200 Sx Story, Holy Shit!  

  • gtr90
  • Lyndonite...
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  • From: Perth W.A
Post #1 post 25th May 2004 - 11:50 AM
Note: This is not my car, this is a quoted story from an unlucky fellow in Melbourne.


"Hey guys,

Well this is a rather sad post for me...but i am posting, as i am wondering what are my rights and what am i entitled to..

Last nite my car was tuned and made 224rwkw., This morning i went to pick up the car from the Workshop, who i wont name at the moment...
I have a good relationship with the owner and always found them great to deal with.
Once i paid for the recent work on my car, the Mechanic/Owner.. said he would take me for a spin in my car and show me how it now went.. he wanted to drive as he felt more comfortable when in control.. so i was in the passenger seat..

As we got onto a more open road, he flicked it over to 20psi.. gave it some stick... there was a truck entering, so he overtook the truck at around 110kmh in an 80 zone.. ii haev stiff Coil over suspension, and we went over a slight dip/bump in the road... the car then got light and bounced around, he clipped the median strip and the car hit a Light Pole on the Passenger side at around 120kmh, the car bounced off the pole and slid a further 100mts down the road, and came to rest inftont of oncoming traffic on the opposite side.

all the impact was my door, i can still picture the pole coming towards me, the mechaning actually reached over and pulled me closer towards him as i was braced.. it happened very fast though.. the car is bent, and absolutely mangled. i was rushed to the Royal Melbourne hospital and am now home, feeling very sore wih alot of bruising and cuts.. the police have siad , i am the luckiest person alive today.. the driver was fine.

My car was then taken to a smash place, which the owner of the Performance house knows, and they have stripped my car of all the mods and put it back to standard, so i will get all my mods back, Now, my car is under finance, so all im gonna come away with ..is nothing..but my life and the mods i had on the car, to resell and get some money back... i even lost my best pants and jacket..as the ambulance had to cut my clothes off me! lol.. they have charged the Driver with Reckless driving as they have estimated we made contact wit the pole at 110kmh. i am just totally shaked up and distraught about the whole incident.

but.. am i entitled to any compensation at all?.. i mean,. i know he has liability for damage and stuff.. but does he legally, only have to cover the market value of the car?.. as i am really the loser here and going to come away with nothing.. and i have worke so hard to get my car to the level it acheived last nite on the dyno.

i am just wondering, if anyone know's where i stand..

Thanks guys... "





Story Source: Antilag.com

This post has been edited by gtst89: May 25 2004, 12:21 PM

Its all about the chop chop!
Post #2

dam bro that is no good.

sorry about the loss hey

Post #3

holy shit, that is rooted! poor guy. ph34r.gif

Post #4

okay.............this isnt your car is it?

its just a story. if so.......why ask us to comment.

Post #5

QUOTE (BoostedS15 @ May 25 2004, 11:55 AM)
okay.............this isnt your car is it?

its just a story. if so.......why ask us to comment.

BoostedS15, I've quoted the entire story for the readers interest. Anything between the "quotation" marks is quoted. I've noted it a little clearer to avoid further confusion.

Cheers mate

Post #6

dam man that sounds really shit, it's people like the guy who was driving that give import drivers a bad name. hope all is well and just concentrate on gettin well i reckon' but i'd be havin a chat to people with experience with such matters or callin up some lawyers and see if they would meet you to discuss your options. this is just off the top of my head but i'm really mostly just hopin' that all is well.
get well soon and best of luck, keep us posted wink.gif

he he i just realised it's not you but hopefully whoever it happened to is gonna b ok!

Post #7

cheers bud.

i do feel for the owner. only thing he will get is a big headache from the other guys insurance company, which may not cover him if he is charged with reckless driving.

CSX 16
Post #8

Errrr, if the mechanic smashes your car while he's driving and he is at fault wouldn't that mean that he has to pay for it?

Post #9

The guy is lucky that the mechanic pulled the mods off the car and he was able to keep them. Dont most insurance companies take the mods off you and assess the damage?

Post #10

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif dude thats f*#$ed up unfortunatly i think you will find cos u gave him consent to drive i dont think you are able to claim n e thing dunno.gif

Barely Legal Customs
Post #11

holy shit...... the passenger is the luckiest person alive...

I think that because you let him drive it that it voids any insurance that you might have had..

i'd still be pretty stoked that i was alive tho..... so i'd be countin them lucky stars

Post #12


thats whack. damn shame that happened to what looks like it used to be a shmick looking car...

Post #13

Sad loss of car but a amazing escape!!!
Money is just material mate! you would not trade any car or any amount of money to be alive!
Thanks your stars and by a lotto ticket.

Post #14

fark that car is rooooootered! how lucky is the driver! ohmy.gif

sure hope he gets some sort of financial benifit!

Post #15

Damn that's no good. I guess the owner of the car was comforable with the mechanic driving it, but that would come as an aweful shock.

Post #16

the police were right when they said he's the luckiest person alive today shocked.gif

thats a bad smash

QUOTE (Barely Legal Customs @ May 25 2004, 01:13 PM)
i'd still be pretty stoked that i was alive tho..... so i'd be countin them lucky stars

Haha me too. We often see people get seriously injured in lesser accidents then this.
Shame bout the car. You feel for the owner.

QUOTE (mazdaman @ May 25 2004, 01:06 PM)
ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif dude thats f*#$ed up unfortunatly i think you will find cos u gave him consent to drive i dont think you are able to claim n e thing dunno.gif

read the thing its not his car rolleyes.gif .but damn the guy who was in the passenger seat the owner was one lucky fella to walk away with his life.

lucky luke
Post #19

Now Im taking it this car has no insurance? If it was financed wouldnt they require it to be insured? Also wouldnt the workshop who did the work have insurance that would cover this? Take it from lucky luke just be happy that you still have your life and try not to worry bout the car bud. I went through a much worse crash then this, spent 7 months in hospital. so bro dont worry bout the car, you have been given something no amount of money can buy, which is another chance at life, money can be made again, just take it easy.

Post #20

this was kendrick from the commodore club.....sorry to hear again mate i hope it all works out for you

Post #21

well thats not very pretty at all, sad story

Post #22

surely the owner of the car must have some right to retrieve compensation from the driver??? especially if the driver was charged and proven to be driving wrecklessly which casued the accident

even if it involves sueing the mechanic who was driving???

Post #23

You'd think so hey. I don't like it how many mechanics (not all) wont accept liability for our cars when things go wrong.

I think the 200sx did well for the magnitude and severity of the crash, allot of other cars out there wouldn't have held together as well at 120km into a pole.

Post #24

Shit.......that's so bad, same sort of things happened to one of my brothers work mates, he had a dato 1200 ute sweet paint job, interior, engine and rims, and as the story goes, He was at the mechanics which one of his mates' owns, i think they just whacked on a bigger turbo or did something turbo wise, went out on old Beenleigh road testing the new turbo making sure everything was ok, got up to about 140km/h(as 1200ute's are light) he happened to hit a small bump in the road basically the thing launched turning sideways to about 30 degrees, hit the road snapped the front rim, rolled it into a ditch pretty much the whole car was f*cked. It hit at enough speed to seperate the spokes from the actual rim on the wheel. I think he is rebuilding it sad.gif Such a shame.


*EDIT* the bad thing is that he was testing after hours, so i don't think there was much that could be done.

Post #25

that mechanic should be SUED for everything he has got. Never mind your insurance, let him figure out how hes gonna pay for everything. Its all his fault.

Post #26

yer this guys in on NS.com poor guy!!


Post #27

wholey crap thats pretty dam destroyed that mechanic sure as hell shouldn't be allowed to drive another customers car ever again that poor bloke shit i am gonna be buyin an s14 in a month or so and sure as hell wont be letting anyone drive my baby thats so sad

Post #28


surely the guy who smashed it would have to pay, i'd just sue him if he didn't

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