prick behind them?

People like you are possibly the single most annoying people on the road, go neck yaself.

I've had this guy behind me before doing this but on the M1 no one around 3 lanes I'm in the far left lane and he never once thought of going around me at all just tailgating me for ages i believe he does this more for fun than anything else he is a real f**kwit

Post #843

QUOTE (yuahoe @ Nov 30 2010, 12:34 PM) *
fucking blue pulsar in ipswich something drn are his plates what a toss his name is darren and he's got no f**king clue

I've seen this guy quite a few times, and damn his driven scare the crap out of me. When I come across hime I usually pull off in the nearest side street and wait a few minutes. Don't want to be anywhere near him.

Post #844

QUOTE (Wed13 @ Nov 30 2010, 06:45 PM) *
I've had this guy behind me before doing this but on the M1 no one around 3 lanes I'm in the far left lane and he never once thought of going around me at all just tailgating me for ages i believe he does this more for fun than anything else he is a real f**kwit

Its like he thinks because he has an exhaust on his car we want to hear him accelerating for short bursts and we get wet over it. seriously, typical fuckin bogandore driver

Post #845

Hang on a sec, is this pulsar dude a skinny wog looking kid? if so, then haha I think i've seen him before too, driving like an absolute tool, racing a barina off the lights, and loosing, but thinking he's king shit cos of the milo tin :lol: :o :bowrofl:

Post #846

Anyone that puts an ebay exhaust on a shitter pulsar should be avoided...

Sounds like this guy has serious attitude issues.

Post #847

QUOTE (GHOSTY @ Nov 30 2010, 07:04 PM) *
Hang on a sec, is this pulsar dude a skinny wog looking kid? if so, then haha I think i've seen him before too, driving like an absolute tool, racing a barina off the lights, and loosing, but thinking he's king shit cos of the milo tin :P :P :P

sounds like something from chopper.. along the lines of 'filthy breath of w0gs c0(k'

Post #848

QUOTE (eXo @ Nov 30 2010, 10:53 AM) *
Well I hope your missus enjoyed the sip of her coffee cause when I ripped the handbrake hard right in front of you (I don't care... company car..) your poor missus ruined her sunday dress after it splashed all over your windscreen. Next time, follow the general rules of courtesy by allowing a car that gave ample time to 'indicate' their intentions without acting like a clueless d!ck when you clearly closed the 50m+ distance you had from me when I began my merge.

ummm ... a car was coming up fast in the lane you were merging into? so you reefed the handbrake? and it's ok because it's a company car?

Post #849

QUOTE (Jon51 @ Dec 1 2010, 10:00 AM) *
ummm ... a car was coming up fast in the lane you were merging into? so you reefed the handbrake? and it's ok because it's a company car?

yes , yes and yes.... *insert pr0n image of hottie getting spit roasted here*

Post #850

QUOTE (eXo @ Dec 1 2010, 10:15 AM) *
yes , yes and yes.... *insert pr0n image of hottie getting spit roasted here*

is the hotties name steve? cause that's the gayest thing i've heard in a while

Post #851

QUOTE (Jon51 @ Dec 1 2010, 10:32 AM) *
is the hotties name steve? cause that's the gayest thing i've heard in a while

and these are the words coming from an ex con... :P

Post #852

This one goes out to all drivers who fail to move left out of my way when my ambulance is coming down the road with it's lights and sirens going. Remember it could be your family member that i'm going too. We have mirrors for a reason! Use them.

Post #853

QUOTE (real_jarod @ Dec 1 2010, 03:45 PM) *
This one goes out to all drivers who fail to move left out of my way when my ambulance is coming down the road with it's lights and sirens going. Remember it could be your family member that i'm going too. We have mirrors for a reason! Use them.

Yes... this is a no-brainer,literally you'd need to have no functioning brain to do this.

Props to our Ambos "The Most Trusted,the Least Valued"

Post #854

Car: White AE86 and a green R33
Plates: DTP05? standard plates on the R33
Time, Place, Doing: around 2pm, yesterday. telegraph road and backstreets of bracken ridge. both trying to be fully sick takumi drifters in the rain. was really hoping one of you would crash.

Post #855

Fuck wit in a white hilux trying to gain one car space, South bound on gate way motorway trafic was really slow and the 3rd lane was about to go into 2 and this guy had to keep pushing his way past me
(there was HEAPS of room for him to go behind me) but he wanted that car space i wasnt going to let him in so i went up the arse of the guy infront of me and his lane ended and he was still trying to push his way in, i had to let him in or he would have run off the road i was in a F250 i should have just pushed him off the road.. FUCK WIT !

But i held the horn for a good 5 sec and 1 finger saluted him, i think he got the picture.

Post #856

An idiot two weeks ago to the day cruised through a stop sign and smash the front left of my car up he then proceded to get out of the car and tell me it was my fault. :headwall:

Post #857

QUOTE (VTR @ Dec 1 2010, 03:53 PM) *
Props to our Ambos "The Most Trusted,the Least Valued"

Fucking this man. Couple months ago saw like 3 cars going slow as can be then ambo is roaring up behind with siren on. they dont move over and ambo cant get around so the ambo's tooting away and the fuck tards still sit there like there isnt a deafening siren behind them...

Post #858

i think ambulances should get bullbars fitted to them like the stuff in mad max.. :-)

Post #859

QUOTE (*Tricky* @ Dec 2 2010, 11:22 AM) *
Fucking this man. Couple months ago saw like 3 cars going slow as can be then ambo is roaring up behind with siren on. they dont move over and ambo cant get around so the ambo's tooting away and the fuck tards still sit there like there isnt a deafening siren behind them...

It amazing how stupid people are out there but in the 3 years I've been doing this, funny thing is I have yet to see a proper modified car not move out of the way for us.

Post #860

QUOTE (eXo @ Dec 2 2010, 12:15 PM) *
i think ambulances should get bullbars fitted to them like the stuff in mad max.. :-)

^+1, All too often seeing ambos or fire trucks getting jammed behind cars that are either deaf/blind or just plain refuse to move

Post #861

when it rains... dickheads come out and tailgate or try and squeeze into the car space in front of you at the last minute.
Many examples yesterday afternoon on the way home around Breakfast Creek and Sandgate Roads.

Post #862

Every kunt still qouting this is a :ph34r:

Post #863

QUOTE (DAZZLER351 @ Dec 2 2010, 05:11 PM) *
Wasn't gonna but what the hell ... logan motorway blockage yesterday around 1.30 pm !!
Sorry my fault Fucktard thought he would push me along at 110kph in a 100kph zone .. Poor baby jackknifed dont know why :ph34r: :oopsie:

And if that Mills B-double driver ever reads this i will still punch your fuckin lights out @#$! !!!

I wrote your rego down before ya stacked it @#$! face... :ph34r:

why didn't you just move over and let him go, if he wants to speed let him,he will get caught soon enough.
instead you put other people at risk with your actions and some how you think you have done the right thing.
what if that truck due to the accident you caused had crushed cars and killed people.

fucktard you got that right and i have not seen anyone post their own bad driving in here before,nice job. :ph34r:
at least you posted in the right place. :)

Post #864

QUOTE (dabigone @ Dec 3 2010, 11:37 AM) *
why didn't you just move over and let him go, if he wants to speed let him,he will get caught soon enough.
instead you put other people at risk with your actions and some how you think you have done the right thing.
what if that truck due to the accident you caused had crushed cars and killed people.

fucktard you got that right and i have not seen anyone post their own bad driving in here before,nice job. :unsure:
at least you posted in the right place. :)

I think he's done a swell job. He applied the brakes to slow his travelling speed of 110 to 100kmph. It's not old mate's fault that the vehicle behind (which happened to be a semi) could not follow at a safe distance.

Post #865

yeah, im preety sure its keep left on the roads to allow people to overtake. not hog the highways in the the right lane slowing traffic, causing road rage. and in your case cause an accident which could have been fatal for innocent motorists

Post #866

QUOTE (purepunani @ Dec 3 2010, 04:20 PM) *
I think he's done a swell job. He applied the brakes to slow his travelling speed of 110 to 100kmph. It's not old mate's fault that the vehicle behind (which happened to be a semi) could not follow at a safe distance.

yeah and what if the semi hadn't of braked or had brake failure, he would be a dead little fucktard now wouldn't he.
your comment says to me that your as bad of a driver as he is and do the same thing.
i just wish the coppers would crack down on cocks who drive in the right lane.

Post #867

QUOTE (dabigone @ Dec 3 2010, 07:14 PM) *
yeah and what if the semi hadn't of braked or had brake failure, he would be a dead little fucktard now wouldn't he.
your comment says to me that your as bad of a driver as he is and do the same thing.
i just wish the coppers would crack down on cocks who drive in the right lane.

My comment said alot of things, what you stated wasn't one of them. Oh wait...
Come to think of it though, i'm a horrible driver, I cant seem to follow any road rules or regulations. Today I was driving with a BAC of 0.2 in an unregistered, uninsured, unroadworthy vehicle, with overloaded passengers with no seatbelts. I was in excess of the designated speed limit, sitting in the right lane, failing to indicate or give way, failed to stop at traffic lights, swerved 6 cars off the road and caused 3 accidents - 2 fatals.
Oh wait, then you woke up and took ya hand off it.

OT: If you want to get technical, maybe old mate was in the right lane because he was overtaking a vehicle? Considering you aren't allowed to exceed the speed limit even if you are overtaking. And if he became a "dead little fucktard", the semi driver would have still been in the wrong. Doesn't matter which scenerio you try and play it, semi's still in the wrong and is still at fault for any accident that occured whether it was fatal or not. Two main reason - Exceeding the limit and not following at a safe distance.

Post #868

A douchebag in a white Pajero with a massive ass bullbar, who pulled up inches from my rear on a steep hill start!
I give a shit about my rear back off!!

Post #869

QUOTE (purepunani @ Dec 3 2010, 08:07 PM) *
My comment said alot of things, what you stated wasn't one of them. Oh wait...
Come to think of it though, i'm a horrible driver, I cant seem to follow any road rules or regulations. Today I was driving with a BAC of 0.2 in an unregistered, uninsured, unroadworthy vehicle, with overloaded passengers with no seatbelts. I was in excess of the designated speed limit, sitting in the right lane, failing to indicate or give way, failed to stop at traffic lights, swerved 6 cars off the road and caused 3 accidents - 2 fatals.
Oh wait, then you woke up and took ya hand off it.

OT: If you want to get technical, maybe old mate was in the right lane because he was overtaking a vehicle? Considering you aren't allowed to exceed the speed limit even if you are overtaking. And if he became a "dead little fucktard", the semi driver would have still been in the wrong. Doesn't matter which scenerio you try and play it, semi's still in the wrong and is still at fault for any accident that occured whether it was fatal or not. Two main reason - Exceeding the limit and not following at a safe distance.

i never said anyone is right for their actions as they were both doing the wrong thing.
what i was saying is it is not his job to police other drivers speeds and cause traffic accidents that could cost people there lives.
going from what OP said he was in that lane for a while and deliberately holding up traffic that wanted to overtake.
so instead of just pulling over and letting the other traffic past he decides to brake check a semi of all things and endanger the lives of other road users on purpose.
you seemed to be patting him on the back for his stupid actions which is why i gathered you are a dick head just like him that would do the same stupid shit.

Mr Oriel
Post #870

Em seriously =P ... go do some work lol, less time hooning on road! !

Post #871

QUOTE (dabigone @ Dec 3 2010, 08:29 PM) *
i never said anyone is right for their actions as they were both doing the wrong thing.
what i was saying is it is not his job to police other drivers speeds and cause traffic accidents that could cost people there lives.
going from what OP said he was in that lane for a while and deliberately holding up traffic that wanted to overtake.
so instead of just pulling over and letting the other traffic past he decides to brake check a semi of all things and endanger the lives of other road users on purpose.
you seemed to be patting him on the back for his stupid actions which is why i gathered you are a dick head just like him that would do the same stupid shit.

dabigone i agree with you on this one and this goes to everyone. Regardless of what other road users are doing don't be a tool and make thisngs worse like in this cas braking with a tailgating truck. Yeah so he was speeding and tailgating, if this happens to you safely move out of the way. whether its taking the foot of the accelerator and changing lanes or indicating to change lanes or if there is no lane jsut pull over to the shoulder if there is one. If they are being stupid let them cause the accident by their own stupid fault not because you want to be a hero.

On the subject of tailgating what the hell is wrong with people these days constantly tailgating, it's getting bloody stupid at how often it happens today.

Post #872

QUOTE (EXI73 @ Dec 3 2010, 08:19 PM) *
A douchebag in a white Pajero with a massive ass bullbar, who pulled up inches from my rear on a steep hill start!
I give a shit about my rear back off!!

I seriously hate it when people do this, especially in the wet. Then I look like a hoon trying to take off. Does it really fucken matter if you are an extra 1/2 meter back, you wont get there any faster geez.

To the guy last night in the white hilux, I slowed down to wait for the kangaroo to get off the road, please don't tailgate me as I will not plow into a small kangaroo just so you can get to wherever your going 30 seconds earlier..

Luke gc
Post #873

QUOTE (yuahoe @ Nov 30 2010, 12:34 PM) *
fucking blue pulsar in ipswich something drn are his plates what a toss his name is darren and he's got no f**king clue

sounds like the same car from the very first post DRN15 PULSAR
Post #874

QUOTE (Luke gc @ Dec 4 2010, 04:22 PM) *
sounds like the same car from the very first post DRN15 PULSAR

It is.

Luke gc
Post #875

QUOTE ( @ Dec 5 2010, 08:21 AM) *
It is.

dickhead drivers dont change

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