Qld Police Will Try Anything  

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Post #36

QUOTE (176OES @ Sep 2 2010, 11:51 PM) *
Next you'll tell me a Lexcen isnt a Commodore either hahaha

No its a Commodore reject. lol

Post #37

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:53 PM) *
So you were in my car looking at the speedo were you? Im not saying that i haven't in the past but i like to stick to the speed limit.

No the point i was making was that you were tying to say only imports speed around when ive seen you speeding and there is no fuckin way you were doing 60 when i saw you. Not to mention the part where u stopped in the middle of road, built up revs and then took off.

Post #38

QUOTE (mark1414 @ Sep 2 2010, 11:50 PM) *
So its probably not wise to blindly take OP story as fact, yeah?

Did not take it as fact however here's a immutable fact - the cop in question is not here to offer her side of the matter is she?

None of us commenting here were there and can go back in time to view the event.

So "reading between the lines" and taking on face value (not as indisputable facts) that the story OP is telling is based on his not lying I made some speculation on that as have others here.

Post #39

QUOTE (45SET @ Sep 2 2010, 11:51 PM) *
Actually... there is a law against it...

just saying...

I know but it's not speeding, its excessive acceleration.

Post #40

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 2 2010, 11:51 PM) *
Pick it apart?

No... clarify points and if you're ok with your view on it then my comments should not make you alter from how you view this.

The part I bolded is quite accurate and the conclusion that is extremely likely.

End of the day,she BS'd the OP with her claim OP had breached some undisclosed by her law and it didn't pan out how perhaps she'd envisaged and left with OP not being written up so his original point holds true.

Why pick apart his post?

Can't see why you'd do that either.

I wasn't picking his post apart, I questioned him on his QPD & crime stoppers comment (Which is made a witty comment about) and stated what law she might have confused it with.

It appeared that you were picking my post apart, telling me that both my comments were void for what ever reason.

Post #41

QUOTE (BoostedVit @ Sep 2 2010, 11:54 PM) *
No the point i was making was that you were tying to say only imports speed around when ive seen you speeding and there is no fuckin way you were doing 60 when i saw you. Not to mention the part where u stopped in the middle of road, built up revs and then took off.

Ok now i know your full of shit. I have a standard stall in my car so building up my revs is impossible.

Post #42

QUOTE (45SET @ Sep 2 2010, 11:56 PM) *
I wasn't picking his post apart, I questioned him on his QPD & crime stoppers comment (Which is made a witty comment about) and stated what law she might have confused it with.

It appeared that you were picking my post apart, telling me that both my comments were void for what ever reason.

The reasons were stated and are not "whatever reason" and like I say if you're firm on your view then having it challenged should not worry you an iota.

Post #43

QUOTE (mark1414 @ Sep 2 2010, 11:53 PM) *
Time Trials. He admitted to it here.

You pin him down... I'll call the police!!

Post #44

QUOTE (45SET @ Sep 2 2010, 11:56 PM) *
I wasn't picking his post apart, I questioned him on his QPD & crime stoppers comment (Which is made a witty comment about) and stated what law she might have confused it with.

It appeared that you were picking my post apart, telling me that both my comments were void for what ever reason.

I was being a smart ass when i made that comment to her about the police car being a buisness. And she knew it was a business sticker.
So that is now settled.

Post #45

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:58 PM) *
I was being a smart ass when i made that comment to her about the police car being a buisness. And she knew it was a business sticker.
So that is now settled.

Well there you go...

Post #46

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:57 PM) *
Ok now i know your full of shit. I have a standard stall in my car so building up my revs is impossible.

Ive got 2 mates who can back me up. The round-about just after the church and just before immanuel school. You went around the round-about, stopped, put your foot on the brake and other one on accelator and took off.

Post #47

not to mention the times ive seen you getting around m'ba and you put your foot down definently over 60km/h. Im not trying to get at you for that, im just saying dont try say its only imports doing it when you yourself have done it

Post #48

QUOTE (BoostedVit @ Sep 2 2010, 11:59 PM) *
Ive got 2 mates who can back me up. The round-about just after the church and just before immanuel school. You went around the round-about, stopped, put your foot on the brake and other one on accelator and took off.

Have all the people you want to back you up. The fact of the mater is i can't build up my revs so your story is wrong. I happy to prove to anyone that i can't build up the revs. The highest i can get is 2000rpm. If thats what you call building up revs then you must own a diesel.

Post #49

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 2 2010, 11:58 PM) *
The reasons were stated and are not "whatever reason" and like I say if you're firm on your view then having it challenged should not worry you an iota.

Didn't really feel like going back to page 1 to double check what reason's you gave, so I wrote down "whatever reason", in the hope that you realise I was referring to your comments from the previous page.

I wasn't there, and neither were you (Unless you were the police officer or OP's mates), so neither one of us can really say the other was wrong, and everything is left to speculation.

Post #50

Anyway back onto the topic.

Post #51

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 3 2010, 12:03 AM) *
Have all the people you want to back you up. The fact of the mater is i can't build up my revs so your story is wrong. I happy to prove to anyone that i can't build up the revs. The highest i can get is 2000rpm. If thats what you call building up revs then you must own a diesel.

Consindering your car would idle at less than that, then yes it would be considered building revs. It was enough to get a little tyre spin.

Post #52

Apart from a few little smartass comments that i made to my mates whitin the hearing range of the police officers, what i said in my first post is wat i said and what was said to me.

I just couldn't believe that she was trying to spin me that story.

Post #53

QUOTE (BoostedVit @ Sep 3 2010, 12:06 AM) *
Consindering your car would idle at less than that, then yes it would be considered building revs. It was enough to get a little tyre spin.

lol, my car doesn't spin the tyres a little. When they spin you'll know it.

Post #54

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 3 2010, 12:07 AM) *
Apart from a few little smartass comments that i made to my mates whitin the hearing range of the police officers, what i said in my first post is wat i said and what was said to me.

I just couldn't believe that she was trying to spin me that story.

Yeah back on topic. I hope one of those comments had something to do with kitchens and how she got out of hers.

Post #55

lol the interesting part was the other 2 officers didn't want a part of what she was claiming and i think they just let her run with it.

Post #56

QUOTE (45SET @ Sep 3 2010, 12:04 AM) *
Didn't really feel like going back to page 1 to double check what reason's you gave, so I wrote down "whatever reason", in the hope that you realise I was referring to your comments from the previous page.

I wasn't there, and neither were you (Unless you were the police officer or OP's mates), so neither one of us can really say the other was wrong, and everything is left to speculation.

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 2 2010, 11:55 PM) *
Did not take it as fact however here's a immutable fact - the cop in question is not here to offer her side of the matter is she?

None of us commenting here were there and can go back in time to view the event.

So "reading between the lines" and taking on face value (not as indisputable facts) that the story OP is telling is based on his not lying I made some speculation on that as have others here.

Post #57

Seriously VTR you have the worst argument. 45SET just said a likely scenario given what we have been told. You told him that it was all wrong, like you were there or something??

Post #58

Thanks for your opinion Mark.

Duly noted.

Post #59

QUOTE (VTR @ Sep 3 2010, 12:19 AM) *
Thanks for your opinion Mark.

Duly noted.

No argument this time? I got to admit I'm a little disappointed.

Post #60

QUOTE (mark1414 @ Sep 3 2010, 12:21 AM) *
No argument this time? I got to admit I'm a little disappointed.

You'll get over it diddums.

Post #61

All right, Im throwing in the peace card.

Post #62

Mark1414 has his view as did 45SET and they are entitled to those views as I am entitled to mine.

No grudges against them for having their opinions as far as I am concerned.

Post #63

I can see everyones point of view. Still the QLD Police need to keep it real and stop trying to make up shit to suit themselves. The fact is QLD Police don't make the laws they just enforce them. So anyone that knows a little about the law can stand up for themselves and as long as they're right don't be affraid to tell the Police they're wrong. They may not like being told they're wrong but they'll have to live with that.

Post #64

Female QPS Officer what do you expect... they are the worst.

I'd much rather deal with a Senior Sargeant from the STTF than a female cop, they are so aggressive, way to aggresive.

I was pulled over by two female cops, one had 1 stripe the other had none so I'm guessing low ranking constables, did the license check, whole car check, showed my engineers cert and mod plate, they couldn't get me on anything so they did the breath tests and even a drug swab test, took my license and said they were making checks on it to see if I had any warrants, finally when I got my license back she basically threw the thing at me and told me to move along, I asked her politely if their was any trouble to which she responded "only if you want to make some you bullshit artist".

I guess they didn't like my plumb back system and wastegate also plumbed back, I spent extra on my exhaust so that the gate would go into it and make it legal, they were just looking to goad me in, the amount of aggression these bitches had was amazing, I won't put it down to PMS because almost every female cop I've dealt with has been worse than any male cop.

This was at about 9PM, I didn't end up leaving until 10:30PM. Stay the fuck away from those female cops, ecspecially the ones straight out of the academy, they get told about all their QLD Police Powers and they will use them to the full extent.

Post #65

ive had one female copper and she wasnt to bad, just did a rbt and let me go. the male cop that was with her was a champ making jokes about how i knew i was going to get pulled over as soon as they got behind me.

That said i have seen a few female cops doing their handy work on others and they seem like they are spoiling for a fight. Perhaps they think they have something to prove since they have boobies, or maybe its just due to the extra criticism and lack of respect someone with a checkered background may have towards a woman in uniform, and after a while it just builds up to the point where they are bitches to everyone?

Either way, i have seen some fine female officers getting around, and this makes me happy in the pants.

Post #66

all i can say is that dumb bitch doesnt know shit by the sounds of things...

Post #67

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:50 PM) *
My car is a Calais. NOT a Commodore


Post #68

did they notice the NOS bottle in your boot (if you still have the same commo as in your topics)?? lol
good to see you held up your end of the battle and it payed off.

Post #69

QUOTE (oovro @ Sep 2 2010, 11:35 PM) *
Yeah i suppose your right its more of an organized crime then a business.

And no i told her that its a business sticker not a forsale sticker. She said she knows that and said shes not dumb.

lol. i bet she worked at coles before she became a traffic cop. the public lose respect for cops because of this sort of behaviour. it shouldnt be the case of the public vs cops. the qps is suppose to protect the public. i suppose they dont teach that in the academy.

Post #70

It's person like you who piss police off, which puts anyone who has a modified car in risk of been ass raped with defects.

How about some manners and not piss them off with been a fucking smart ass!!!!! You can always find the nice way to talk you're way out of a defect and not be a smart ass.

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