Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #596

QUOTE (azzagray @ Sep 23 2010, 09:33 AM) *

I fixed that "fail at life" offset long ago.

Thanks for your concerns though.

There was nothing wrong with that offset man, Just needed some proper rolled + mildly flared guards and some coilovers. Have that shit sitting mean.

Post #597

The taxi that wrote off my work van this afternoon. Fucken hopeless kents LEARN TO FUCKEN DRIVE *facepalm*. Van is fully insured though so all good :P

Post #598

QUOTE (GHOSTY @ Sep 28 2010, 09:22 PM) *
The taxi that wrote off my work van this afternoon. Fucken hopeless kents LEARN TO FUCKEN DRIVE *facepalm*. Van is fully insured though so all good :P

in the wet? everyone drives like a douche in the wet.

Post #599

I lol @ people doing like 20-30km/h under on Centenary Highway / Western Freeway. I drive through there 2-4 times a day, left lane always under by 10-20km/h, actually saw a truck almost loosing it after some nub doing 60 in the 100 zone part of Centenary Highway, whilst it was raining. People just don't know how to drive, yet government loves nabbing people and making money of it, but yet hasn't dealt with the real issue of people can't drive.

Post #600

cameron92 - yep

QUOTE (stevocharged @ Sep 28 2010, 11:29 PM) *
I lol @ people doing like 20-30km/h under on Centenary Highway / Western Freeway. I drive through there 2-4 times a day, left lane always under by 10-20km/h, actually saw a truck almost loosing it after some nub doing 60 in the 100 zone part of Centenary Highway, whilst it was raining. People just don't know how to drive, yet government loves nabbing people and making money of it, but yet hasn't dealt with the real issue of people can't drive.

Post #601

the lady driving in front of me last night that drove into the side of a parked TRUCK!!!!


Sic 200
Post #602

QUOTE (eXo @ Sep 23 2010, 03:00 PM) *
sunnybank asians... you ain't the fuck!n dynasty royal family you fu(ks!! the republics ppl do NOT move out of the way for you. it is YOU who move the FU(k outta the way for us!

Just cause it's a Benz/Beem/Honda or whatever flavor it is this year doesn't make you royalty!! after all, your still going back to your "Big mansions" with your whole damn village from asia living in it!

Either way, GTF outta my way!! LEFT LANE.. Get it? LEFT LANE.. not RIGHT LANE to putt along at 40km/h Just cause you can afford the car but not the fuel doesn't mean we gotta push our whips at your dumb @$$ pace.

Post #603

QUOTE (Drift17 @ Sep 29 2010, 02:50 AM) *
the lady driving in front of me last night that drove into the side of a parked TRUCK!!!!

Is that redbank plains? near school road?

Post #604

stupid bunch of p platers living at the end of my street always fucking doin 70 k's in a 40 around the corner of my street in their fully sick lancer's. slow the fuck down you stupid @#$!s. FUCK

Post #605

QUOTE (Drift17 @ Sep 29 2010, 02:50 AM) *
the lady driving in front of me last night that drove into the side of a parked TRUCK!!!!

name='' date='Sep 29 2010, 11:50 AM' post='1286468107']
Is that redbank plains? near school road?

Yes, it was still there at like 10 that night, was wondering why the car was parked on the road with parts under the truck.

Post #606

yeh, was there until like 7pm the next day, when it happened, i just couldnt believe it had happened,
i pulled over to make sure she was ok, and she had a car FULL of kids, used nappies on the floor and just nasty shit
the reason she crashed, she was to busy trying to light a smoke.... ultimate bogan right there, and she didnt have insurence and lives down the coast haha
good game to her
Post #607

QUOTE (Drift17 @ Sep 29 2010, 07:40 PM) *
yeh, was there until like 7pm the next day, when it happened, i just couldnt believe it had happened,
i pulled over to make sure she was ok, and she had a car FULL of kids, used nappies on the floor and just nasty shit
the reason she crashed, she was to busy trying to light a smoke.... ultimate bogan right there, and she didnt have insurence and lives down the coast haha
good game to her

haha shit man, thats crazy haha, i go on that road every day, must have just missed it

Post #608

yeh it was pretty crazy, she had been slowing down to 30kms in 60 zone then back up to speed limit as well, i was like wtf... some people really need to have their licenses taken from them....

Post #609

QUOTE (Drift17 @ Sep 29 2010, 08:14 PM) *
yeh it was pretty crazy, she had been slowing down to 30kms in 60 zone then back up to speed limit as well, i was like wtf... some people really need to have their licenses taken from them....

Or even better, some people need a licence to have kids :thumbsup:

Post #610

to the fuckhead in the black holden cruize i saw as i was merging onto the logan motorway heading to beenleigh first i saw u nearly run up the arse of a exel doin at least 120 but then u go into the left merge lane and when it ends u dont slow and let him pass u take the shoulder and speed up in front .... fuck whats the rush your lucky i wasnt driving the exel or i woulda pulled a michael schumacher on you :headwall:

Post #611

the eastern end of brisbane road near charis seafoods there is a heap of roadworks. some tool in a van wanted to head to paradise point but was already heading to harbour town so stops in the middle of the road in traffic trying to cross a double line and trafic though barriers to do a u-turn. but he needed a space in the traffic so i filled the gap and didnt care about this guy trying to break the law. he then gets on the horn at me and pushes his way behind me making the next car reverse.
he then misses my bumper by an inch and has to 5 point turn to get through. he makes it as hes taking off in the turn left with care lane he stops opens his door and leans out to give me the finger.

i was that close to ringing your company to report your stupidity, and the fact that you got shitty with me cause i didnt make it easier for you do break the law you are a total dick.

Post #612

Some old arrogant asshole in his Jag failing to recognise the zip rule not allowing me to get onto the M1, next time I'll just pull out into you I could do with a new paint job.

510 VRS
Post #613

i would like to say a big congrats to the brand spanking new bmw x6 with dealer plates that decided to fly up the on ramp (around 120kph) into peak hour traffic (40-50kph) north bound on m1 at paradise road. When im approching stopped traffic i still need space to stop (b-double driver)

I hope to god they made u buy it after ur test drive u stupid c**t. The Big western star badge made a big improvement to ur bmw. pitty ur tail gate now lines up with ur rear doors.

Also i dislike the people who cant do the speed limit. my prime mover is limited to 101kph. people who do 90 in a 100 zone shit me.
you move to over take them and they speed up. WTF and then repeat the process. what a bunch of wankers.

Post #614

QUOTE (Gagginforit @ May 26 2010, 01:25 PM) *
Car:- Samoan tour bus ( torago)
Where:- Gowan rd, Calamvale
Plates:- ?
Time, place,doing:- 7:30 on the way to work, doing fucking 35k's in a 60 or 70 zone. PULL the fuck over if you have no idea what you are doing im trying to get to work!

How did you know they were samoan? lol
Post #615

QUOTE (phatboys @ Oct 2 2010, 12:03 PM) *
How did you know they were samoan? lol

He looked? :o

Post #616

Where: Oxley Drive, Paradise Point to Hope Island Rd.

What: The faggot P Plater driving an Astra i think, who thought it would be good to speed along the 40Kmh road work zone (so i pulled out in front and sat the needle just under 40 all the way to the bridge). Then after crossing the two bridge's he decided to speed up to ~100Kmh, doesnt indicate when changing lanes, didnt indicate when going around the massive round-a-bout and then when turning right at the sanctuary cove round-a-bout doesnt indicate again. Fuck i just wanted to pull you out of your car and give you an absolute beat down. Fuck, no wonder you c^&t's crash and kill yourself and others!

Post #617

Oh and the clowns who dont do 40Kmh through the Road works on Oxley Drive, Paradise Point. I notice them speeding along so i just pull straight out in front and drive nice and slow to give them the shits.

Post #618

When: Friday arvo about 3.45pm
Where: Alice St > Expressway.
Who: Some 45yo fucktard and his wife in a mitsu wagon or something.

What: Im on my way from cbd to stones corner for another job in the worktruck. I indicate to merge into the left lane on Alice st, as i start to merge, the prick speeds up. I move back into my lane (im still indicating btw), he slows down to the speed limit again, i try another merge, he speeds up again and honks me.... I then proceeded to merge behind him. So i thought to myself "right, this guy is a can i really do"
Now we hit the expressway and we are both in the far left lane and all of a sudden *a bright idea* comes to mind.
Im taking a good stab in the dark presuming he wants to go southbound and not take the vulture st exit. So i speed up a little into the next lane over. And I slowed down and sped up as he tried to merge out of the left lane. I forced him to take the vulture st exit :o
He wound down his window and yelled something at me, i just gave him the good old thumbs up.

Post #619

haha nice! ^ :o

Post #620

QUOTE (510 VRS @ Oct 2 2010, 12:00 PM) *
i would like to say a big congrats to the brand spanking new bmw x6 with dealer plates that decided to fly up the on ramp (around 120kph) into peak hour traffic (40-50kph) north bound on m1 at paradise road. When im approching stopped traffic i still need space to stop (b-double driver)

I hope to god they made u buy it after ur test drive u stupid c**t. The Big western star badge made a big improvement to ur bmw. pitty ur tail gate now lines up with ur rear doors.

Also i dislike the people who cant do the speed limit. my prime mover is limited to 101kph. people who do 90 in a 100 zone shit me.
you move to over take them and they speed up. WTF and then repeat the process. what a bunch of wankers.

Mate i feel for you, people have no respect for truckies, i drive HR's myself, never ceases to amaze the lengths people will go to just to get in front of me for no reason -.-

Post #621

QUOTE (inb4jdm @ Oct 2 2010, 09:17 PM) *
Mate i feel for you, people have no respect for truckies, i drive HR's myself, never ceases to amaze the lengths people will go to just to get in front of me for no reason -.-

Unfortuntely 95% of truckies ruin the respect I have for truck drivers, by
-Almost without fail i get rocks raining down on my car from a truck who flys past me basically crossing the double white line.
-Sit right on my ass even when I might be doing 5-10k'a over at times. Can almost see the dead bugs in their grill.
-Quite often pull out at worst times. Difference between a car doing it is they can get up to speed much quicker and dont need to slam on brakes as fast as i would if a truck did it.

I know there are good truckies out there and they do a good job. But unfortunetly your fellow road chums ruin it for you.

Post #622

QUOTE (purepunani @ Oct 2 2010, 06:55 PM) *
When: Friday arvo about 3.45pm
Where: Alice St > Expressway.
Who: Some 45yo fucktard and his wife in a mitsu wagon or something.

What: Im on my way from cbd to stones corner for another job in the worktruck. I indicate to merge into the left lane on Alice st, as i start to merge, the prick speeds up. I move back into my lane (im still indicating btw), he slows down to the speed limit again, i try another merge, he speeds up again and honks me.... I then proceeded to merge behind him. So i thought to myself "right, this guy is a can i really do"
Now we hit the expressway and we are both in the far left lane and all of a sudden *a bright idea* comes to mind.
Im taking a good stab in the dark presuming he wants to go southbound and not take the vulture st exit. So i speed up a little into the next lane over. And I slowed down and sped up as he tried to merge out of the left lane. I forced him to take the vulture st exit :o
He wound down his window and yelled something at me, i just gave him the good old thumbs up.

:hsdance: :o

When: Today, aroung 3.15
Where: Springwood, at the roundabout near HJ
Who: Middle aged lady in an old Merc.

FYI you bitch - GIVE WAY TO THE RIGHT on roundabouts. Don't give me the "wtf" hand gesture as you speed straight through the roundabout without even slowing down.. Next time I'll hit your "classic" boat and we'll see who has to explain what to the insurance company.

Post #623

today, some bitch in white merc 4wd. almost merged into me on western freeway. first of all donig 80k in the right lane. thenbeing tailgated by a commonwhore. im cruising in the left lane, with no car in front doing just under 100. then bam, all of a sudden she decides to merge just as im bout to come pass......

and no i didnt exactly overtake on the left, i was sitting in the leftlane the entire time and just happen to catch up to her cause she was going SLOWW!!!!

Post #624

there was this sick bitch in a 4wd i was driving behind her and these ducks came walking out and she swurved purposely off the road out on to the enbankment to kill them and got two of the poor little fuckers

Post #625

every morning on the bruce highway in peak hour. people who merge in and out of lanes thinking its going to get you somewhere quicker. then give you the finger when you blast your horn when they try push infront of you -.-

Post #626

QUOTE (madutedude @ Oct 7 2010, 07:13 PM) *
there was this sick bitch in a 4wd i was driving behind her and these ducks came walking out and she swurved purposely off the road out on to the enbankment to kill them and got two of the poor little fuckers

Provide the registration and a more details description of the car. thanks, im going to find her.

Post #627

QUOTE (madutedude @ Oct 7 2010, 07:13 PM) *
there was this sick bitch in a 4wd i was driving behind her and these ducks came walking out and she swurved purposely off the road out on to the enbankment to kill them and got two of the poor little fuckers

what the fuck? rego?

Post #628

Maybe she was poor and hungry and needed some dinner?

EFI Tech
Post #629

QUOTE (Fast_32 @ Sep 19 2010, 09:54 PM) *
hahaha i do this regularly beside fellow female P platers and females of the sidewalk lol also shiftlocking works a treat as long as it doesnt lock up a shitload, just enough to chirp lol. gotta love turbos :( its awesome good for a few laughs. also when in mine, if i get a douche who tries to race, i hit boost, bov goes off and they realise its turbo. another good one :(

in the rain the other day i took off quickly into a roundabout, and over the other side just out of view was a homo cyclist. he was about a foot in from the white line on the left of a left corner. back tyres are camberworn on the 626 (i dont even know how this camberwear happened) so it slid out and squirmed all over the place behind this cyclist hahah
wasn't feeling mean enough to beep or yell at him though
Post #630

QUOTE (nash @ Oct 7 2010, 09:42 PM) *
Maybe she was poor and hungry and needed some dinner?

Your lame.

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